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bun-dler 📦


  • handles importing modules via require
  • handles different import patterns
  • handler setting commonJS and ES6 exporting patterns
  • Shows warning on project having circular importing

Generate Bundle:

To install dependencies:

bun install

To run: index.js is the entry file for this bundler. It takes entryPoint and root as CLI args. There are test project files in the test dir.

To bundle a simple test application This test file contains various edge cases using the import keyword, require function and export keyword.

# generate bundle.js file
bun run index.js --root ./test/example --entryPoint main.js
# you can run bundle.js on node
node bundle.js
# or on bun
bun run bundle.js

To test a project having circular import use the circular_example example in the test dir.

# generate bundle.js file
bun run index.js --root ./test/circular_example --entryPoint main.js
# will throw error naming the file having circular dependency