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Continues searching if a non-symbol matches a symbol link (#901) (#909)
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d-ronnqvist committed May 7, 2024
1 parent a37d3f8 commit 6b83d37
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Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ extension PathHierarchy {
/// Includes information about:
/// - The path to the non-symbol match.
case nonSymbolMatchForSymbolLink(path: Substring)
case nonSymbolMatchForSymbolLink(path: String)

/// Encountered an unknown disambiguation for a found node.
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,14 +18,7 @@ extension PathHierarchy {
/// - Returns: Returns the unique identifier for the found match or raises an error if no match can be found.
/// - Throws: Raises a ``PathHierarchy/Error`` if no match can be found.
func find(path rawPath: String, parent: ResolvedIdentifier? = nil, onlyFindSymbols: Bool) throws -> ResolvedIdentifier {
let node = try findNode(path: rawPath, parentID: parent, onlyFindSymbols: onlyFindSymbols)
if node.identifier == nil {
throw Error.unfindableMatch(node)
if onlyFindSymbols, node.symbol == nil {
throw Error.nonSymbolMatchForSymbolLink(path: rawPath[...])
return node.identifier
return try findNode(path: rawPath, parentID: parent, onlyFindSymbols: onlyFindSymbols).identifier

private func findNode(path rawPath: String, parentID: ResolvedIdentifier?, onlyFindSymbols: Bool) throws -> Node {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,98 +209,121 @@ extension PathHierarchy {
onlyFindSymbols: Bool,
rawPathForError: String
) throws -> Node {
var node = startingPoint
var remaining = pathComponents[...]

// Third, search for the match relative to the start node.
if remaining.isEmpty {
// If all path components were consumed, then the start of the search is the match.
return node
// All code paths through this function wants to perform extra verification on the return value before returning it to the caller.
// To accomplish that, the core implementation happens in `_innerImplementation`, which is called once, right below its definition.

// Search for the remaining components from the node
while true {
let (children, pathComponent) = try findChildContainer(node: &node, remaining: remaining, rawPathForError: rawPathForError)
func _innerImplementation(
descendingFrom startingPoint: Node,
pathComponents: ArraySlice<PathComponent>,
onlyFindSymbols: Bool,
rawPathForError: String
) throws -> Node {
var node = startingPoint
var remaining = pathComponents[...]

do {
guard let child = try children.find(pathComponent.disambiguation) else {
// The search has ended with a node that doesn't have a child matching the next path component.
throw makePartialResultError(node: node, remaining: remaining, rawPathForError: rawPathForError)
node = child
remaining = remaining.dropFirst()
if remaining.isEmpty {
// If all path components are consumed, then the match is found.
return child
} catch DisambiguationContainer.Error.lookupCollision(let collisions) {
func handleWrappedCollision() throws -> Node {
try handleCollision(node: node, remaining: remaining, collisions: collisions, onlyFindSymbols: onlyFindSymbols, rawPathForError: rawPathForError)

// When there's a collision, use the remaining path components to try and narrow down the possible collisions.
// Search for the match relative to the start node.
if remaining.isEmpty {
// If all path components were consumed, then the start of the search is the match.
return node

// Search for the remaining components from the node
while true {
let (children, pathComponent) = try findChildContainer(node: &node, remaining: remaining, rawPathForError: rawPathForError)

guard let nextPathComponent = remaining.dropFirst().first else {
// This was the last path component so there's nothing to look ahead.
// It's possible for a symbol that exist on multiple languages to collide with itself.
// Check if the collision can be resolved by finding a unique symbol or an otherwise preferred match.
var uniqueCollisions: [String: Node] = [:]
for (node, _) in collisions {
guard let symbol = node.symbol else {
// Non-symbol collisions should have already been resolved
return try handleWrappedCollision()

let id = symbol.identifier.precise
if symbol.identifier.interfaceLanguage == "swift" || !uniqueCollisions.keys.contains(id) {
uniqueCollisions[id] = node

guard uniqueCollisions.count < 2 else {
// Encountered more than one unique symbol
return try handleWrappedCollision()
do {
guard let child = try children.find(pathComponent.disambiguation) else {
// The search has ended with a node that doesn't have a child matching the next path component.
throw makePartialResultError(node: node, remaining: remaining, rawPathForError: rawPathForError)
// A wrapped error would have been raised while iterating over the collection.
return uniqueCollisions.first!.value

// Look ahead one path component to narrow down the list of collisions.
// For each collision where the next path component can be found unambiguously, return that matching node one level down.
let possibleMatchesOneLevelDown = collisions.compactMap {
return try? $0.node.children[String(]?.find(nextPathComponent.disambiguation)
let onlyPossibleMatch: Node?

if possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.count == 1 {
// Only one of the collisions found a match for the next path component
onlyPossibleMatch = possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.first!
} else if !possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.isEmpty, possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.dropFirst().allSatisfy({ $0.symbol?.identifier.precise == possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.first!.symbol?.identifier.precise }) {
// It's also possible that different language representations of the same symbols appear as different collisions.
// If _all_ collisions that can find the next path component are the same symbol, then we prefer the Swift version of that symbol.
onlyPossibleMatch = possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.first(where: { $0.symbol?.identifier.interfaceLanguage == "swift" }) ?? possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.first!
} else {
onlyPossibleMatch = nil

if let onlyPossibleMatch {
// If we found only a single match one level down then we've processed both this path component and the next.
remaining = remaining.dropFirst(2)
node = child
remaining = remaining.dropFirst()
if remaining.isEmpty {
// If that was the end of the path we can simply return the result.
return onlyPossibleMatch
// If all path components are consumed, then the match is found.
return child
} catch DisambiguationContainer.Error.lookupCollision(let collisions) {
func handleWrappedCollision() throws -> Node {
let match = try handleCollision(node: node, remaining: remaining, collisions: collisions, onlyFindSymbols: onlyFindSymbols, rawPathForError: rawPathForError)
return match

// When there's a collision, use the remaining path components to try and narrow down the possible collisions.

guard let nextPathComponent = remaining.dropFirst().first else {
// This was the last path component so there's nothing to look ahead.
// It's possible for a symbol that exist on multiple languages to collide with itself.
// Check if the collision can be resolved by finding a unique symbol or an otherwise preferred match.
var uniqueCollisions: [String: Node] = [:]
for (node, _) in collisions {
guard let symbol = node.symbol else {
// Non-symbol collisions should have already been resolved
return try handleWrappedCollision()

let id = symbol.identifier.precise
if symbol.identifier.interfaceLanguage == "swift" || !uniqueCollisions.keys.contains(id) {
uniqueCollisions[id] = node

guard uniqueCollisions.count < 2 else {
// Encountered more than one unique symbol
return try handleWrappedCollision()
// A wrapped error would have been raised while iterating over the collection.
return uniqueCollisions.first!.value

// Look ahead one path component to narrow down the list of collisions.
// For each collision where the next path component can be found unambiguously, return that matching node one level down.
let possibleMatchesOneLevelDown = collisions.compactMap {
try? $0.node.children[String(]?.find(nextPathComponent.disambiguation)
let onlyPossibleMatch: Node?

if possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.count == 1 {
// Only one of the collisions found a match for the next path component
onlyPossibleMatch = possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.first!
} else if !possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.isEmpty, possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.dropFirst().allSatisfy({ $0.symbol?.identifier.precise == possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.first!.symbol?.identifier.precise }) {
// It's also possible that different language representations of the same symbols appear as different collisions.
// If _all_ collisions that can find the next path component are the same symbol, then we prefer the Swift version of that symbol.
onlyPossibleMatch = possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.first(where: { $0.symbol?.identifier.interfaceLanguage == "swift" }) ?? possibleMatchesOneLevelDown.first!
} else {
// Otherwise we continue looping over the remaining path components.
node = onlyPossibleMatch
onlyPossibleMatch = nil

if let onlyPossibleMatch {
// If we found only a single match one level down then we've processed both this path component and the next.
remaining = remaining.dropFirst(2)
if remaining.isEmpty {
// If that was the end of the path we can simply return the result.
return onlyPossibleMatch
} else {
// Otherwise we continue looping over the remaining path components.
node = onlyPossibleMatch

// Couldn't resolve the collision by look ahead.
return try handleWrappedCollision()

// Couldn't resolve the collision by look ahead.
return try handleCollision(node: node, remaining: remaining, collisions: collisions, onlyFindSymbols: onlyFindSymbols, rawPathForError: rawPathForError)

// Run the core implementation, defined above.
let node = try _innerImplementation(descendingFrom: startingPoint, pathComponents: pathComponents, onlyFindSymbols: onlyFindSymbols, rawPathForError: rawPathForError)

// Perform extra validation on the return value before returning it to the caller.
if node.identifier == nil {
throw Error.unfindableMatch(node)
if onlyFindSymbols, node.symbol == nil {
throw Error.nonSymbolMatchForSymbolLink(path: rawPathForError)
return node

private func handleCollision(
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43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions Tests/SwiftDocCTests/Infrastructure/PathHierarchyTests.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1454,6 +1454,49 @@ class PathHierarchyTests: XCTestCase {
try assertFindsPath("Inner/InnerClass/something()", in: tree, asSymbolID: "s:5Inner0A5ClassC5OuterE9somethingyyF")

func testContinuesSearchingIfNonSymbolMatchesSymbolLink() throws {
let exampleDocumentation = Folder(name: "CatalogName.docc", content: [
JSONFile(name: "ModuleName.symbols.json", content: makeSymbolGraph(moduleName: "ModuleName", symbols: [
("some-class-id", .swift, ["SomeClass"], .class),

TextFile(name: "", utf8Content: """
# Some article
An article with a heading with the same name as a symbol and another heading.
### SomeClass
- ``SomeClass``
### OtherHeading
let catalogURL = try exampleDocumentation.write(inside: createTemporaryDirectory())
let (_, _, context) = try loadBundle(from: catalogURL)
let tree = context.linkResolver.localResolver.pathHierarchy

XCTAssert(context.problems.isEmpty, "Unexpected problems \(\.diagnostic.summary))")

let articleID = try tree.find(path: "/CatalogName/Some-Article", onlyFindSymbols: false)

XCTAssertEqual(try tree.findNode(path: "SomeClass", onlyFindSymbols: false, parent: articleID).symbol?.identifier.precise, nil,
"A general documentation link will find the heading because its closer than the symbol.")
XCTAssertEqual(try tree.findNode(path: "SomeClass", onlyFindSymbols: true, parent: articleID).symbol?.identifier.precise, "some-class-id",
"A symbol link will skip the heading and continue searching until it finds the symbol.")

XCTAssertEqual(try tree.findNode(path: "OtherHeading", onlyFindSymbols: false, parent: articleID).symbol?.identifier.precise, nil,
"A general documentation link will find the other heading.")
try tree.findNode(path: "OtherHeading", onlyFindSymbols: true, parent: articleID),
"A symbol link that find the header but doesn't find a symbol will raise the error about the heading not being a symbol"
) { untypedError in
let error = untypedError as! PathHierarchy.Error
let referenceError = error.makeTopicReferenceResolutionErrorInfo() { context.linkResolver.localResolver.fullName(of: $0, in: context) }
XCTAssertEqual(referenceError.message, "Symbol links can only resolve symbols")

func testSnippets() throws {
let (_, context) = try testBundleAndContext(named: "Snippets")
let tree = context.linkResolver.localResolver.pathHierarchy
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