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Releases: PowerShell/vscode-powershell


13 May 02:02
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v0.6.0 Pre-release

Added a new cross-editor extensibility model

  • We've added a new extensibility model which allows you to write PowerShell
    code to add new functionality to Visual Studio Code and other editors with
    a single API. If you've used $psISE in the PowerShell ISE, you'll feel
    right at home with $psEditor. Check out the documentation
    for more details!

Support for user and system-wide profiles

  • We've now introduced the $profile variable which contains the expected
    properties that you normally see in powershell.exe and powershell_ise.exe:
    • AllUsersAllHosts
    • AllUsersCurrentHost
    • CurrentUserAllHosts
    • CurrentUserCurrentHost
  • In Visual Studio Code the profile name is Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1.
  • $host.Name now returns "Visual Studio Code Host" and $host.Version returns
    the version of the PowerShell extension that is being used.

Other improvements

  • IntelliSense for static methods and properties now works correctly. If you
    type :: after a type such as [System.Guid] you will now get the correct
    completion results. This also works if you press Ctrl+Space after the ::
  • $env variables now have IntelliSense complete correctly.
  • Added support for new VSCode command Debug: Start Without Debugging. Shortcut
    for this command is Ctrl+F5.
  • Changed the keyboard shortcut for PowerShell: Expand Alias from Ctrl+F5 to Ctrl+Alt+e.
  • Added support for specifying a PSScriptAnalyzer settings file by
    providing a full path in your User Settings for the key powershell.scriptAnalysis.settingsPath.
    You can also configure the same setting in your project's .vscode\settings.json
    file to contain a workspace-relative path. If present, this workspace-level setting
    overrides the one in your User Settings file. See the extension's examples\.vscode\settings.json
    file for an example.
  • The debug adapter now does not crash when you attempt to add breakpoints
    for files that have been moved or don't exist.
  • Fixed an issue preventing output from being written in the debugger if you
    don't set a breakpoint before running a script.

New configuration settings

  • powershell.scriptAnalysis.settingsPath: Specifies the path to a PowerShell Script Analyzer settings file. Use either an absolute path (to override the default settings for all projects) or use a path relative to your workspace.


10 Mar 22:29
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v0.5.0 Pre-release

Support for PowerShell v3 and v4

  • Support for PowerShell v3 and v4 is now complete! Note that for this release,
    Script Analyzer support has been disabled for PS v3 and v4 until we implement
    a better strategy for integrating it as a module dependency

Debugging improvements

  • Added support for command breakpoints.

    Hover over the Debug workspace's 'Breakpoints' list header and click the 'Add'
    button then type a command name (like Write-Output) in the new text box that
    appears in the list.

  • Added support for conditional breakpoints.

    Right click in the breakpoint margin to the left of the code editor and click
    'Add conditional breakpoint' then enter a PowerShell expression in the text box
    that appears in the editor.

Other improvements

  • Added a preview of a possible project template for PowerShell Gallery modules in
    the examples folder. Includes a PSake build script with Pester test, clean,
    build, and publish tasks. See the examples\ file for instructions.
    Check it out and give your feedback on GitHub!
  • using 'module' now resolves relative paths correctly, removing a syntax error that
    previously appeared when relative paths were used
  • Calling Read-Host -AsSecureString or Get-Credential from the console now shows an
    appropriate "not supported" error message instead of crashing the language service.
    Support for these commands will be added in a later release.

New configuration settings

  • powershell.useX86Host: If true, causes the 32-bit language service to be used on 64-bit Windows. On 32-bit Windows this setting has no effect.


17 Feb 21:03
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v0.4.1 Pre-release
  • Updated PSScriptAnalyzer 1.4.0 for improved rule marker extents
  • Added example Pester task for running tests in the examples folder
  • Fixed #94: Scripts fail to launch in the debugger if the working directory path contains spaces


10 Feb 00:34
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v0.4.0 Pre-release

Debugging improvements

@rkeithhill spent a lot of time polishing the script debugging experience for this release:

  • You can now pass arguments to scripts in the debugger with the args parameter in launch.json
  • You can also run your script with the 32-bit debugger by changing the type parameter in launch.json to "PowerShell x86" (also thanks to @adamdriscoll!)
  • The new default PowerShell debugger configuration now launches the active file in the editor
  • You can also set the working directory where the script is run by setting the cwd parameter in launch.json to an absolute path. If you need a workspace relative path, use ${workspaceRoot} to create an absolute path e.g. "${workspaceRoot}/modules/foo.psm1".

We recommend deleting any existing launch.json file you're using so that a new one will
be generated with the new defaults.

Console improvements

  • Improved PowerShell console output formatting and performance
    • The console prompt is now displayed after a command is executed
    • Command execution errors are now displayed correctly in more cases
    • Console output now wraps at 120 characters instead of 80 characters
  • Added choice and input prompt support
    • When executing code using the 'Run Selection' command, choice and input prompts appear as VS Code UI popups
    • When executing code in the debugger, choice and input prompts appear in the Debug Console

New commands

  • "Find/Install PowerShell modules from the gallery" (Ctrl+K Ctrl+F): Enables you to find and install modules from the PowerShell Gallery (thanks @dfinke!)
  • "Open current file in PowerShell ISE" (Ctrl+Shift+i): Opens the current file in the PowerShell ISE (thanks @janegilring!)

Editor improvements

  • Path auto-completion lists show just the current directory's contents instead of the full path (which had resulted in clipped text)
  • Parameter auto-completion lists are now sorted in the same order as they are in PowerShell ISE where command-specific parameters preceed the common parameters
  • Parameter auto-completion lists show the parameter type
  • Command auto-completion lists show the resolved command for aliases and the path for executables
  • Many improvements to the PowerShell snippets, more clearly separating functional and example snippets (all of the latter are prefixed with ex-)
  • Added some additional example script files in the examples folder

New configuration settings

  • powershell.developer.editorServicesLogLevel: configures the logging verbosity for PowerShell Editor Services. The default log level will now write less logs, improving overall performance


24 Nov 14:14
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v0.2.0 Pre-release
  • (Experimental) Added a new "Run selection" (F8) command which executes the current code selection and displays the output
  • Added a new online help command! Press Ctrl+F1 to get help for the symbol under the cursor.
  • Enabled PowerShell language features for untitled and in-memory (e.g. in Git diff viewer) PowerShell files
  • Added powershell.scriptAnalysis.enable configuration variable to allow disabling script analysis for performance (issue #11)
  • Fixed issue where user's custom PowerShell snippets did not show up
  • Fixed high CPU usage when completing or hovering over an application path


20 Nov 16:15
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v0.1.0 Pre-release

Initial release with the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Code snippets
  • IntelliSense for cmdlets and more
  • Rule-based analysis provided by PowerShell Script Analyzer
  • Go to Definition of cmdlets and variables
  • Find References of cmdlets and variables
  • Document and workspace symbol discovery
  • Local script debugging and basic interactive console support