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Airflow on Kubernetes

Run Airflow on K8s in AWS. We are all running the same stuff. This won't be exactly what you need. This is meant to be a starting point to waste less engineering time.

EKS Deployment Networking

The example EKS cluster in this repo is configured to allow both private and public access. Private access is done through private subnetting via a NAT gateway. Public access is controlled via allowlisting in the EKS Security Group. If you have a VPN or want to use a jumpbox, you can restrict EKS to only private access and configure access from your private network.


The main production database for this example is RDS - Postgres. There is a local version of a postgres database which runs inside of k8s. This is only for local development.

Getting Started


  1. AWS account CLI configured locally.
  2. Install Terraform.
  3. Install Make
  4. Install Local Dependencies (Optional) - make install-requirements

Run Airflow locally

  1. Create and Export the .env file variables - export $(cat .env). Hint: the .env template file shows which variables you will need to define in your .env file.
  2. Build the Airflow image locally - make build-minikube-airflow-image
  3. Apply the dev k8s config - make set-kube-secrets-local
  4. Apply the dev k8s config - make apply-kube-manifests-local
  5. Port forward to the local webserver et voilà - kubectl port-forward svc/airflow-webserver 8080:8080 --namespace airflow

Run Airflow on AWS

  1. Create and Export the .env file variables - export $(cat .env). Hint: the .env template file shows which variables you will need to define in your .env file.
  2. Build the Terraform plans, cd terraform/us-west-2 && terraform apply. Hint: don't forget to allowlist your IP or connect via a private network.
  3. Update local kubeconfig to point to the AWS EKS cluster, make update-kubeconfig.
  4. Build and push the Airflow image to ECR, make push-ecr-airflow-image.
  5. Set secrets in EKS, make set-kube-secrets-prod.
  6. Apply kustomize manifests, make apply-kube-manifests-prod
  7. Port forward to the local webserver et voilà - kubectl port-forward svc/airflow-webserver 8080:8080 --namespace airflow

Common Commands

# Get all pods in the airflow namespace
kubectl get pods -n airflow

# Port forward the webserver to localhost:8080
kubectl port-forward svc/airflow-webserver 8080:8080 --namespace airflow

# Port forward the PG database to localhost:5432
kubectl port-forward svc/postgres 5432:5432 --namespace airflow

# Get the los for a pod
kubectl logs ${POD_NAME} -n airflow --all-containers --follow

# Open an interactive shell in a running container
kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n airflow -c scheduler ${POD_NAME} -- /bin/sh

# Print the plaintext of a kube secret
kubectl get secret postgres -n airflow -o json | jq -r '.data.connection' | base64 --decode

# Restart a pod
kubectl rollout restart deployment airflow-webserver -n airflow

# Delete all pods in a namespace
kubectl delete pods --all -n airflow