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Tuning RNNs with RL

This code implements the models described in this research paper, and this blog. The idea is to take an LSTM that has been trained to predict the next note in a monophonic melody — called a Note RNN — and enhance it using reinforcement learning (RL).

The RLTuner class implements a Deep Q Network (DQN), in which the Q network learns the reward value of taking actions (playing notes) given the state of the environment (the melody composed so far). The reward that the network learns comes from two sources: 1) a set of music theory reward functions, and 2) the output of a trained Note RNN, which gives p(a|s), the probability of playing the next note a given the state of the composition s, as originally learned from data. This combination allows the model to maintain what it learned from data, while constraining it to conform to a set of music theory rules.

Using a checkpoint file storing a trained Note RNN, the NoteRNNLoader class is used to load three copies of the Note RNN into RLTuner. Two copies supply the initial values for the Q-network and Target-Q-network in the DQN algorithm, while the third is used as a Reward RNN, which supplies the p(a|s) values in the reward function. Note that the Reward RNN remains fixed; its weights are not updated during training, so it always represents the note probabilities learned from data.

The music theory reward functions are designed to constrain the actions of the network so that it chooses notes in accordance with a musical structure; for example, choosing harmonious interval steps and playing notes within the same key. Several reward functions have been written, but these could easily be improved and extended!

In addition to the normal Q function, this code provides the ability to train the network with the Psi learning and G learning functions, which can be set with the algorithm hyperparameter. For details on each algorithm, see our paper.

Code structure

  • In the constructor, RLTuner loads the q_network, target_q_network, and reward_rnn from a checkpointed Note RNN.

  • The tensorflow graph architecture is defined in the build_graph function.

  • The model is trained using the train function. It will continuously place notes by calling action, receive rewards using collect_reward, and save these experiences using store.

  • The network weights are updated using training_step, which samples minibatches of experience from the model's experience buffer and uses this to compute gradients based on the loss function in build_graph.

  • During training, the function evaluate_model is occasionally run to test how much reward the model receives from both the Reward RNN and the music theory functions.

  • After the model is trained, you can use the save_model_and_figs function to save a checkpoint of the model and a set of figures of the rewards over time.

  • Finally, use generate_music_sequence to generate a melody with your trained model! You can also call this function before training, to see how the model's songs have improved with training! If you set the visualize_probs parameter to True, it will also plot the note probabilities of the model over time.

Running the code

To start using the model, first set up your Magenta environment. you can either use a pre-trained model or train your own.

To train the model you can use the jupyter notebook RL_Tuner.ipynb found in our Magenta Demos repository or you can simply run:


Tuning your own model

By default, if you don't provide a Note RNN checkpoint file to load, the code will automatically download and use the checkpointed model we used for our paper from here.

If you want to use your own model, you need to pass in the directory containing it using the note_rnn_checkpoint_dir, and the hyperparameters you used to train it via note_rnn_hparams. You can also pass in a path to the checkpoint file directly using note_rnn_checkpoint_file.

We also support tuning a basic_rnn trained using the Magenta code! To tune a basic_rnn, use the same note_rnn_checkpoint_dir parameter, but set the note_rnn_type parameter to 'basic_rnn'. We also provide the script unpack_bundle (in magenta/scripts) to help you extract a checkpoint file from one of the pre-trained magenta bundles.

Improving the model

If you have ideas for improving the sound of the model based on your own rules for musical aesthetics, try modifying the reward_music_theory function!

Helpful links