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Space Invader

A MelonJS Space Invaders-like space shooter game. You can play the latest stable release right here in your browser, at

Instructions to create an executable for most platforms can be found below.

Inspired by the example from

development Travis AppVeyor

master Travis AppVeyor

Greenkeeper badge


Before anything, please read the file, for all the project guidelines.

To build, be sure you have node installed. Clone the project:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Then in the cloned directory, simply run:

npm install

Install the submodule dependencies too:

npm run install-submodules

Be sure to check if the module projects have any other setup on their respective files.

You must also have grunt-cli installed globally:

npm install -g grunt-cli

Developing the game:

grunt dev

And you will have the game running on http://localhost:8000

Building Release Versions

To build:


This will create a build directory containing the files that can be uploaded to a server, or packaged into a mobile app.

Updating docs folder for web release

npm run build-docs

Packaging a standalone desktop release via scripts

grunt dist
npm run build-**

Where ** can be win32 (Windows), linux (Linux) and darwin (OSX).

Packaging all desktop releases

npm run build-all

Building a standalone desktop release

grunt dist
Running the desktop release on Windows
Running the desktop release on macOS
open ./bin/
Running the desktop release on Linux



Francisco Knebel
Contributions by FranciscoKnebel

See also the full list of contributors who participated in this project.

Other credited work

Music, artwork and other accreditations can be found on the file.

Music bitrate change using MP3 Quality Modifier 2.5.3.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.