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Conduit Connector Google Sheets


The Conduit Connector for Google Sheets provides both source as-well-as destination connector for the Google sheets

How to build it

Run make.


Run make test to run all the tests.

To run the integration tests under acceptance_test.go, These env variables need to be set:

CONDUIT_GOOGLE_CREDENTIAL_JSON: this env variable should contain the google service account's credentials JSON CONDUIT_GOOGLE_TOKEN_JSON: this env variable should contain the oauth2 token JSON containing at least refresh_token. CONDUIT_GOOGLE_SHEET_URL: the Google sheet URL, used to get the spreadsheet id and sheet id. CONDUIT_GOOGLE_SHEET_NAME: the name of the target sheet, this is required to be able to write to the sheet.

If any of these values are not set, the integration tests will fail.

Sample execution:

CONDUIT_GOOGLE_CREDENTIAL_JSON=$(cat testdata/dummy_cred.json) \
CONDUIT_GOOGLE_TOKEN_JSON=$(cat testdata/dummy_token.json) \
make test

Generating credentials

To run this connector, you need the following prerequisites:

  • A Google account.
  • A Google Cloud Platform project with the API enabled. To create a project and enable an API, refer to Create a project and enable the API.
  • Authorization credentials for a desktop application. To learn how to create credentials for a desktop application, refer to Create credentials.

Note: The following scopes are mandatory to be addded to access Google Sheets API:


After the credentials json is generated, download the json file and place it inside your root project. Rename this file to credentials.json. To generate token file(i.e token_UnixTimeStamp.json), run ./google-token-gen from the root project. A browser window will open, to verify the gmail account followed by the consent page.

Once successful, you will get the following message:

Token file generated successfully.
credentials.json file path: file/path/to/credentials.json
token.json file path: file/path/to/token_1653466634.json

Copy both the .json file paths and provide them in credentialsFile, tokensFile.

Alternatively, if you already have the auth code present, then you can run:

./google-token-gen -code="Your Auth Code"

For instance, to extract auth code from a url: http://{_address_}/?state=state-token&code=4/0AX4XfWgU1qObv5Lx1SeagTjjtXOALsX45I3BeUX7m66D89-eOnzljIvWiSsfYA52kZPlUQ&scope=

Your auth code will be : 4/0AX4XfWgU1qObv5Lx1SegTjjtXOALs5Z5I3BeUX7m66D8O-eOnazljIvWiSsfYA52kZPlUQ

Once successful, you will get the same message as above. Similarly, copy both the .json file paths and provide them in credentialsFile, tokensFile.

Google Sheet Source

The Google Sheet Connector connects to google sheets via Google Sheets API(v4) with the provided configuration using the credentialsFile, tokensFile, sheetsURL and along with a configurable pollingPeriod(Optional).

The Configure method is called to parse the configurations. After which, the Open method is called to start the connection from the provided position.

Record Fetching

Upon successful connection, an api hit will fetch all the records present in the sheet. If no more data is available, the iterator will programmatically pause till the configurable pollingPeriod duration(which has a default value of "6s") and on completion of this duration, the api is hit again to fetch the newly added records/rows.

If there are single/multiple empty rows in between the two records, it will fetch only the last record before the first empty row, and will hold that position until a new row/record has been added.

Position Handling

The Google Sheets connector stores the last row of the fetched sheet data as position. If in case, there are empty row(s), the Sheets connector will fetch till the last non-empty row and that last row will be stored as in position.


The config passed to Configure in source connector can contain the following fields.

name description required example
credentialsFile Path to credentials file which can be downloaded from Google Cloud Platform(in .json format) to authorise the user. yes "path://to/credential/file"
tokensFile Path to file in .json format which includes the access_token, token_type, refresh_token and expiry. yes "path://to/token/file"
sheetsURL URL of the google spreadsheet(copy the entire url from the address bar). yes ""
dateTimeRenderOption Format of the Date/time related values. Valid values: SERIAL_NUMBER, FORMATTED_STRING no "FORMATTED_STRING"
valueRenderOption Format of the dynamic/reference data. Valid values: FORMATTED_VALUE, UNFORMATTED_VALUE, FORMULA no "FORMATTED_VALUE"
pollingPeriod time interval between two consecutive hits. Can be in format as s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours (for eg: 2s; 2m; 2h) no "6s"

Known Limitations

  • At Present, only fetching the data from one sheet is part of scope. Therefore, only one gid as a subset string in sheetsURL can be used to fetch the records from the google sheets.
  • Empty Rows will be skipped while fetching.
  • Any modification/update/delete made to a previous row(s) in google sheets, after the records are fetched will not be visible in the next api hit.

Google Sheet Destination

The Google Sheet Destination connector connects to the provided Google SheetID with the provided configurations, using credentialsFile, tokensFile, sheetsURL and sheetName. Then will call Configure to parse the configurations. If parsing was not successful, then an error will occur. After that, the Open method is called to start the connection. The Destination connector doesn't support delete or update operations.

Google Sheet Writer

The writer writes data to destination by appending data to the next row.


The config passed to Configure in destination connector can contain the following fields.

name description required example
credentialsFile Path to credentials file which can be downloaded from Google Cloud Platform(in .json format) to authorise the user. yes "path://to/credential/file"
tokensFile Path to file in .json format which includes the access_token, token_type, refresh_token and expiry. yes "path://to/token/file"
sheetsURL URL of the google spreadsheet(copy the entire url from the address bar). yes ""
sheetName Sheet name on which the data is to be appended. yes "sheetName"
valueInputOption Whether the data should be parsed, similar to adding data from browser, or as a raw string. Values: "RAW", "USER_ENTERED"(default) no "USER_ENTERED"
maxRetries Number of API retries to be made, in case of rate-limit error, before returning an error. Default: 3 no "3"

Known Limitations

  • At current, while appending data to google sheets, we are only supporting ROWS parameter.
  • The insertDataOption field value is kept to INSERT_ROWS, as OVERWRITE does not provide the expected action. For more information on insertDataOption, kindly refer to this.

Note of caution

As the Google Sheets API is a shared service, quotas and limitations are applied to make sure it's used fairly by all users. If a quota is exceeded, you'll generally receive a 429: Too many requests HTTP status code response. Though the case is handled by implementing our own retry strategy which is to multiplying the counter value to the configurable polling period which plays a significant role in avoiding such HTTP statuses. Ref:


  1. Google Credentials creation
  2. Google Sheets API(v4)
  3. To fetch all data of a Google Sheets
  4. Add/Append data to Google Sheets