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Releases: PowerShell/vscode-powershell


10 May 15:26
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We are excited to announce that we've reached version 1.0! For more information, please see the official announcement on the PowerShell Team Blog.

New script argument UI when debugging (#705)

You can now set PowerShell debugger configurations to prompt for arguments to be passed to your script when it is executed. This is configured using the new ${command:SpecifyScriptArgs} configuration variable in launch.json:

            "type": "PowerShell",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "PowerShell Launch DebugTest.ps1 w/Args Prompt",
            "script": "${workspaceRoot}/DebugTest.ps1",
            "args": [ "${command:SpecifyScriptArgs}" ],
            "cwd": "${file}"

When you launch this configuration you will see a UI popup asking for arguments:


You can type your arguments to the script as you would in PowerShell:

-Count 5

In future executions of this configuration, you will be presented with the arguments you typed the last time you ran it so that you can easily edit them and test variations!

New hash table alignment formatting rule (#672)

We've added a new code formatting rule that automatically aligns the equal sign in assignments of keys in hash tables or DSC configurations. It also works with nested hash tables! Here's a simple example:


$formatTest = @{
    Apple = 4
    Tangerine = @{
        Orange = 2
        CornflowerBlue = 6
    Banana = 3


$formatTest = @{
    Apple     = 4
    Tangerine = @{
        Orange         = 2
        CornflowerBlue = 6
    Banana    = 3

This formatting rule is enabled by default but can be disabled with the following setting:

"powershell.codeFormatting.alignPropertyValuePairs": false

Added basic module-wide function references support

In the past, finding the references or definition of a function in FileA.ps1 only worked if FileA.ps1 had an explicit dot-source invocation of FileB.ps1. We have removed this limitation so that you can now find definitions and references of any function across all the script files in your project folder! This is especially useful if you write PowerShell modules where all of the source files are dot-sourced inside of the .psm1 file.

This new implementation is very basic and may give unexpected results, so please file an issue on GitHub if you get a result you did not expect!

Other integrated console and debugger improvements

  • Fixed #698 - When debugging scripts in the integrated console, the cursor position should now be stable after stepping through your code! Please let us know if you see any other cases where this issue appears.

  • Fixed #626 - Fixed an issue where debugging a script in one VS Code window would cause that script's output to be written to a different VS Code window in the same process.

  • Fixed #618 - Pressing enter on an empty command line in the Integrated Console no longer adds the empty line to the command history.

  • Fixed #617 - Stopping the debugger during a prompt for a mandatory script parameter no longer crashes the language server.

  • Fixed PowerShellEditorServices #428 -
    Debugger no longer hangs when you stop debugging while an input or choice prompt is active in the integrated console.


07 Apr 21:54
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v0.12.2 Pre-release
  • Fixed #662 - Changed usage of $env:PSMODULEPATH to $env:PSModulePath to conform to a recent change in PowerShell 6 (PowerShell/PowerShell#3255) which makes the casing of PSModulePath consistent between Windows and the *NIX platforms.

    NOTE: This is a breaking change for PowerShell extension users on Linux and macOS

    If you are using PowerShell 6.0.0-alpha.17 or lower you will need to upgrade to 6.0.0-alpha.18.

  • Fixed #645 - "Go to Definition" or "Find References" now work in untitled scripts without crashing the session

  • Fixed #632 - Debugger no longer hangs when launched while PowerShell session is still initializing

  • Fixed #655 - Fixed an issue with current working directory being set incorrectly when debugging untitled script files

  • Fixed PowerShellEditorServices #430 - Resolved occasional IntelliSense slowness by preventing the implicit loading of the PowerShellGet and PackageManagement modules. This change will be reverted once a bug in PackageManagement is fixed.

  • Fixed PowerShellEditorServices #427 - Fixed an occasional crash when requesting editor IntelliSense while running a script in the debugger

  • Fixed PowerShellEditorServices #416 - Cleaned up errors that would appear in the $Errors variable from the use of Get-Command and Get-Help in IntelliSense results


04 Apr 20:32
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v0.12.1 Pre-release
  • Fixed #648 - Resolved an error when launching an untitled script file in a workspace with no launch.json or in a window without a workspace path


04 Apr 20:31
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v0.12.0 Pre-release

Debugging untitled files (#555)

You can now debug untitled files that are set to the PowerShell language mode. When you
create a new untitled file, use the "Change Language Mode" command (Ctrl+K M)
and choose "PowerShell" from the menu that appears. You can now press F5 to start
debugging the script file without saving it.

In the upcoming 1.11.0 release of Visual Studio Code (or in the current VS Code Insiders
release), you can configure the new files.defaultLanguage setting to powershell in either
your User or Workspace settings to cause all untitled files to be created with the PowerShell
mode by default. This will allow you to create new PowerShell scripts and debug them
immediately without saving first!

New right-click context menu for Run Selection (#581)

By user request, we've also added a new "Run Selection" item in the right-click context menu
for PowerShell script files:


Debugging improvements

  • Fixed #620 -
    PowerShell session now does not crash when a breakpoint is hit outside of
    debug mode

  • Fixed #614 - Auto variables are now populating correctly in the debugger. NOTE: There is a known issue where all of a script's variables begin to show up in the Auto list after running a script for the first time. This is caused by a change in 0.11.0 where we now dot-source all debugged scripts. We will provide an option for this behavior in the future.

  • Fixed #641 - PowerShell script files with capitalized extensions (.PS1, .PSM1) can now be launched in the debugger

  • Fixed #616 - Debugger now shows column position indicators when debugging pipelines or nested expressions:


Integrated console improvements

  • Fixed PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices#411 - Commands run outside of the integrated console prompt now interrupt the prompt correctly. This resolves a class of issues that appear when running commands in the extension like "New Project from Plaster Template" or any $psEditor commands added with the "Register-EditorCommand" function. Running any of these commands will now cause the current input prompt to be cancelled so that the command's output will be written correctly.

Code formatting improvements

  • Fixed #595 - High CPU usage when using formatOnType has now been resolve

  • Fixed #559 - The newLineAfterCloseBrace behavior has been improved to respect common syntax usages

  • FixedPowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices#380 - The whitespaceBeforeOpenBrace behavior now leaves "magic" functions with the correct formatting. For example: (0 .. 10).foreach{$_} now does not have a whitespace inserted before the {.

New Project with Plaster improvements

  • Fixed #643 - Running Plaster using the New Project command now interrupts the command prompt correctly

  • Fixed #504 - Confirming default values in Plaster input prompts by pressing Enter now works correctly

Other fixes and improvements

  • Added #639 and #640 - Our configuration setting descriptions have been edited for superior clarity thanks to June Blender!

  • Fixed #611 - Example-* snippets are now displaying correctly in IntelliSense results

  • Added #624 - When you update the PowerShell extension after this release, you will now see version update indicators which offer to display the changelog in a preview tab


23 Mar 00:31
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v0.11.0 Pre-release

Remotely edited files can now be saved

  • Added #583 -
    When you open files in a remote PowerShell session with the psedit command,
    their updated contents are now saved back to the remote machine when you save
    them in the editor.

Integrated console improvements

  • Fixed #533 -
    The backspace key now works in the integrated console on Linux and macOS. This
    fix also resolves a few usability problems with the integrated console on all
    supported OSes.

  • Fixed 542 -
    Get-Credential now hides keystrokes correctly on Linux and macOS.

We also added some new settings (#580,
#588) to allow fine-tuning
of the integrated console experience:

  • powershell.startAutomatically (default: true) - If true, causes PowerShell extension
    features to start automatically when a PowerShell file is opened. If false, the user must
    initiate startup using the 'PowerShell: Restart Current Session' command. IntelliSense,
    code navigation, integrated console, code formatting, and other features will not be
    enabled until the extension has been started. Most users will want to leave this
    setting to true, though it was added to save CPU cycles if you often use new VS Code
    instances to quickly view PowerShell files.

  • powershell.integratedConsole.showOnStartup (default: true) - If true, causes the
    integrated console to be shown automatically when the PowerShell extension is initialized.

  • powershell.integratedConsole.focusConsoleOnExecute (default: true) - If true,
    causes the integrated console to be focused when a script selection is run or a
    script file is debugged.

Interactive debugging improvements

  • Added #540 -
    The scripts that you debug are now dot-sourced into the integrated console's
    session, allowing you to experiment with the results of your last execution.

  • Added #600 -
    Debugger commands like stepInto, continue, and quit are now available
    in the integrated console while debugging a script.

  • Fixed #596 -
    VS Code's Debug Console now warns the user when it is used while debugging
    a script. All command evaluation now happens through the integrated console
    so this message should help alleviate confusion.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Fixed #579 -
    Sorting of IntelliSense results is now consistent with the PowerShell ISE
  • Fixed #591 -
    "Editor commands" registered with the Register-EditorCommand function are
    now sorted alphabetically by their Name field, causing commands to be grouped
    based on their source module.
  • Fixed #575 -
    The interactive console no longer starts up with errors in the $Error variable.
  • Fixed #599 -
    The SSASCMDLETS module
    from SQL Server Analytics Service should now load correctly in the integrated

v0.10.0: Merge pull request #537 from PowerShell/release/0.10.0

14 Mar 23:57
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New interactive console experience

We are excited to provide you with the first release of our new interactive
console experience! When you open up a PowerShell script file, you will
be greeted with a new VS Code integrated terminal window called
"PowerShell Integrated Console"

integrated console screenshot

In this console you will have an experience that falls somewhere between
the PowerShell ISE and the PowerShell console host:

  • Tab completion of commands and their parameters
  • Basic command history, accessed using the up/down arrow keys
  • The psedit command opens existing files in an editor pane
  • Pressing F8 in an editor pane runs the current line or selection in the console
  • Native applications like git are fully supported
  • Script debugging shares the same console session with the editor for
    a true ISE-like debugging experience

It even works with your fancy prompt function if configured in your
VS Code profile ($HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1):

custom prompt screenshot

The integrated console is supported on PowerShell v3 through v6 and works
on Linux and macOS with PowerShell Core. By default you don't have to
configure which PowerShell to run, we will pick an appropriate default
based on your platform. If you'd like to choose a different install
of PowerShell you can always change the powershell.developer.powerShellExePath

Keep in mind that this is the first release for this feature and there are
bound to be issues and missing functionality. Please feel free to file
GitHub issues for any bugs or feature requests!

Known Issues and Limitations
  • #535 PSReadline
    is currently not supported in the integrated console. We will enable this
    in a future release.
  • #534 Integrated console
    prompt is not restarted when you stop the debugging of a local runspace in another
    process. This will be addressed soon in a patch update.
  • #533 Backspace key
    does not work in the integrated console on Linux and macOS. The workaround for now
    is to use Ctrl+H instead of the Backspace key. This will be addressed
    soon in a patch update.
  • #536 Integrated console
    sometimes does not have a scrollbar at startup. The workaround is to resize the width
    of the VS Code window slightly and the scrollbar will appear. This will be addressed
    soon in a patch update.

Get-Credential and PSCredential support

Now that we have the integrated console, we have added support for the Get-Credential
cmdlet, Read-Host -AsSecureString, and any input prompt of type SecureString or PSCredential.
When you run any of these cmdlets you will be prompted inside the integrated console:

credential screenshot

Code formatting improvements

We now support VS Code's editor.formatOnType setting so that your code gets formatted
as you type! Formatting will be triggered when you press Enter or the closing curly
brace character }.

Based on your feedback, we've also added new code formatting options, all of which
are turned on by default:

  • powershell.codeFormatting.newLineAfterCloseBrace - Causes a newline to be inserted
    after a closing brace in multi-line expressions like if/else
  • powershell.codeFormatting.whitespaceBeforeOpenBrace - Causes whitespace to be
    inserted before an open brace like Foreach-Object {
  • powershell.codeFormatting.whitespaceBeforeOpenParen - Causes whitespace to be
    inserted before an open parentheses like if (
  • powershell.codeFormatting.whitespaceAroundOperator - Causes whitespace to be
    inserted around operators like = or +
  • powershell.codeFormatting.whitespaceAfterSeparator - Causes whitespace to be
    inserted around separator characters like ; and ,
  • powershell.codeFormatting.ignoreOneLineBlock - Single-line expressions, like
    small if/else statements, will not be expanded to multiple lines.

We've also made many improvements to the performance and stability of the formatter.

Debugging improvements

We've added a new configuration for debugging your Pester tests. By default it
merely runs Invoke-Pester at the workspace path, but you can also edit the
configuation to add additional arguments to be passed through.

We've also added support for column breakpoints. Now you can set a breakpoint
directly within a pipeline by placing your cursor at any column on a line and
running the Debug: Column Breakpoint command:

column breakpoint screenshot

For the latest PowerShell Core release (6.0.0-alpha.17),
we have also added the ability to step into ScriptBlocks that are executed on another
machine using Invoke-Command -Computer.

Set a breakpoint on an Invoke-Command line and then once it's hit:

Invoke-Command screenshot

Press F11 and you will step into the ScriptBlock. You can now continue to use
"step in" and trace the ScriptBlock's execution on the remote machine:

remote script listing screenshot

Note that you cannot currently set breakpoints in the script listing file as
this code is being executed without an actual script file on the remote machine.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Fixed #427 -
    The keybinding for "Expand Alias" command has been changed to Shift+Alt+E
  • Fixed #519 -
    Debugger hangs after continuing when watch expressions are set
  • Fixed #448 -
    Code formatter should keep indentation for multi-line pipelines
  • Fixed #518 -
    Code formatter fails when dollar-paren $() expressions are used
  • Fixed #447 -
    Code formatter crashes when run on untitled documents

v0.9.0: Merge pull request #442 from PowerShell/release/0.9.0

19 Jan 16:44
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New PowerShell code formatter

We've added a formatter for PowerShell code which allows you to format an
entire file or a selection within a file. You can access this formatter by
running VS Code's Format Document and Format Selection commands inside
of a PowerShell file.

You can configure code formatting with the following settings:

  • powershell.codeFormatting.openBraceOnSameLine - Places open brace on the
    same line as its associated statement. Default is true.
  • powershell.codeFormatting.newLineAfterOpenBrace - Ensures that a new line
    occurs after an open brace (unless in a pipeline statement on the same line).
    Default is true
  • editor.tabSize - Specifies the indentation width for code blocks. This
    is a VS Code setting but it is respected by the code formatter.
  • editor.formatOnSave - If true, automatically formats when they are saved.
    This is a VS Code setting and may also affect non-PowerShell files.

Please note that this is only a first pass at PowerShell code formatting, it
may not format your code perfectly in all cases. If you run into any issues,
please file an issue
and give us your feedback!

Streamlined debugging experience - launch.json is now optional!

NOTE: This improvement depends on VS Code 1.9.0 which is due for release
early February!
However, you can try it out right now with the VS Code Insiders

Thanks to a new improvement in VS Code's debugging APIs, we are now able to
launch the PowerShell debugger on a script file without the need for a launch.json
file. You can even debug individual PowerShell scripts without opening a
workspace folder! Don't worry, you can still use a launch.json file to configure
specific debugging scenarios.

We've also made debugger startup much more reliable. You will no longer see the
dreaded "Debug adapter terminated unexpectedly" message when you try to launch
the debugger while the language server is still starting up.

Support for debugging remote and attached runspaces

We now support remote PowerShell sessions via the Enter-PSSession
cmdlet. This cmdlet allows you to create a PowerShell session on another machine
so that you can run commands or debug scripts there. The full debugging
experience works with these remote sessions on PowerShell 4 and above, allowing
you to set breakpoints and see remote files be opened locally when those breakpoints
are hit.

For PowerShell 5 and above, we also support attaching to local and remote PowerShell
host processes using the Enter-PSHostProcess
and Debug-Runspace
cmdlets. This allows you to jump into another process and then debug a script that
is already running in one of the runspaces in that process. The debugger will break
execution of the running script and then the associated script file will be opened
in the editor so that you can set breakpoints and step through its execution.

We've also added a new launch.json configuration for debugging PowerShell host processes:

Process launch configuration screenshot

When launched, the default "attach" configuration will prompt you with a list of
PowerShell host processes on the local machine so that you can easily select one
to be debugged:

Process selection UI screenshot

You can also edit the launch configuration to hardcode the launch parameters, even
setting a remote machine to connect to before attaching to the remote process:

            "type": "PowerShell",
            "request": "attach",
            "name": "PowerShell Attach to Host Process",
            "computerName": "my-remote-machine",
            "processId": "12345",
            "runspaceId": 1

Please note that we currently do not yet support initiating remote sessions from Linux
or macOS. This will be supported in an upcoming release.

Initial support for remote file opening using psedit

Another nice improvement is that we now support the psedit command in remote and
attached sessions. This command allows you to open a file in a local or remote session
so that you can set breakpoints in it using the UI before launching it. For now these
remotely-opened files will not be saved back to the remote session when you edit and
save them. We plan to add this capability in the next feature update.

New "interactive session" debugging mode

You can now create a new launch configuration which drops you directly into the
debug console so that you can debug your scripts and modules however you wish.
You can call Set-PSBreakpoint to set any type of breakpoint and then invoke your
code through the console to see those breakpoints get hit. This mode can also be
useful for debugging remote sessions.

Interactive session config screenshot

Please note that this is NOT a replacement for a true interactive console experience.
We've added this debugging configuration to enable a few other debugging scenarios, like
debugging PowerShell modules, while we work on a true interactive console experience using
VS Code's Terminal interface.

New document symbol support for PSD1 files

We've extended our document symbol support to .psd1 files to make it really easy to
navigate through them. When you have a .psd1 file open, run the Go to Symbol in File...
command (Ctrl + Shift + O) and you'll see this popup:

psd1 symbol screenshot

You can type a symbol name or navigate using your arrow keys. Once you select one of the
symbol names, the editor pane will jump directly to that line.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Added a new Open Examples Folder command to easily open the extension's
    example script folder.
  • Added a new setting powershell.developer.powerShellExeIsWindowsDevBuild
    which, when true, indicates that the powerShellExePath points to a Windows
    PowerShell development build.
  • Fixed #395:
    Quick Fix for PSAvoidUsingAliases rule replaces the entire command
  • Fixed #396:
    Extension commands loaded in PowerShell profile are not being registered
  • Fixed #391:
    DSC IntelliSense can cause the language server to crash
  • Fixed #400:
    Language server can crash when selecting PSScriptAnalyzer rules
  • Fixed #408:
    Quick fix requests meant for other extensions crash the language server
  • Fixed #401:
    Extension startup should indicate if the current PowerShell version is unsupported
  • Fixed #314:
    Errors/Warnings still show up in Problems window when file is closed
  • Fixed #388:
    Syntax errors are not reported when powershell.scriptAnalysis.enable is set to false


18 Dec 15:59
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v0.8.0 Pre-release

Improved PowerShell session management

It's now much easier to manage the active PowerShell session. We've added a
new item to the status bar to indicate the state of the session and the version
of PowerShell you're using:

Screenshot of status indicator

When this status item is clicked, a new menu appears to give you some session
management options:

Screenshot of session menu

You can restart the active session, switch between 32-bit and 64-bit PowerShell on
Windows or switch to another PowerShell process (like a 6.0 alpha build) that
you've configured with the powershell.developer.powerShellExePath.

We've also improved the overall experience of loading and using the extension:

  • It will prompt to restart the PowerShell session if it crashes for any reason
  • It will also prompt to restart the session if you change any relevant PowerShell
    configuration setting like the aforementioned powershell.developer.powerShellExePath.
  • You can easily access the logs of the current session by running the command
    Open PowerShell Extension Logs Folder.

Create new modules with Plaster

In this release we've added integration with the Plaster
module to provide a Create New Project from Plaster Template command. This command will
walk you through the experience of selecting a template and filling in all of
the project details:

Screenshot of Plaster template selection

Screenshot of Plaster input

We include one basic project template by default and will add more in the very
near future. However, you won't need to update the PowerShell extension to get these
new templates, they will appear when you install an update to the Plaster module from
the PowerShell Gallery.

Check out Plaster's documentation
for more details on how it can be used and how you can create your own templates.

New "quick fix" actions for PSScriptAnalyzer rules

The PowerShell extension now uses any "suggested corrections" which are returned with
a rule violation in your script file to provide a "quick fix" option for the affected
section of code. For example, when the PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases rule finds the use
of a non-whitelisted alias, you will see a light bulb icon that gives the option to
change to the full name (right click or Ctrl+. on the marker):

Screenshot of PSScriptAnalyzer quick fix

If you'd like to see more quick fixes for PowerShell code, head over to the
PSScriptAnalyzer GitHub page and
get involved!

Easily enable and disable PSScriptAnalyzer rules

Another improvement related to PSScriptAnalyzer is the ability to change the active
PSScriptAnalyzer rules in the current editing session using a helpful selection menu:

Screenshot of PSScriptAnalyzer rule selection

You can enable and disable active rules by running the Select PSScriptAnalyzer Rules
command. For now this only changes the active session but in a future release we will
modify your PSScriptAnalyzer settings file so that the changes are persisted to future
editing sessions.

New "hit count" breakpoints in the debugger

When debugging PowerShell scripts you can now set "hit count" breakpoints which
cause the debugger to stop only after the breakpoint has been encountered a specified
number of times.

Screenshot of a hit count breakpoint

Other fixes and improvements

  • We now provide snippets for the launch.json configuration file which make it easier
    to add new PowerShell debugging configurations for your project.
  • In PowerShell launch.json configurations, the program parameter has now been
    renamed to script. Configurations still using program will continue to work.
  • Fixed #353: Cannot start PowerShell debugger on Windows when offline
  • Fixed #217: PowerShell output window should be shown when F8 is pressed
  • Fixed #292: Check for Homebrew's OpenSSL libraries correctly on macOS
  • Fixed #384: PowerShell snippets broken in VS Code 1.8.0


02 Sep 22:04
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v0.7.2 Pre-release
  • Fixed #243: Debug adapter process has terminated unexpectedly
  • Fixed #264: Add check for OpenSSL on OS X before starting the language service
  • Fixed #271: PSScriptAnalyzer settings path isn't being passed along
  • Fixed #273: Debugger crashes after multiple runs
  • Fixed #274: Extension crashes on Ctrl+Hover


24 Aug 23:04
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v0.7.1 Pre-release
  • "Auto" variable scope in debugger UI now expands by default
  • Fixed #244: Extension fails to load if username contains spaces
  • Fixed #246: Restore default PSScriptAnalyzer ruleset
  • Fixed #248: Extension fails to load on Windows 7 with PowerShell v3