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A dynamic dashboard for OpenRCT2 scenarios including all the statistics.

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This plugin is under rapid development. Check for updates regularly for the latest features, bug fixes and performance optimisations.


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Features (Preview)

Feature Preview


Preview v1.0.0-pre.6



  1. Download the latest release here.

  2. Drag dynamicdashboard.js into the plugin folder of OpenRCT2.

  3. Enjoy the stats!


Shortcut Key: Press SHIFT+D to open dynamic dashboard. Customisable in OpenRCT2 game options.

Update Mode

With each click of the button, dynamic dashboard iterates through the following modes.

Mode Description
update_running All statistics will update automatically, or Sync Now at any time.
update_manual Statistics that are obtained by reading map values (e.g. entity count, guest stats, park ratings) will be paused. Statistics based on detecting game events (e.g. player action, guest generation, ride crashes) will continue to update. Manually update by pressing Sync Now.
update_paused All statistics will cease to update.

Sync Now

sync_now_enabled sync_now_disabled

Use this button to update statistics manually. Disabled when Update Mode is set to Paused.

Show Progress Bar / Value

show_progressbar show_value

Toggles progress bar / exact value display for applicable statistics.


If your progress bar looks weird, try changing your render mode to OpenGL in the options menu.



Seen when Update Mode is set to Running. Statistics are updated when all lights turn green (at least it is intended to do so).

indicators_manual_idle indicators_manual_activated

Seen when Update Mode is set to Manual. All lights flash yellow when Sync Now is pressed.


Seen when Update Mode is set to Paused.

Update Frequency

The update frequency can be customised via global settings, found in the toolbox menu item.

toolbox_menu_item toolbox_menu


We're excited to have you here and appreciate your interest in contributing to our OpenRCT2 plugin project, whether you're a seasoned developer, a passionate designer, or simply an avid fan. Here are a few ways you can contribute:

  1. Code Contributions: Help us expand functionality, fix bugs, or add new features. Fork and pull!

  2. Testing and Bug Reports: Report any issues you encounter with clear descriptions and steps to reproduce the problem. Your feedback helps us improve stability.

  3. Feature Requests: Share your ideas for new features by opening an issue.

  4. Documentation: Help insert comments to code, imrpove markdown files or fix typos.

  5. Localisation: Help us translate! Start by making a copy of en-GB.json and renaming it according to the language code. Once finished, create a pull request!

Special thanks to OpenRCT2, the OpenRCT2 Community, Basssiiie's wonderful typescript plugin template and OpenRCT2-FlexUI! This wouldn't be possible without them.

🌟 Support us by starring the repo and spreading the word!