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Known Issues

Travis Plunk edited this page Apr 12, 2021 · 12 revisions

Known Issues


Windows 20H2 Images and newer

We have an infrastructure issue building 20H2 images and newer. For more details see:

Work around

Manually build the image you need.


There is no -verb on the Start-Process cmdlet.

ARM and Qemu not supported

Running an ARM image in QEMU is not supported.
This in a .NET Core requirement.

You can build ARM32 and ARM64 images on x64 machines, but you will not be able to run them. Docker relies on QEMU for this scenario, which isn't supported by .NET Core. You must test and run .NET Core images on actual hardware for the given processor type. A common pattern for this situation is building on x64, pushing images to a registry, and then pulling the image from an ARM device.

WSMan does not work on most Linux images.

Please see:

Images know not to work:

  • lts-debian-10
  • preview (Linux version)

Community Workaround

Please see:

NanoServer Release Notes


NanoServer is affected by changes to the user subsystem. See [known issues with nano-server][user-subsystem-issue].

PowerShell Get

Only works with CurrentUser Scope

Due to known issues with the nano-server, you must specify -Scope CurrentUser when using Install-Module. Example:

Install-Module <ModuleName> -Scope CurrentUser

May require -SkipPublisherCheck

PowerShell get uses an API to verify signing that is unavailable on nanoserver. You may have to run the command with the following paramaters to get certain modules to install:

Install-Module -Name Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck