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Very simple password manager for my js projects.

I often forgot the passwords in my scripts and committed them to the repository. So I created a simple password manager so that it doesn't happen to me anymore.


Create file mypwd.json with passwords in your $HOME directory. For example C:\Users\jarberan\mypwd.json

  "mongo-uat": {
    "login": "appl",
    "password": "hS78#pbTgc#J.CQL",
    "server": ""
  "mongo-dev": {
    "login": "appl",
    "password": "VacK>p3k3~t*c~RX",
    "server": "",
    "note": "Valid until end of month"

Now you can access your secrets from js code and you will never commit secret anymore.

const mypwd = require('@berk76/mypwd');

let login, password, server;
[login, password, server] = mypwd.getValues('mongo-uat', ['login', 'password', 'server']);

Keep your passwords safe and encrypt mypwd.json with GPG

You should store your passwords in encrypted file mypwd.json.gpg instead of in plain text file mypwd.json.

  1. install GPG (if you are using GitBash you probably have gpg already installed)
  2. create key-pair gpg --gen-key
  3. encrypt your passwords gpg --output mypwd.json.gpg --encrypt --recipient mypwd.json
  4. try to decrypt it gpg --decrypt mypwd.json.gpg
  5. finally you can remove plain text file rm mypwd.json and mypwd will use mypwd.json.gpg


Installation is simple:

npm install @berk76/mypwd


Feel free create issue or pull request.