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Cloud-Barista MCKS Command Line Interface


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Quick Started

  • Installation
### MacOS
$ curl -LO "$(curl -s | grep tag_name | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')/cbctl-darwin-amd64"
$ mv cbctl-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/cbctl
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cbctl
$ cbctl version

$ curl -LO "$(curl -s | grep tag_name | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')/cbctl-linux-amd64"
$ mv cbctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/cbctl
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cbctl
$ cbctl version

### Windows
  • start up the MCKS
$ ./examples/lab/
  • verify running
$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                                        NAMES
3aedcfdb6c8c   cloudbaristaorg/cb-mcks:latest       "/app/cb-mcks"           2 days ago   Up 2 days>1470/tcp, 50254/tcp            cb-mcks
3e8f6ad76539   cloudbaristaorg/cb-tumblebug:0.5.0   "/app/src/cb-tumbleb…"   2 days ago   Up 2 days>1323/tcp, 50252/tcp            cb-tumblebug
283b91eeb270   cloudbaristaorg/cb-spider:0.5.0      "/root/go/src/github…"   2 days ago   Up 2 days   2048/tcp,>1024/tcp, 4096/tcp   cb-spider

$ docker logs cb-mcks -f
  • Initialize cloud connection (cb-spider)
$ cbctl create driver --csp aws
$ cbctl create credential --csp aws --name crdential-aws --secret-id "$AWS_SECRET_ID" --secret "$AWS_SECRET_KEY"
$ cbctl create region --csp aws --name region-aws-tokyo --region ap-northeast-1 --zone ap-northeast-1a 
$ cbctl create connection --csp aws --name config-aws-tokyo --region region-aws-tokyo --credential credential-aws
  • Kubernetes cluster provisioning
$ cbctl create cluster \
  --name "cb-cluster"\

User Guide

$ cbctl create [cluster/node/driver/credential/region/connection]
$ cbctl get [cluster/node/driver/credential/region/connection/mcis]
$ cbctl delete [cluster/node/driver/credential/region/connection/mcis]
$ cbctl update-kubeconfig
$ cbctl get-key
$ cbctl clean [mcis]


  • Create a Cluster
$ cbctl create cluster \
  --namespace "acornsoft"\
  --name "cb-cluster"\
  • Create Nodes
$ cbctl create node \
 --namespace "acornsoft"\
 --cluster "cb-cluster"\
  • Create a cloud driver.
$ cbctl create driver --csp [CSP]

# examples
$ cbctl create driver --csp aws
$ cbctl create driver --csp gcp
$ cbctl create driver --csp azure
$ cbctl create driver --csp alibaba
$ cbctl create driver --csp tencent
$ cbctl create driver --csp ibm
$ cbctl create driver --csp openstack
$ cbctl create driver --csp cloudit
  • Create a Region
$ cbctl create region [region name] --csp [CSP] --region [CSP region name] --zone [CSP zone name]
$ cbctl create region [region name] --csp azure --location [location] --resource-group [resource group name]     # if azure

# examples
$ cbctl create region region-aws-tokyo --csp aws --region ap-northeast-1 --zone ap-northeast-1a 
$ cbctl create region region-gcp-tokyo --csp gcp --region asia-northeast1 --zone asia-northeast1-a
$ cbctl create region region-azure-tokyo --csp azure --location japaneast --resource-group cb-mcks
$ cbctl create region region-alibaba-tokyo --csp alibaba --region ap-northeast-1 --zone ap-northeast-1a
$ cbctl create region region-tencent-tokyo --csp tencent --region ap-tokyo --zone ap-tokyo-2
$ cbctl create region region-ibm-tokyo --csp ibm --region jp-tok --zone jp-tok-1
  • Create a credential
$ source ./examples/ \
  aws="${HOME}/.aws/credentials" \
  gcp="${HOME}/.ssh/google-credential-cloudbarista.json" \
  azure="${HOME}/.azure/azure-credential-cloudbarista.json" \
  alibaba="${HOME}/.ssh/alibaba_accesskey.csv" \
  tencent="${HOME}/.tccli/default.credential" \
  openstack="${HOME}/.ssh/" \

$ cbctl create credential credential-aws --csp aws --secret-id "$AWS_SECRET_ID" --secret "$AWS_SECRET_KEY"
$ cbctl create credential credential-gcp --csp gcp --client-email "$GCP_SA" --project-id "$GCP_PROJECT" --private-key "$GCP_PKEY"
$ cbctl create credential credential-azure --csp azure --secret-id "$AZURE_CLIENT_ID" --secret "$AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET" --subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --tenant "$AZURE_TENANT_ID"
$ cbctl create credential credential-alibaba --csp alibaba --secret-id "$ALIBABA_SECRET_ID" --secret "$ALIBABA_SECRET_KEY"
$ cbctl create credential credential-tencent --csp tencent --secret-id "$TENCENT_SECRET_ID" --secret "$TENCENT_SECRET_KEY"
$ cbctl create credential credential-ibm --csp ibm --api-key "$IBM_API_KEY"
$ cbctl create credential credential-openstack --csp openstack --endpoint "$OS_AUTH_URL" --project-id "$OS_PROJECT_ID" --username "$OS_USERNAME" --password "$OS_PASSWORD" --domain "$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME"
$ cbctl create credential credential-cloudit --csp cloudit --endpoint "$CLOUDIT_ENDPOINT" --username "$CLOUDIT_USERNAME" --password "$CLOUDIT_PASSWORD" --token "$CLOUDIT_TOKEN" --tenant "$CLOUDIT_TENANT_ID"
  • Create a Connection Info.
$ cbctl create connection [connection name] --csp [CSP] --region [region name] --credential [credential name]

# examples
$ cbctl create connection config-aws-tokyo --csp aws --region region-aws-tokyo --credential credential-aws
$ cbctl create connection config-gcp-tokyo --csp gcp --region region-gcp-tokyo --credential credential-gcp
$ cbctl create connection config-azure-tokyo --csp azure --region region-azure-tokyo --credential credential-azure
$ cbctl create connection config-alibaba-tokyo --csp alibaba --region region-alibaba-tokyo --credential credential-alibaba
$ cbctl create connection config-tencent-tokyo --csp tencent --region region-tencent-tokyo --credential credential-tencent
$ cbctl create connection config-ibm-tokyo --csp ibm --region region-ibm-tokyo --credential credential-ibm
  • Create a cloud-barista namespace
$ cbctl create namespace [namespace name]

# example
$ cbctl create namespace acornsoft


  • Get clusters
$ cbctl get cluster
$ cbctl get cluster [custer name]
$ cbctl get cluster --name [custer name]

# examples
$ cbctl get cluster
$ cbctl get cluster "cb-cluster"
  • Get nodes
$ cbctl get node --cluster [cluster name]
$ cbctl get node [node name] --cluster [cluster name]
$ cbctl get node --name [node name] --cluster [cluster name]

# examples
$ cbctl get node --cluster "cb-cluster"
$ cbctl get node "w-1-j4j8z" --cluster "cb-cluster"
  • Get drivers
$ cbctl get driver
$ cbctl get driver [driver name]
$ cbctl get driver --name [driver name]
$ cbctl get driver --csp [CSP]

# examples
$ cbctl get driver
$ cbctl get driver "aws-driver-v1.0"
$ cbctl get driver --name "aws-driver-v1.0"
$ cbctl get driver --csp "aws"
  • Get credentials
$ cbctl get credential
$ cbctl get credential [credential name]
$ cbctl get credential --name [credential name]

# examples
$ cbctl get credential
$ cbctl get credential "credential-aws"
  • Get regions
$ cbctl get region
$ cbctl get region [region name]
$ cbctl get region --name [region name]

# examples
$ cbctl get region
$ cbctl get region "region-aws-tokyo"
  • Get connections
$ cbctl get connection
$ cbctl get connection [connection anme]
$ cbctl get connection --name [connection anme]

# examples
$ cbctl get connection
$ cbctl get connection "config-aws-tokyo"
  • Get MCISes
$ cbctl get mcis --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get mcis [NAME]  --namespace [namespace]

$ cbctl get mcis  --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get mcis "cb-cluster" --namespace acornsoft
  • Get MCIS Resources
$ cbctl get vpc --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get sg --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get sshkey --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get image --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get spec --namespace [namespace]

$ cbctl get vpc [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get sg [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get sshkey [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get image [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl get spec [NAME] --namespace [namespace]

# examples
$ cbctl get vpc --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get sg --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get sshkey --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get image --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get spec --namespace acornsoft

$ cbctl get vpc config-aws-tokyo-vpc --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get sg config-aws-tokyo-sg --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get sshkey config-aws-tokyo-sshkey --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get image config-aws-tokyo-ubuntu1804 --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl get spec config-aws-tokyo-t2-medium-spec --namespace acornsoft


  • Delete the cluster
$ cbctl delete cluster [cluster name]
$ cbctl delete cluster --name [cluster name]

# exampels
$ cbctl delete cluster "cb-cluster"
  • Delete the node
$ cbctl delete node [node name] --cluster [cluster name]
$ cbctl delete node --name [node name] --cluster [cluster name]

# exampels
$ cbctl delete node "w-1-j4j8z" --cluster "cb-cluster"
  • Delete the MCIS
$ cbctl delete mcis [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete mcis --name [NAME] --namespace [namespace]

# examples
$ cbctl delete mcis "cb-cluster"
$ cbctl delete mcis "cb-cluster" --namespace acornsoft
  • Delete the MCIS resources
$ cbctl delete vpc --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete sg --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete sshkey --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete image --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete spec --namespace [namespace]

$ cbctl delete vpc [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete sg [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete sshkey [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete image [NAME] --namespace [namespace]
$ cbctl delete spec [NAME] --namespace [namespace]

# examples
$ cbctl delete vpc --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl delete sg --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl delete sshkey --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl delete image --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl delete spec --namespace acornsoft

$ cbctl delete vpc config-aws-tokyo-vpc --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl delete sg config-aws-tokyo-sg --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl delete sshkey config-aws-tokyo-sshkey --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl delete image config-aws-tokyo-ubuntu1804 --namespace acornsoft
$ cbctl delete spec config-aws-tokyo-t2-medium-spec --namespace acornsoft

  • Delete the MCIRs
$ cbctl delete driver [driver name]
$ cbctl delete driver --name [driver name]
$ cbctl delete driver --csp [CSP]

$ cbctl delete credential [credential name]
$ cbctl delete credential --name [credential name]

$ cbctl delete region [region name]
$ cbctl delete region --name [region name]

$ cbctl delete connection [connection info. name]
$ cbctl delete connection --name [connection info. name]

# examples
$ cbctl delete driver "aws-driver-v1.0"
$ cbctl delete driver --csp "aws"
$ cbctl delete credential "credential-aws"
$ cbctl delete region "region-aws-tokyo"
$ cbctl delete connection "config-aws-tokyo"


$ cbctl update-kubeconfig [cluster-name]
$ cbctl update-kubeconfig --name [cluster-name]

# examples
$ cbctl update-kubeconfig "cb-cluster"
$ kubectl config current-context


$ cbctl get-key  [node name] --cluster [cluster-name]
$ cbctl get-key  --name [node name] --cluster [cluster-name]

# examples
$ cbctl get-key  "w-1-j4j8z" --cluster "cb-cluster"  > output/w-1-j4j8z.pem
$ chmod 400 output/w-1-j4j8z.pem
$ ssh -i output/w-1-j4j8z.pem

Using Yaml File (filename)

$ cbctl create [cluster/node/driver/region/credential/connection/namespace] -f [URL]
$ cbctl create [cluster/node/driver/region/credential/connection/namespace] -f [FILENAME]
$ cbctl create [cluster/node/driver/region/credential/connection/namespace] -f [STDIN]
  • examples - URL, FILENAME
$ cbctl create cluster -f examples/yaml/create-cluster.yaml
$ cbctl create cluster -f
  • examples - STDIN
# cluster
$ cbctl create cluster -f - <<EOF
name: cb-cluster
label: lab.
description: create a cluster test
  - connection: config-aws-tokyo
    count: 1
    spec: t2.medium
  - connection: config-gcp-tokyo
    count: 1
    spec: e2-highcpu-4
    networkCni: canal
    serviceDnsDomain: cluster.local

# nodes
$ cbctl create node --cluster cb-cluster -f - <<EOF
  - connection: config-aws-tokyo
    count: 1
    spec: t2.medium

# driver
$ cbctl create driver -f - <<EOF
DriverName : "aws-driver-v1.0"
ProviderName : "AWS"
DriverLibFileName : ""

# region
$ cbctl create region -f - <<EOF
RegionName : "region-aws-tokyo"
ProviderName : "AWS"
KeyValueInfoList :
- Key : "Region"
  Value : "ap-northeast-1"
- Key : "Zone"
  Value : "ap-northeast-1a"

# credential
$ cbctl create credential -f - <<EOF
CredentialName : "credential-aws"
ProviderName : "AWS"
KeyValueInfoList :
- Key : "ClientId"
  Value : "aaaaaaa"
- Key : "ClientSecret"
  Value : "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"

# connection
$ cbctl create connection -f - <<EOF
ConfigName : "config-aws-tokyo"
ProviderName : "AWS" 
DriverName : "aws-driver-v1.0" 
CredentialName : "credential-aws"
RegionName : "region-aws-tokyo"

# namespace
$ cbctl create namespace -f - <<EOF
name : "acornsoft"
description : "acornsoft namespace"


$ cbctl plugin
$ cbctl <plugin name>


$ cbctl clean mcir

Persistent flags

--config [config file path (default:.config)]

--output [json/yaml(default)]
--o [json/yaml(default)]
  • Optional persistent flags (config)
--namespace [cloud-barista namespace (default:acornsoft)]
-n [cloud-barista namespace (default:acornsoft)]

Using plugin examples

  • create a executable plugin (on PATH)

plugin name = cbctl-foo (prefix : cbctl)

$ cat > /usr/local/bin/cbctl-foo <<EOF
echo "I am plugin foo"

$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cbctl-foo
  • create a executable plugin (on plugin directory)

plugin name = foo

$ mkdir ${HOME}/.cbctl/plugins
$ cat > ${HOME}/.cbctl/plugins/foo <<EOF
echo "I am plugin foo"

$ chmod +x ${HOME}/.cbctl/plugins/foo
  • plugin list
$ cbctl plugin
The following compatible plugins are available:

  • execute plugin
$ cbctl foo
I am plugin foo


$ cbctl config
  • Context
$ cbctl config add-context ctx1 \
 --namespace default \
 --url-mcks \
 --url-spider \

$ cbctl config list-context
$ cbctl config get-context ctx1
$ cbctl config delete-context ctx1
  • Current context
$ cbctl config current-context
$ cbctl config current-context ctx1
$ cbctl config set-namespace namespace1
$ cbctl config view