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OpsGenie API functions for Elvish

This module implements a few common operations for the OpsGenie API in Elvish.

This file is written in literate programming style, to make it easy to explain. See $name.elv for the generated file.

Table of Contents


Install the elvish-modules package using epm:

use epm

In your rc.elv, load this module:


You need to specify your API key so that it can be used in the requests:

opsgenie:api-key = 'xxxx00x0-0xxx-0000-x00x-00x0000xx0xx'

opsgenie:admins returns a map containing the users which have admin role in their teams as keys, with the value being the team in which they have that role.



Load modules used in the code.

use str

First, we declare the variable that will contain the API key.

var api-key = ''

For write operations, we can set a secondary key which has the necessary privileges.

var write-api-key = ''

We initialize the API URL.

var api-url = ''

The opsgenie:request function is the lowest-level function - it simply queries an API URL, parses and returns the result.

fn request {|url &params=[&]|
  var auth-hdr = 'Authorization: GenieKey '$api-key
  set params = [(keys $params | each {|k| put "--data-urlencode" $k"="$params[$k] })]
  curl -G -s $@params -H $auth-hdr $url | from-json

The opsgenie:post-request function is similar but receives a $data payload which should be a map, and is posted as JSON together with the request.

fn post-request {|url data|
  var auth-hdr = 'Authorization: GenieKey '$write-api-key
  var json-data = (put $data | to-json)
  curl -X POST -H $auth-hdr -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data $json-data $url

The opsgenie:request-data returns the data field in the response.

fn request-data {|url &paged=$true|
  var response = (request $url)
  var data = $response[data]
  if $paged {
    while (and (has-key $response paging) (has-key $response[paging] next)) {
      set response = (request $response[paging][next])
      var newdata = $response[data]
      set data = [ $@data $@newdata ]
  put $data
fn admins {
  var admins = [&]
  var url = $api-url'/teams'
  put (all (request-data $url))[name] | each {|id|
    #put $id
    try {
      put (all (request-data $url'/'$id'?identifierType=name')[members]) | each {|user|
        #put $user
        if (eq $user[role] admin) {
          set admins[$user[user][username]] = $id
    } catch e {
      # This is here to skip teams without members
  put $admins

fn url-for {|what &params=[&]|
  var params-str = (keys $params | each {|k| put $k"="$params[$k] } | str:join "&")
  put $api-url'/'$what'?'$params-str

fn list {|what &keys=[name] &params=[&]|
  each {|r|
    var res = [&]
    if (eq $keys []) {
      set res = $r
    } else {
      each {|k|
        set res[$k] = $r[$k]
      } $keys
    put $res
  } (request-data (url-for $what &params=$params))

fn get {|what &params=[&]|
  request (url-for $what &params=$params)

fn get-data {|what &params=[&]|
  request-data (url-for $what &params=$params)
fn create-user {|username fullname role otherfields &team=""|
  var payload = $otherfields
  set payload[username] = $username
  set payload[fullName] = $fullname
  set payload[role] = [&name= $role]
  post-request (url-for users) $payload
  echo ""
  if (not-eq $team "") {
    var data = [ &user= [ &username= (echo $username | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') ] ]
    post-request (url-for "teams/"$team"/members" &params=[ &teamIdentifierType= name ]) $data
    echo ""
fn add-users-to-team {|team @users|
  each {|username|
    var data = [ &user= [ &username= (echo $username | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') ] ]
    post-request (url-for "teams/"$team"/members" &params=[ &teamIdentifierType= name ]) $data
    echo ""
  } $users
fn post-api {|path data &params=[&] |
  var url = (url-for $path &params=$params)
  post-request $url $data
fn api {|path &params=[&] |
  var url = (url-for $path)
  request $url &params=$params