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ScrollController is a Framer module that helps you to animate, pin and trigger events based on scroll position.


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ScrollController is a Framer module that helps you to animate, pin and trigger events based on scroll position. It's the module you need, if you want to:

  • animate based on scroll position
  • start an animation at a specific scroll position
  • synchronise an animation to the scroll movement
  • pin a layer indefinitely at a specific scroll position
  • pin a layer for a limited amount of scroll progress
  • add callbacks at specific scroll positions passing a progress parameter
  • easily create parallax effect
  • create infinite scrolling
  • create sticky headers

Works with Framer v120 or later

Table of contents

Quick start
Known limitations


Install with Framer Modules

  1. Open your project in Framer.
  2. Start Framer Modules and select ADD MODULE.
  3. Search for ScrollController, once found hit enter to install into your prototype.
Install with Framer Modules

Install manually

  1. Open your project in Framer.
  2. Download and unzip the module.
  3. Drag the file into the code editor.
  4. Change ScrollController to {ScrollController} in the require command


ScrollController Example

Quick start

To get started using the ScrollController you must start by creating a Controller to make the required connection to the ScrollComponent. Secondly you must add at least one Scene which defines in what part of the page/view something should happen. Finally you may add at least one Tween or Pin to define what needs to happen. Alternatively you may listen for events with callbacks to trigger your prototype.

Step 1: Import module
# Import module
{ScrollController} = require 'ScrollController'
Step 2: Create setting (with built-in components)
# Create ScrollComponent
myScrollComponent = new ScrollComponent
	frame: Screen.frame
	scrollHorizontal: false

# Create container
myContainer = new Layer
	parent: myScrollComponent.content
	width: Screen.width
	height: Screen.height*2
	backgroundColor: null

# Create layer
myLayer = new Layer
	parent: myContainer
Step 3: Create controller and add scene, tween and pin
# Create controller
myController = new ScrollController
	source: myScrollComponent

# Add scene
myScene = myController.addScene
	triggerLayer: myLayer
	duration: 200
	guide: true

# Add tweeen
myTween = myScene.addTween
	to: {rotation: -90, scale: 0.2, backgroundColor: "#00AAFF"}
	options: {time: 0.25, curve: "Spring"}

# Add pin
myPin = myScene.addPin()
Step 4: Listen for events with callback
# Listen for event with callback
myScene.onProgress (event, instance) ->
  myTextLayer.text = "#{event.progress}"


ScrollController consists of 4 components: Controller, Scene, Tween and Pin. Learn about each components and its properties in the documentation:




The controller establishes the required connection to the ScrollComponent and manages attached scenes by either updating or refreshing them whenever the ScrollComponent changes its size or when its scroll position changes. The controller manages one direction - create two controllers if you need to manage both horizontal and vertical movement at the same time.

Property Type Default Description
new ScrollController Class - Create controller
Controller.source Object - Get controller source String "." Get/Set controller name
Controller.direction String "vertical" Get controller scroll direction
Controller.throttle Number 0 Get/Set controller throttling
Controller.enabled Boolean true Get/Set controller enabled state
Controller.addScene Method - Add scene to controller
Controller.removeScene Method - Remove scene from controller
Controller.scrollTo Method - Scroll to scene, progress, layer or offset
Controller.update Method - Force controller update
Controller.refresh Method - Force controller refresh
Controller.remove Method - Remove controller

new ScrollController

Create controller.

  • source – ScrollComponent instance – required
  • name – controller name
  • direction – controller scroll direction
  • throttle – controller throttling
  • enabled – controller enabled state
# Create controller with default properties
myController = new ScrollController
  source: myScrollComponent

# Create controller with custom properties
myController = new ScrollController
  source: myScrollComponent
  name: "myControllerName"
  direction: "horizontal"
  throttle: 0.01
  enabled: false


Add scene to controller.

  • name – scene name
  • triggerLayer – scene triggerLayer to define the start of the scene
  • offset – scene offset, from top/left of screen or from triggerLayer
  • duration – scene duration
  • needle – scene needle position, from begining to end of screen (0 to 1)
  • reverse – scene reversable state
  • enabled – scene enabled state
  • guide – scene guide markers
  • guideNeedleColor – scene guide needle color
  • guideStartColor – scene guide start color
  • guideEndColor – scene guide end color
  • guideIndent – scene guide indent
# Add scene to controller with default properties
myScene = myController.addScene()

# Add scene to controller with custom properties
myScene = myController.addScene
  name: "mySceneName"
  triggerLayer: myLayer
  offset: -100
  duration: 200
  needle: 0.65
  reverse: false
  enabled: false
  guide: true
  guideNeedleColor: "blue"
  guideStartColor: "green"
  guideEndColor: "red"
  guideIndent: 40


Remove scene from controller.

  • reset – reset scene and all connected tweens and pins
# Remove scenes and all connected tweens and pins
myController.removeScene myScene

# Remove and reset scene and all connected tweens and pins
myController.removeScene myScene, true


Scroll to scene, scene progress, layer and offset

  • element – scene or layer
  • progress – scene progress (0 to 1)
  • offset – offset
# Scroll to scene
  element: myScene

# Scroll to scene progress
  element: myScene
  progress: 0.25

# Scroll to layer
  element: myLayer

# Scroll to offset
  offset: 100

# Scroll to scene progress with offset
  element: myScene
  progress: 0.25
  offset: 100


Update controller by recalculating scene, tween and pin properties then automatically refreshing the controller. This happens automatically and should only be used when required.

# Update controller


Refresh controller by redrawing scenes, tweens and pins. This happens automatically and should only be used when required.

# Refresh controller


Remove controller.

  • reset – reset controller and all connected scenes, tweens and pins
# Remove controller and all connected scenes, tweens and pins

# Remove and reset controller and all connected scenes, tweens and pins
myController.remove true


The scene defines in what part of the page/view something should happen and manages all attached tweens and pins. The scene has a start position defined by either a layer (triggerLayer) and/or an offset (from the triggerLayer or from top/left of screen if no triggerLayer is defined). The scene can also have an end if a duration is defined. Every scene has a needle (defined by a number between 0 and 1, start of screen is 0, end of screen is 1). The needle triggers events once it reaches the start, the end and whenever it enters, progresses and leaves the scene. A scene can be setup easily and precisely by enabling the guide.

Property Type Default Description
Scene.source Object ScrollComponent Get scene ScrollComponent
Scene.controller Object Controller Get scene controller String "." Get/Set scene name
Scene.triggerLayer Layer Undefined Get/Set triggerLayer
Scene.needle Number 0.5 Get/Set scene needle (0 to 1)
Scene.offset Number 0 Get/Set scene offset
Scene.duration Number 0 Get/Set scene duration
Scene.reverse Boolean true Get/Set scene reversable state
Scene.enabled Boolean true Get/Set scene enabled state Boolean false Get scene guide
Scene.guideNeedleColor Color "#0066FF" Get scene guide needle guide
Scene.guideStartColor Color "#009933" Get scene guide start color
Scene.guideEndColor Color "#FF3333" Get scene guide end color
Scene.state String "before", "during" or "after" Get scene state
Scene.progress Number - Get scene progress (0 to 1)
Scene.start Number - Get scene start
Scene.end Number - Get scene end
Scene.needlePos Number - Get scene needle position
Scene.scrollOffset Number - Get scene scroll offset
Scene.offsetStart Number - Get scene offset start
Scene.offsetEnd Number - Get scene offset end
Scene.tweens Array - Get scene tweens
Scene.pins Array - Get scene pins
Scene.addTween Method - Add scene tween
Scene.removeTween Method - Remove scene tween
Scene.addPin Method - Add scene pin
Scene.removePin Method - Remove scene pin
Scene.trigger Method - Trigger scene event
Scene.update Method - Force scene update
Scene.refresh Method - Force scene refresh
Scene.remove Method - Remove scene
Scene.onChangeValue Event - On change value
Scene.onShift Event - On shift
Scene.onUpdate Event - On update
Scene.onEnter Event - On enter
Scene.onStart Event - On start
Scene.onProgress Event - On progress
Scene.onEnd Event - On end
Scene.onLeave Event - On leave


Add tween to scene.

  • name – tween name
  • layer – tween layer
  • from – tween from properties object - required if no to properties
  • to – tween to properties object - required if no from properties
  • options – tween animation object
  • init – tween initialisation state
  • enabled – tween enabled state
# Add tween to scene with default properties
myTween = myScene.addTween
  from: {opacity: 0}

# Add tween to scene with custom properties
myTween = myScene.addTween
  name: "myTween"
  layer: myOtherLayer
  from: {rotation: 0, scale: 2, backgroundColor: "white"}
  to: {rotation: -90, scale: 0.2, backgroundColor: "#00AAFF"}
  options: {time: 0.25, curve: "Spring", colorModel: "rgb"}
  init: true
  enabled: false


Remove tween from scene.

  • reset – reset tween
# Remove tween
myScene.removeTween myTween

# Remove and reset tween
myScene.removeTween myTween, true


Add pin to scene.

  • name – pin name
  • layer – pin layer
  • enabled – pin enabled state
# Add pin to scene with default properties
myPin = myScene.addPin()

# Add pin to scene with custom properties
myPin = myScene.addPin
  name: "myPinName"
  layer: myOtherLayer
  enabled: false


Remove pin from scene.

  • reset – reset pin
# Remove pin
myScene.removePin myPin

# Remove and reset pin
myScene.removePin myPin, true


Trigger scene event.

  • name – event name to trigger – required
  • event – event object for callback
# Trigger scene event
  name: "enter"
  event: {myVar}


Update by recalculating scene, tween and pin properties then automatically refreshing the scene. This happens automatically and should only be used when required.

# Update scene


Refresh scene by redrawing tweens and pins. This happens automatically and should only be used when required.

# Refresh scene


Remove scene from controller.

  • reset – reset scene and all connected tweens and pins
# Remove scene and all connected tweens and pins

# Remove and reset scene and all connected tweens and pins
myScene.remove true


Listen for scene events.

Event listeners
# Listen for scene change
myScene.onChangeValue ->
  print "Scene changed"

# Listen for scene shift
myScene.onShift ->
  print "Scene shifted"

# Listen for scene update
myScene.onUpdate ->
  print "Scene updated"

# Listen for scene enter
myScene.onEnter ->
  print "Scene entered"

# Listen for scene start
myScene.onStart ->
  print "Scene started"

# Listen for scene progress
myScene.onProgress ->
  print "Scene progressed"

# Listen for scene end
myScene.onEnd ->
  print "Scene ended"

# Listen for scene leave
myScene.onLeave ->
  print "Scene left"
Event listeners with callbacks
# Listen for scene change with callback
myScene.onChangeValue (event, instance) ->
  print "Scene changed"
  print "Event: #{}, #{event.value}"

# Listen for scene shift with callback
myScene.onShift (event, instance) ->
  print "Scene shifted"
  print "Event: #{event.reason}"

# Listen for scene update with callback
myScene.onUpdate (event, instance) ->
  print "Scene updated"
  print "Event: #{event.start}, #{event.end}, #{event.scrollPos}"

# Listen for scene enter with callback
myScene.onEnter (event, instance) ->
  print "Scene entered"
  print "Event: #{event.progress}, #{event.state}, #{event.scrollDir}"

# Listen for scene start with callback
myScene.onStart (event, instance) ->
  print "Scene started"
  print "Event: #{event.progress}, #{event.state}, #{event.scrollDir}"

# Listen for scene progress with callback
myScene.onProgress (event, instance) ->
  print "Scene progressed"
  print "Event: #{event.progress}, #{event.state}, #{event.scrollDir}"

# Listen for scene end with callback
myScene.onEnd (event, instance) ->
  print "Scene ended"
  print "Event: #{event.progress}, #{event.state}, #{event.scrollDir}"

# Listen for scene leave with callback
myScene.onLeave (event, instance) ->
  print "Scene left"
  print "Event: #{event.progress}, #{event.state}, #{event.scrollDir}"


The tween defines what happens in a scene by animating a defined layer (triggerLayer by default) between states defined by from and/or to properties. The tween will start its animation (with its defined animation options) when its scene starts or it will modulate based on scroll progress between from and to when its scene starts until it ends if the scene has a duration. Multiple tweens can be added on the same layer with the same properties if their scenes are defined in succession and the tweens define both from and to properties and disable their initialisation.

Property Type Default Description
Tween.source Object ScrollComponent Get tween ScrollComponent
Tween.controller Object Controller Get tween controller
Tween.scene Object Scene Get tween scene String "." Get/Set tween name
Tween.layer Object Scene.triggerLayer Get tween layer
Tween.from Object - Get tween from properties Object - Get tween to properties
Tween.options Object Framer.Defaults.Animation Get tween animation options
Tween.init Boolean true Get tween animation initialisation state
Tween.enabled Boolean true Get/Set tween enabled state
Tween.remove Method - Remove tween


Remove tween from scene.

  • reset – reset tween
# Remove tween

# Remove and reset tween
myTween.remove true


The pin defines what happens in a scene by pinning a defined layer (triggerLayer by default). The pin will pin its layer when its scene starts and unpins its layer when its scene ends if the scene has a duration. Multiple pins can be added on the same layer in the same direction if their scenes are defined in succession.

Property Type Default Description
Pin.source Object ScrollComponent Get pin ScrollComponent
Pin.controller Object Controller Get pin controller
Pin.scene Object Scene Get pin scene String "." Get/Set pin name
Pin.layer Layer Scene.triggerLayer Get pin layer
Pin.enabled Boolean true Get/Set pin enabled state
Pin.state String "pinned" or "unpinned" Get pin state
Pin.remove Method - Remove pin


Remove pin from scene.

  • reset – reset pin
# Remove pin

# Remove and reset pin
myPin.remove true

Known limitations

  • It is not recommended to use ScrollController for “clicky” mousewheel scrolling due to the nature of its scrolling behavior.
  • Overlapping pins on the same layer in the same direction is not supported, use successive pinning instead.
  • Overlapping tweens on the same layer with the same properties is not supported, use successive tweening instead and define from, to and init: false for all but the first tween.
  • Removing tweens on a layer with remaining tweens is not supported.


  • v1.0.1 - Minor optimisations
  • v1.0.0 - Initial release


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Developed by Jesper Bentzen.

Star this repository if you like it, and if you find that this plugin somehow saves your day, then consider buying me a coffee via PayPal. It will surely help motivate me to further support this module. :)


A special thank you to @janpaepke for creating ScrollMagic which helped guide the approach used in this module. Also thank you to the entire Framer Slack community and especially @steveruizok and @marckrenn for sharing their thoughts and hard work to study and build upon.


ScrollController is a Framer module that helps you to animate, pin and trigger events based on scroll position.








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