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LINQ AsyncEnumerableExtensions

ZZZ Projects edited this page Jan 24, 2016 · 1 revision

Async Task extension methods allow to perform operation on IEnumerable<Task<T>>.


  • OrderByCompletion
  • SelectResult
  • SelectResultByCompletion
// Using Z.Linq

public async Task<List<Customer>> MyAsyncTaskMethod(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    int customerID = 4;
    // GET customer from concurrent web service
    IEnumerable<Task<List<Customer>>> task =  WebService.GetCustomers(4);
    // GET the customer list from the first web service completed
    var taskFirstCompleted = task.SelectResultByCompletion()
    // GET the five first customers which the predicate has completed
    var task = taskFirstCompleted.WhereAsync(c => MyAsyncPredicate(DB.IsCustomerActiveAsync(c)))
    // ... synchronous code ...
    return task;