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Learn the Basics of React Js and build a welcome message app using React


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React Js Tutorial

  • Also in the React Js.txt file

Welcome to this React Js Tutorial

  • First, you need to learn and have a better understanding of the prerequisites of HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT

  • Html is the NOUN of a webpage

  • Javascript is the VERB of the webpage because it performs the actions.

  • JS uses JIT compiler (just in time compiler)

E.g - function fun(){ console.log("hello");}

  setInterval(fun, 1000);

// returns hello after every 1sec(1000ms)


// stops the run

  • linking (<script type="text/javascript" src="demo.js</script>)

  • alert("Hello user")

  • virtual DOM - part of your webpage gets updated or refreshed whenever you send a request or response

  • library - (comes with preloaded code)

  • (create react app) - creates single page react applications we get the; -- webpack(minify, bundle, compile) -- compiler(jsx - js) -- node package manager -- development server

Run the following:-

C:\Users\MARX>npm install create-react-app -g

npm WARN deprecated tar@2.2.2: This version of tar is no longer supported, and will not receive security updates. Please upgrade asap.

changed 67 packages, and audited 68 packages in 20s

5 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

2 high severity vulnerabilities

Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency.

Run npm audit for details.

Changing the root directory

C:\Users\MARX>cd Desktop


Creating our folder

C:\Users\MARX\Desktop>md React_tutorial

Chaning the root directory to our folder

C:\Users\MARX\Desktop>cd React_tutorial

Creating our React app inside this directory

C:\Users\MARX\Desktop\React_tutorial>create-react-app demo_project

Javascript essentials to know

*****Let Keyword

console.log("Global scope"); for (var g_scope = 1; g_scope<5; g_scope++) { console.log(g_scope);//Global scope } console.log(g_scope);

// Returns the g_scope value 5 times because it can be accessed globally

// Introducing the let keyword

console.log("Block scope"); for (let b_scope = 1; b_scope<5; b_scope++) { console.log(b_scope); } console.log(b_scope);//Error (Block scope)

*****constant keyword

//const value cannot be changed //you can change the properties of object but not reference

*****function declaration - loads at compile time

function execute(){ console.log("Hello"); } // returns > execute() >Hello <undefined

*****function expression - loads at runtime

var execute = functon name(){ console.log("Bye"); } //returns >execute() >Bye

*****export keyword

Helps us to use one javascript file in another javascript file.

//with default:

const academy ={ name:"GL"; } export default academy;

//without default:

export const subject = "React";

export const status=()=>{ console.log('Completed'); }

*****import keyword

To include the exported file we use import

//with default

import academy from './file_name.js';

//without default

import {subject} from './file_name.js'; import {status} from '.file_name.js';

*****class(methods & properties)

class c_name{ constructor() }

*****object(instance of a class)

const x = new c_name();

*****Inheritance (inheriting methods & properties)

  • super()

*****spread operator

  • used with arrays or objects
  • used to retrieve all values or properties from one array into another
  • represented by three dots(...)

const arr = [1,2,3]; const new_arr=[...arr,4];


[1,2,3,4] arr [1,2,3]

*****Rest operator

first; functon sum(a,b){ return a+b; } console.log(sum(1,2) //returns value 3 if we > console.log(1,2,3) //still returns 3 and assumes the rest hence inconveniences us when we want to add other numbers

//So we'll use the rest operator(...)

function sum(..args) //give it a name args let total = 0; for(let i in args){ total += args [i]; } return total; } console.log(sum(1,2,3,4)

//when we console it now returns 10 and thus we can add other numbers.


  • A way with which we can extract few elements from the array or few properties from the object. var values = [10,20,30]; [first,,last] = values;

first - returns 10 last - returns 30 //hence we have destructured te array

****Basics of react app

  1. node_modules -all packages used by npm
  2. public - stores anything that we will render
  3. src
  4. gitignore- files we want to ignore when exporting
  5. package-json - dependencies and files we need
  • Lastly open the demo_project we created and deleted all files in the src directory apart from the index.js and app.js files
  • You can then copy the simple code in the app.js and index.js files which is simply a div created with a heading parameter inside.
  • Then the root id in the index.html file rendered in the index.js file since it is a global attribute.


Learn the Basics of React Js and build a welcome message app using React








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