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cffr 0.5.0

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@dieghernan dieghernan released this 05 May 13:04


  • Function cff_to_bibtex() and cff_extract_to_bibtex() have been merged,
    the latter (cff_extract_to_bibtex()) is now soft-deprecated.

New features

  • New function write_citation() that can generate a inst/CITATION file from
    a cff object (#51).


  • Additional authors of a R package can be now included based on the role
    on the DESCRIPTION file, via the parameter authors_roles (#49).

  • New message interface based on cli

  • Now the (invisible) result of cff_validate() includes the summary of
    errors (if any) as an attributes() named "error", as
    jsonvalidate::json_validate() does when verbose = TRUE:

    Be verbose? If TRUE, then an attribute "errors" will list validation
    failures as a data.frame

  • Improvements in the extraction of `date-release`.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.5.0