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A (2 hour) coding exercise to look at RPC & Golang MicroServices.

To Run the Unit Tests


To run through docker, first build all the images.


Once you have built the images

docker compose up

To run locally, there are 2 scripts to run using "go runs". This uses a local database not the one defined in the docker compose file. To run the code like this you'll need the database which is all defined in the /db/init.sql.


To access the database,

docker exec -it anyportinastorm_mysql_1 mysql -u sqluser -psqlpass

To upload a file, you can use browser to http://localhost:8080 and use the form.

Or use curl

curl -F "portsFile=@ports.json" http://localhost:8080/upload

Random Commands to make a Note off

Generate the RPC Code.

protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. PortController.proto

Log into the Docker Compose Database

docker exec -it anyportinastorm_mysql_1 mysql -u sqluser -psqlpass

Issues or things I am not happy with.

  • Ideally I'd like to have spent alot more time than 2 hours on it.
  • Memory Management is really poor (better use of pointers)
  • The JSON for Cordinates, since slice orders are not guaranteed in Go, the Lat Long could be the wrong way around.
  • Limited Database Connection pooling. (Open and Close for Each Save Operation)
  • Seperate this project into 3 repo's PortController Defination, Client and Server
  • Better Networking with a service mesh. (K8's is better here)
  • Need to Use something like Vault for the Creds
  • if there are No Cords, the database stores -1.


  • Use proper make files for building and running
  • Implement Signals for the OS and Clean up nicely.
  • Clean up the JSON import implement some streaming/chunking of the file. Fix the memory has well. (better use of pointers)


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