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Toolset to control screen-based Tobii eye tracker through Tobii SDK Pro


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Toolset to Control Tobii Eye Tracker

This repository contains the source code for multiple simple tools that allow to control a Tobii eye tracker from a 3rd party application. Specifically, this project aims at providing a set of executables that can be called from within ztree to allow eye tracker support for economic experiments.

For more details please refer to the documentation.

Important Configure the task manager to be always in the foreground (In task manager enable "Options->Always on top"). Why: The application Gaze.exe may open windows that are put to the foreground in a very aggressive manner. This is done in order to cope with experimentation software that uses this same behaviour (e.g. Opensesame with psychopy or expyriment backend). If something goes wrong with Gaze.exe the user could be locked out from the computer because a window keeps blocking access to the system. With the task manager set to "Always on top" there is a way out.


The complete toolset package can be downloaded from the releases. The package contains the following executables:

  • Gaze.exe This program uses the Tobii Pro SDK to extract the gaze position on the screen where the subject is looking at. The extracted data is recorded and stored to a file. Optionally, the mouse cursor position is updated to this position such that the mouse cursor is controlled by the gaze of the subject. Instead of using an eye tracker device it is also possible to simply log the mouse coordinates. Gaze.exe runs infinitely until it is terminated by an external command. This should not be done with a forced kill (e.g. by executing the command taskkill /F /IM Gaze.exe or by killing the task with the task manager) because it prevents the program from terminating gracefully. This as several consequences:

    • open files are not closed properly and the data stream is cut off. This can lead to corrupt files.
    • if the feature of hiding the mouse pointer is used, the mouse will remain hidden.
    • memory is not freed properly. Instead the program GazeControls.exe /command TERMINATE should be used.
  • GazeControl.exe This program allows to interact with Gaze.exe. GazeControl.exe accepts the following optional arguments:

    • /reset: Allows to reset the relative timestamp of the gaze data.
    • /trialId <ID>: Sets a trial ID <ID> which will be added to each data sample in the output file. Important: Make sure that only integer numbers are used as trial ID.
    • /label <LABEL>: Sets a custom label <LABEL> which will be added to each data sample in the output file. Any string is accepted here.
    • /command <COMMAND>: A command allow to activate/deactivate features of Gaze.exe. The following commands are supported:
      • CUSTOM_CALIBRATE uses the Tobii Pro SDK and launches a custom calibration process which allows to calibrate the eye tracker without having to rely on the calibration software provided by Tobii.
      • DRIFT_COMPENSATION launches a custom drift compensation process to compensate gaze drifts that may occur during experimentation.
      • GAZE_RECORDING_DISABLE requests Gaze.exe to stop recording gaze data. Gaze.exe will continue to run (and update the mouse pointer if configured accordingly) but no longer store gaze data to the disk.
      • GAZE_RECORDING_ENABLE requests Gaze.exe to start recording gaze data.
      • LOAD shows a window with a spinner for a configurable amount of time.
      • MOUSE_TRACKING_DISABLE requests Gaze.exe to stop updating the mouse pointer by the gaze position.
      • MOUSE_TRACKING_ENABLE requests Gaze.exe to start updating the mouse pointer by the gaze position.
      • RESET_DRIFT_COMPENSATION resets the drift compensation computed with the command DRIFT_COMPENSATION.
      • TERMINATE requests Gaze.exe to close gracefully and logs these events to the log file.
      • VALIDATE uses the Tobii Pro SDK Addon and launches a validation process.

    Multiple arguments can be passed to the application but each argument can only be passed once. Passing an argument to an application can be done in command line or by crating a shortcut to the program. Corresponding shortcuts for all available <COMMAND>s are provided in the release package.

  • ShowMouse.exe This program allows to restore the standard mouse pointer. It might be useful if the program Gaze.exe crashes or is closed forcefully such that the mouse pointer is not restored after terminating. The subject might end up with a hidden mouse pointer. A good solution for such a case is to install a shortcut to ShowMouse.exe on the desktop in order to execute it with the keyboard.

In order to run the executables the following files need to be placed in the same directory as the executables:

  • tobii_pro.dll
  • tobii_firmware_upgrade.dll
  • assets/blank.cur
  • config.json

In order to use tje GazeControlLibrary, the following files need to be placed in the same directory as the executables:

  • GazeControlLibrary.dll
  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll

Further, the Tobii engine must be running and the eye tracker must be enabled.

Tobii Eye Tracker 4c

To install the driver for the Tobii Eye Tracker 4c install Tobii Experience Driver.

This will start the following services:

  • Tobii Runtime Service
  • Tobii Service

and the following processs:

  • Tobii Interaction Engine

Tobii Pro Spark

To install the driver for the Tobii Pro Spark use the Tobii Pro Eye Tracker Manager:

  1. Install Tobii Pro Eye Tracker Manager (ETM)
  2. Connect the Tobii Pro SPark device to the computer
  3. Install the driver with the ETM

This starts the service Tobii Pro Spark Runtime.


The folder scripts contains two files CreateShortcut.ps1 and CreateShortcuts.bat which allow to create shortcuts to the application GazeControl.exe with predefined command arguments. In order to generate the shortcut files perform the following steps:

  1. copy the two script files into the installation folder
  2. execute the script CreateShortcuts.bat

Nothe that the generated shortcuts are tied to the installation folder. Copying the installation folder to another location will break the links.

3rd Party Applications

This section provides some infromation on how to run the here provided executables from within 3rd party applications.


For quick starters, a simple ztree sample program is available.


For quick starters, a simple opensesame sample program is available.

Release Notes

Information about the releases can be found in the CHANGELOG