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api 🎨
api :art:
API issues and improvements
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
code quality ♻️
code quality :recycle:
doc needed 📝
doc needed :memo:
Missing documentation and no RTD issue opened
done? ✅
done? :white_check_mark:
Requested author to close issue if fixed
feature ✨
feature :sparkles:
Feature idea with clear API defined
good first issue
good first issue
GitHub good first issue
idea 💡
idea :bulb:
Feature idea without clear API defined
meta 🌐
meta :globe_with_meridians:
About SpinalHDL's life
need agreement 💬
need agreement :speech_balloon:
Waiting for approval to start implementing a feature, or merge a PR
need more info 🔄
need more info :arrows_counterclockwise:
Waiting for someone to provide more information
question ❔
question :grey_question:
Question about SpinalHDL environment
The issue would not be fixed