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(NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION!!!) An example project to demonstrate how to use Native File Dialog on DPF audio plugin development.


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DPF Native File Dialog Demo

This is an example repository to demonstrate how to use Native File Dialog on audio plug-in development with DISTRHO Plugin Framework. Useful if you want to open/save files from plug-in UI, for example, importing/exporting plug-in presets or patches.

Native File Dialog support is powered by Michael Labbe's project nativefiledialog ("NFD" below).


DPF uses a single thread to handle UI events, including rendering. Invoking NFD methods may stuck the thread, then crash the program. For example, Dear ImGui-based plug-ins may constantly pop-up Forgot to invoke ImGui::EndFrame()? error.

To avoid this, I run NFD in a dedicated thread using DPF's DISTRHO::Thread class. Here is procedure:

  1. Inherit DISTRHO::Thread as class NfdThread, as below:

    // This header provides DISTRHO::Thread
    #include "extra/Thread.hpp"
    class NfdThread : public DISTRHO::Thread
        nfdchar_t *fNfdPath;  // Buffer of NFD, storing the result file path
        bool gotNewPath;    // Flag, telling the main thread if we got a new filename
        std::stringstream pathStream;  // Receives the result file path. Can be accessed by the main thread
        nfdresult_t nfdResult;         // Result status ID
        NfdThread() : Thread(), fNfdPath(NULL), gotNewPath(false), nfdResult(NFD_OKAY)
        void run() override
            // Remember to reset the flag and string stream
            gotNewPath = false;
            // Run NFD
            nfdResult = NFD_OpenDialog(NULL, NULL, &fNfdPath);
            if ( nfdResult == NFD_OKAY ) {
                d_stderr("Got file path: %s", fNfdPath);
                // Feed the string stream with our new file path
                pathStream << fNfdPath;
                // Remember to set flag, so the main thread can know it's time to get our new path
                gotNewPath = true;
                // Only free fNfdPath on success, otherwise program may crash!
            else if ( nfdResult == NFD_CANCEL ) {
                d_stderr("User pressed cancel.");
            else {
                d_stderr2("Error: %s\n", NFD_GetError() );
  2. Define an NfdThread instance in UI class, and require waiting for the thread on destructor. For example:

    class ImGuiPluginUI : public UI
        // I don't recommend using pointer and creating instance with `new` keyword,
        // because DISTRHO::Thread works well with standard class definition.
        NfdThread fNfdThread;
        String fFileName;
        // ... Other definitions and methods ...
            // Wait until NFD thread finishes, otherwise your plug-in or host may behave abnormally!
            fNfdThread.stopThread(-1);	// `-1` means wait forever
        // ... Other definitions and methods ...
  3. On UI rendering method (e.g. DISTRHO::UI::onImGuiDisplay if using Dear ImGui), invoke fNfdThread.startThread() on demand, then wait for result within the rendering cycle (or DISTRHO::UI::uiIdle(), if you are using DGL):

    void ImGuiPluginUI::onImGuiDisplay()
         if (ImGui::Begin(DISTRHO_PLUGIN_NAME, nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize + ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse))
             ImGui::Text("File Name stored in plugin:");
             ImGui::TextWrapped("%s", fFileName.length() > 0 ? (const char*)fFileName : "<Not Yet Specified>");
             // "Browse File" button. Click it to open NFD.
             if (ImGui::Button("Browse File...")) {
                 // Launch NFD. Soon a file dialog shows.
                 // WARNING: Do NOT poll results here, since the NFD thread runs asynchronously, and you won't get any results!
             // Check if we got a new file path from NFD.
             // Since DPF executes this method very frequently, we can just poll results here.
             if (fNfdThread.gotNewPath) {
                 // Read the new path from fNfdThread's string stream
                 fFileName = String(fNfdThread.pathStream.str().c_str());
                 d_stderr("Main thread: got file path %s, result = %d", fFileName.length() > 0 ? (const char*)fFileName : "<NULL>", fNfdThread.nfdResult);
                 // Remember to reset the flag, otherwise plugin will execute this section forever!
                 fNfdThread.gotNewPath = false;

Read plugin/NativeFileDialogDemo_UI.cpp for more details.



Native File Dialog Demo supports Windows, Linux and macOS.

  • On Windows, NFD uses the modern Win32 IFileDialog API, providing a Vista-style file dialog.
  • On Linux, NFD uses GTK's file dialog.
  • On macOS, NFD uses Cocoa API.

Based on Dear ImGui

This demo plugin uses DPF's Dear ImGui implementation for rapid development and better demonstration.

Plugin State Support

This demo plugin stores the file path into plugin state, so you can get the last recorded file path every time you load the plugin.

This project should be another good example to demonstrate how to use DPF's plugin state APIs, as well.

How to Build

Make sure you have installed GCC/Clang, CMake, and GNU Make (or Ninja). On Windows, you should build in Msys2 UCRT64 Shell.

git clone --recursive

cd DPF-NativeFileDialogDemo
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build


[ ] Demonstrate file saving.


MIT License.


(NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION!!!) An example project to demonstrate how to use Native File Dialog on DPF audio plugin development.








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