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File metadata and controls

28 lines (20 loc) · 972 Bytes

Error Handler

The errorHandler middleware responds to exceptions passed or caught from within middleware above it, according to the options shown below.

    function(req, res, next){
	    throw new Error('ahhhh!');
	connect.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true })

By default the response of errorHandler is 500 'Internal Server Error'. If showStack is true, then Connect decides how to respond based on the Accept request header:

text/html         Outputs an html version of the stack trace
application/json  Outputs json { 'error': { 'message': ... }}
otherwise         Outputs plain text stack trace


showMessage     Show the exception message only  
showStack       Show the exception message and stack trace
dumpExceptions  Output exception stack traces to stderr (does not re-throw)

Environment Variables
