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💥A tool for showing disk usage(Linux, MacOS and Windows), it is a very fast utility to find largest directories or files.


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💥A tool for showing disk usage. (Linux, MacOS and Windows)


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👏how to use

$ diskusage -h
A tool for showing disk usage.


  diskusage [flags]

1.The maximum display unit is GB: diskusage -u G
2.Only files named doc or docx are counted:
  a.diskusage -t doc,docx
  b.diskusage -f ".+\.(doc|docx)$"
3.Supports color output to pipeline:
  a.diskusage -c always | less -R
  b.diskusage -c always | more
4.Displays a 2-level tree structure: diskusage -d 2
5.Specify the directory /usr: diskusage --dir /usr
6.Export disk usage to file: diskusage > diskusage.txt

  -a, --all             display all directories, otherwise only display folders whose usage size is not 0
  -c, --color string    set color output mode. optional: auto, always, ignore (default "auto")
  -d, --depth int       shows the depth of the tree directory structure (default 1)
      --dir string      directory path (default "./")
  -D, --directory       only display directory
  -f, --filter string   regular expressions are used to filter files
  -h, --help            help for diskusage
  -l, --limit int       limit the number of files and directories displayed (default 9223372036854775807)
  -r, --recursion       automatically calculate directory depth, for recursively traversing all sub directories
  -t, --type strings    only count certain types of files  (default all)
  -u, --unit string     displayed units. optional: B(Bytes), K(KB), M(MB), G(GB), T(TB) (default "M")
  -v, --version         version for diskusage
  -w, --worker int      number of workers searching the directory (default 32)


  1. Only files named doc or docx are counted: diskusage -t doc,docx or diskusage -f ".+\.(doc|docx)$"
  2. The maximum display unit is GB: diskusage -u G
  3. Supports color output to pipeline: diskusage -c always | less -R or diskusage -c always | more

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