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Binds Environment variables and Kubernetes maps (such as annotations and labels) to GO structures


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My Kubernetes operators usually read configurations from two sources. The first is Config values that sit in Environment Variables. The second configuration is obtained at runtime by reading annotations and labels.

This library can bind these configurations to GO structures in a uniform way. Besides the actual parsing, it also offers ways to bind fields such as default values, require, value protection, private fields and nested structures.

Table of Content


Although this library is primarily developed for operators, it can be used anywhere you work with Environment Variables or map[string]string.

The great advantage of this library is its ease of use and the fact that it allows you to read the configuration from multiple sources without having to learn other libs. A few keywords will make it much easier for you to perform basic operations like setting default values or forcing a value.

K8s Binder

The ENV-GO-K8S-OPERATOR-BINDER/k8s package is used to easily bind kubernetes annotations and labels into GO structures. Effectively it is about map[string]string configurations.

Imagine we have a resource that contains the following annotations (it works exactly the same for Labels).

kind: Ingress
  annotations: failover us,za "30" "true" "eyJhbGciOiJ"
  name: ing
import ""

var settings = struct {
    // binding required value
    Type          string   `k8smap", require=true"`
    // binding slice of strings
    PrimaryGeoTag []string `k8smap:""`
    // if the configuration is missing, then set the default int value to 30 
    TTLSeconds int         `k8smap:", default=30"`
    // binding bool value
    Autoscale bool         `k8smap:""` 
    // nested structure
    Credentials struct{
        // public nested protected with default test 
        UID       `k8smap:", protected=true, default=test`
        // private nested protected with default test
        base64    `k8smap:", protected=true, default=MMaBcDeFgH...`

  // Fetch resource instance
  ing := &netv1.Ingress{}
  err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, ing)
  if err != nil {
    // do Something
  annotations = ing.GetAnnotations()

  // binding 
  err = k8smap.Bind(annotations, &settings)
  if err != nil {
    // do something

This is all you need, the settings will contain the correct values loaded from the Annotations. Keywords like protected or default can be configured in various ways as well as various data-types, see below in this documentation.

Environment variables binder

The ENV-GO-K8S-OPERATOR-BINDER/env package is used to easily bind environment variables to GO structures. The package is designed to be usable in the widest possible range of scenarios. Among other things, it supports variable prefixes and bindings to unexported arrays. Take a look at the following usage example:

import ""

type Endpoint struct {
	URL string `env:"ENDPOINT_URL, require=true"`

type Config struct {

	// reading string value from NAME
	Name string `env:"NAME"`

	// reuse an already bound env variable NAME
	Description string `env:"NAME"`

	// reuse an already bound variable NAME, but replace only when name 
	// was not set before
	AlternativeName string `env:"NAME, protected=true"`

	// reading int with 8080 as default value
	DefaultPort uint16 `env:"PORT, default=8080"`

	// reading slice of strings with default values
	Regions []string `env:"REGIONS, default=[us-east-1,us-east-2,us-west-1]"`

	// reading slice of strings from env var
	Subnets []string `env:"SUBNETS, default=[,]"`
	// default=[] ensures that if INTERVALS does not exist, 
	// []int8{} is set instead of []int8{nil}
	Interval []uint8 `env:"INTERVALS, default=[]"`

	// nested structure
	Credentials struct {

		// binding required value
		KeyID string `env:"ACCESS_KEY_ID, require=true"`

		// binding to private field
		secretKey string `env:"SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, require=true"`

	// expected PRIMARY_ prefix in nested environment variables
	Endpoint1 Endpoint `env:"PRIMARY"`

	// expected FAILOVER_ prefix in nested environment variables
	Endpoint2 Endpoint `env:"FAILOVER"`

	// the field does not have a bind tag set, 
	// so it will be ignored during bind
	Args []string

func main() {
	defer clean()
	os.Setenv("PRIMARY_ENDPOINT_URL", "")
	os.Setenv("NAME", "Hello from 12-factor")
	os.Setenv("PORT", "9000")
	os.Setenv("SUBNETS", ",,,")

	c := &Config{}
	c.AlternativeName = "protected name"
	c.Description = "hello from ENV-BINDER"
	if err := env.Bind(c); err != nil {

function main generates the following output:

  "Name": "Hello from 12-factor",
  "Description": "Hello from 12-factor",
  "AlternativeName": "protected name",
  "DefaultPort": 9000,
  "Regions": [
  "Subnets": [
  "Interval": [],
  "Credentials": {
  "Endpoint1": {
    "URL": ""
  "Endpoint2": {
    "URL": ""
  "Args": null

Supported types

GO-K8S-OPERATOR-BINDER supports all types listed in the following table. In addition, it should be noted that in the case of slices, GO-K8S-OPERATOR-BINDER creates an instance of an empty slice if the value of the environment variable is declared and its value is empty string. In this case GO-K8S-OPERATOR-BINDER returns an empty slice instead of the vulnerable nil.

primitive types slices
int,int8,int16,int32,int64 []int,[]int8,[]int16,[]int32,[]int64
float32,float64 []float32,[]float64
uint,uint8,uint16,uint32,uint64 []uint,[]uint8,[]uint16,[]uint32,[]uint64
bool []bool
string []string

Supported keywords

Besides the fact that GO-K8S-OPERATOR-BINDER works with private fields and can add prefixes to variable names, it operates with several keywords. The structure in the introductory section works with all types of these keywords.

  • default - the value specified in the default tag is used in case env variable does not exist. e.g: env: "SUBNET", default= or env: "ENV_SUBNETS", default=[] which will set an empty slice instead of a vulnerable nil value in case ENV_SUBNETS does not exist.

  • require - if require=true then env variable must exist otherwise Bind function returns error

  • protected - if protected=true then, in case the field in the structure already has a set value , the Bind function will not set it. Otherwise, bind will be applied to it.

You can combine individual tags freely: env: "ENV_SWITCHER", default=[true, false, true], protected=true is a perfectly valid configuration