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Statistical language model of Turkish utilizing ngrams of Turkish syllables with Good Turing smoothing implementation.

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The project is developed using Python. To run the program, you need to install the requirements. You can install them with the command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

After installation, you can run the program as follows:

$ python --corpora-usage [1-100]

Note that you need to provide the corpora usage percentage as a program argument and the corpora file "wiki_00" under the data folder in the project. It accepts numbers between 1 and 100. After running the program, you can find the related outputs under the output folder:

  • Processed versions of the train and test data.

  • Perplexity calculations for each sentence in the test data.

  • Randomly generated sentences with 5 syllables.

  • Unigram, bigram, and trigram tables. These tables represent frequency counts after applying Good-Turing smoothing.

  • The n-gram tables are stored as dictionaries. Whenever the 'UNK' element is encountered in the test data, a zero-count probability is utilized.

Data and Data Processing


The dataset utilized for this project is available on Kaggle at the following URL: To proceed with the project, download the dataset and place the file named wiki_00 within the designated data folder. Here is the head of the data:

<doc id="10" url="" title="Cengiz Han">
Cengiz Han

Cengiz Han ("Cenghis Khan", "Çinggis Haan" ya da doğum adıyla Temuçin

Data Preprocessing

The dataset preprocessing involves several steps:

  • HTML Tag Removal: Utilizing the html2text library, HTML tags within the dataset are removed, ensuring clean text for analysis.

  • Text Syllabification: The text undergoes syllabification using custom functions and regex patterns to convert words into syllables. Also used some special tokens to represents spaces between words and end of the sentences.

    • </w>: Represents a space between words.

    • </s>: Represents the end of a sentence.

  • Train-Test Split: The dataset is split into training and test sets based on a given percentage, enabling model training and evaluation.


While constructing ngrams, the NLTK library was utilized to generate these sequences from the provided tokens. The ngrams are maintained in a dictionary structure owing to numerous empty entries in both bigrams and trigrams.

To optimize storage and computational efficiency, the ngram tables were organized as dictionaries. In cases where a specific pair did not exist within the dictionary, a zero count probability was assigned.

The approach involved three distinct functions to handle unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams:


The unigram data was created by tokenizing the input and employing NLTK to generate these single-word sequences. After obtaining the unigrams, occurrences were counted, and a smoothing technique was applied to handle instances of zero counts. The resulting frequencies were written to an output file named unigram_frequencies.


Similar to unigrams, bigrams were generated from the provided tokens. Counting occurrences and applying smoothing were performed to handle any zero-count instances in the bigram data. The frequencies were then written to the output file named bigram_frequencies.


Trigrams were generated by NLTK using the tokenized input. Similar steps were taken for counting occurrences, applying smoothing to handle potential zero counts, and storing the resulting frequencies in the output file trigram_frequencies.


For smoothing, the Good-Turing algorithm is utilized. In practice, we can assume that large counts (i.e., counts greater than some threshold $k$) are reliable. Making tihs assumption below formula is used:

$$\begin{aligned} c^* &= \begin{cases} c & \text{for } c > k \\ \frac{k+1}{N_k + 1} \cdot \frac{1}{1 - \frac{k+1}{N_k + 1}} & \text{for } 1 < c \leq k \end{cases} \end{aligned}$$

where $N_k$ is the total number of counts up to and including $k$.

Probability of Spell and Markov Assumption

The probabilities of syllables are calculated using Bayes' theorem in the following manner:

For unigrams, the probability of a syllable $s$ occurring is computed as: $$P(s) = \frac{{\text{{frequency of }} s}}{{\text{{total number of unigrams}}}}$$

For bigrams, given the previous syllable $p$ and the current syllable $c$, the probability is calculated as: $$P(c|p) = \frac{{\text{{frequency of }} (p, c)}}{{\text{{frequency of }} p}}$$

For trigrams, considering the two previous syllables $p_1$ and $p_2$ and the current syllable $c$, the probability is determined as: $$P(c|p_1,p_2) = \frac{{\text{{frequency of }} (p_1, p_2, c)}}{{\text{{frequency of }} (p_1, p_2)}}$$

Sentence probabilities are calculated using the Markov assumption, which makes simplifying assumptions about the dependence between syllables to enable efficient computation. To prevent underflow during these calculations, the sum of logs is used.


Unigram Perplexity

The unigram perplexity, which considers only the individual syllables, is calculated as follows:

$$\text{Perplexity} = \exp\left(-\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \log P(s_i)\right)$$


$N$ is the number of syllables in the sequence.

$s_i$ is the $i$th syllable in the sequence.

$P(s_i)$ is the probability of the $i$th syllable occurring.

Bigram Perplexity

The bigram perplexity considers the previous syllable when predicting the next syllable. It is calculated as follows:

$$\text{Perplexity} = \exp\left(-\frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{i=2}^N \log P(s_i | s_{i-1})\right)$$


$N$ is the number of syllables in the sequence.

$s_i$ is the $i$th syllable in the sequence.

$s_{i-1}$ is the $(i-1)$th syllable in the sequence.

$P(s_i | s_{i-1})$ is the probability of the $i$th syllable occurring given the $(i-1)$th syllable.

Trigram Perplexity

The trigram perplexity considers the two previous syllables when predicting the next syllable. It is calculated as follows:

$$\text{Perplexity} = \exp\left(-\frac{1}{N-2} \sum_{i=3}^N \log P(s_i | s_{i-1}, s_{i-2})\right)$$


$N$ is the number of syllables in the sequence.

$s_i$ is the $i$th syllable in the sequence.

$s_{i-1}$ is the $(i-1)$th syllable in the sequence.

$s_{i-2}$ is the $(i-2)$th syllable in the sequence.

$P(s_i | s_{i-1}, s_{i-2})$ is the probability of the $i$th syllable occurring given the $(i-1)$th and $(i-2)$th syllables.


Ngram Frequencies Table

First 20 Entries of Unigram, Bigram, and Trigram Frequencies

Unigram Bigram Trigram
cen: 72985 cen, giz: 1781 cen, giz, </w>: 1728
giz: 11010 giz, </w>: 2213 giz, </w>, han: 712
</w>: 45631791 </w>, han: 18565 </w>, han, </w>: 7209
han: 60574 han, </w>: 29502 han, </w>, cen: 22
ceng: 22 </w>, cen: 46187 </w>, cen, giz: 1350
his: 12966 </w>, ceng: 20 han, </w>, ceng: 0.366
khan: 522 ceng, his: 0.414 </w>, ceng, his: 0.366
çing: 152 his, </w>: 2685 ceng, his, </w>: 0.366
gis: 1534 </w>, khan: 478 his, </w>, khan: 4.292
ha: 683736 khan, </w>: 470 </w>, khan, </w>: 428
an: 358369 </w>, çing: 99 khan, </w>, çing: 0.366
ya: 1985060 çing, gis: 1.243 </w>, çing, gis: 1.262
da: 2570363 gis, </w>: 536 çing, gis, </w>: 1.262
do: 244733 </w>, ha: 360493 gis, </w>, ha: 3.284
ğum: 10921 ha, an: 47 </w>, ha, an: 16
a: 2106725 an, </w>: 38434 ha, an, </w>: 44
dıy: 20423 </w>, ya: 944971 an, </w>, ya: 230
la: 3067824 ya, </w>: 704732 </w>, ya, </w>: 112035
te: 1103320 </w>, da: 798956 ya, </w>, da: 96060
mu: 169417 da, </w>: 1835246 </w>, da, </w>: 448995


You can find the perplexity results of below sentences in the Table:

  1. yerine kukla konumunda kalacak sultan musa han geçti
  2. kotlin kotlin java sanal makinesi jvm üzerinde çalışan ve ayrıca javascript kaynak koduna derlenebilir statik tipli bir programlama dilidir
  3. kotlin apple ın swift diline benzemektedir
  4. yarışmadan önce mevcut dünya ve şampiyona rekorları aşağıdaki gibiydi
  5. eleme serileri temmuz da saat da gerçekleştirildi
  6. kalem harici olarak bir kapaklı silindirik bir kapta saklanır
  7. windows marketplace nin mobil versiyonu olan windows marketplace for mobile uygulamalar mağazası vardır
  8. ekim de piyasaya çıktı
  9. bloğu ikinci bitiren takımlar finaliste karar verilmesi için yarı finale kalmıştır
  10. aynı zamanda üç roman filmin üç konusuna da odaklanmaktadır
  11. soğan kubbesi sadece rus mimarisinde değil aynı zamanda yaygın olarak hint gotik mimarisini etkilemeye devam eden babür mimarisinde de kullanılmıştır
  12. yahudiler ortalığı karıştırmak adına sünnetli olan türkleri almanlara ihbar eder
  13. böylelikle yahudiler den sonra türkler de katliama uğrar
  14. bunu takiben ödül için beş aday belirlemek için gizli oy kullanılır

Perplexities for Sample Sentences

Sentence Unigram Perplexity Bigram Perplexity Trigram Perplexity
1 332771925.7920939 29.989 19.483
2 332771925.79210925 36.118 16.964
3 332771925.79210925 36.637 20.396
4 332771925.7920939 17.705 8.446
5 332771925.7920939 13.616 8.024
6 332771925.79210097 34.024 14.967
7 332771925.79210216 31.842 13.499
8 332771925.7921057 24.965 5.422
9 332771925.79210806 16.766 10.761
10 332771925.79210806 16.638 9.919
11 332771925.79210454 22.375 9.463
12 332771925.7920939 25.364 14.990
13 332771925.7920939 25.689 12.547
14 332771925.7920939 23.140 11.158

Random Sentence Generation

Randomly generated sentences using 5 syllables and weighted probabilities can be found in the Table

Generated Sentences and Postprocessed Versions

Type Sentence Postprocessed
Unigram </s> o da ma çe i </s> "odamaçei"
Bigram </s> se çim de </w> tu </s> "seçimde tu"
Trigram </s> nin sun </w> si cil </s> "ninsun sicil"
Unigram </s> sın son bey al lı </s> "sınsonbeyallı"
Bigram </s> müs lü </w> do </w> </s> "müslü do "
Trigram </s> tü ke ti </w> ve </s> "tüketi ve"
Unigram </s> şiş bi kap di ra </s> "şişbikapdira"
Bigram </s> sa ray lar da nır </s> "saraylardanır"
Trigram </s> sert tir </w> ve </w> </s> "serttir ve"
Unigram </s> yaş rül zı rı ya </s> "yaşrülzırıya"
Bigram </s> meş hur baş la rak </s> "meşhurbaşlarak"
Trigram </s> mes cit </w> dö nem </s> "mescit dönem"
Unigram </s> tüm pı nın sı ma </s> "tümpınınsıma"
Bigram </s> bod rum la rı </w> </s> "bodrumları "
Trigram </s> sü rün gen ler den </s> "sürüngenlerden"


Statistical language model of Turkish utilizing ngrams of Turkish syllables with Good Turing smoothing implementation.





