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Dynamic content for decentralized web.

This is a research project intended to pave a way for dynamic decentralized applications, not mere databases or blockchain dApps.

Conceptual Overview

The best bet on decentralized web is content-addressable storage, like IPFS/Filecoin. Data put there are addressable via a short string called content identifier or CID, that is basically a cryptographic hash of the data. This makes IPFS data immutable and gives IPFS strength. Something stored under CID could never be changed. It is weakness, at the same time, as you could not easily change the data. You would have to put an updated version of it on IPFS, and address to it via a new CID.

Dynamic content means there is some sort of permanent well-known identifier, under which changeable data live. This could come as DNS, ENS, HNS, or IPNS. This comes at cost of updating this identifier->cid relation every time our data change. Another way, pioneered by OrbitDB, and then used by Textile, Ceramic and others, is to communicate the relation via IPFS Pubsub. This makes maintaining the relation really easy.

For dynamic content it makes sense to structure changes as updates, instead of replacing the whole content. This way we could establish lineage of changes that could be formally checked and thus operated on, which brings a concept of state transition to light. Leaning on IPFS directed acyclic graph structure, Merkle-CRDT was proposed to structure data and state transitions as Conflict-free replicated data type, or CRDT. It means, that updates happened at different times deterministically converge to a single state, and this does not involve human intervention.

CRDT is posed to solve problems arising from concurrent edits. It assumes existence of a cleverly constructed data structure (CRDT itself), and a resolver. The latter applies changes, and resolves conflicts in a deterministic way. The resolver depends on type of CRDT, and CRDT depends on constraints of the applications. Using CRDTs means either restricting application domain, or putting a heavy burden on application developer so that she could choose or construct a proper data structure. In addition to that CRDT, by academic definition, does not represent a lifecycle of data. For example, in a contract (paper, not smart one) signing scenario, the text of a contract could not be changed after it is signed by both parties. DID document is expected not to be updated after revocation. You have to add business logic on top of it for data lifecycle. All in all, we can not build dynamic decentralized applications purely relying on CRDT.

We assume a piece of data is structured in a form of document, we call it Vessel document below. It consists of genesis record and update records, that are stored on IPFS. Update records link to each other to form Merkle DAG. Genesis record represent initial state of the document. Update records change the state.

State Transitions

The document also has a linked ruleset, which is also stored on IPFS. The ruleset contains an executable code that is invoked for every update record. It applies the update to the current state, and returns the next state of the document, if the update is considered valid. The ruleset encodes rules of state transition, which might include checking signatures, checking document lifecycle, as well observing (and triggering) external resources, which are deemed necessary for the document and are permitted by the node on which the ruleset is executed. It is similar to Operation-based CRDTs apply(state, operation) => state function. So, at any update record in the line of changes we could compute a corresponding version of the state.

What the ruleset also does it provides what we call a canonical form of a document. That is, it gets a current state and presents it in a way that is suitable for a reader regardless of what is inside the state or how it evolves. One example of it is signing a contract. We consider a contract to be in "draft" stage till it is signed by both parties involved. Only if it gets two signatures, the ruleset reports that canonical form of the document is in stage of "agreement". There is no need to encode this specifically in the update records, or in genesis record.

Canonical Derivation

What this brings is wide interoperability. A node that conforms to the protocol of handling such a Vessel document, is not required to install custom per-document-type plugins. Readers of the document do not have to be concerned with state transitions, document lifecycle or semantics of document state to retrieve canonical form of a document.

Current Status

Consider this a research project. To have a peek on full Vessel document lifecycle go to post-vessel-tile-remote.ts. To run it:

  1. start necessary infra (two IPFS nodes) by docker-compose: docker-compose up,
  2. install dependencies: pnpm install
  3. make the code executable: pnpm run build
  4. start the node in dev mode: pnpm run dev,
  5. run the lifecycle script: cd libs/vessel && ../../node_modules/.bin/ts-node src/integration/post-vessel-tile-remote.ts

The lifecycle script tracks a contract signing example. Two parties decided to agree on a contract on state of number, just a single number. A document here contains the number, and two signatures from party A and party B. During drafting phase (stage = draft), the number could only go up. For the document to be considered an agreement (stage = 'agreement') it has to contain two signatures for the same number. The document can not be changed after it is in agreement stage. All of this is demonstrated there in the script.

When run, you should see this on console:

Vessel document id DocId(bafyreibkktz2hm2kgwfqxsm3haxtvikclvx2fqm4inf7scgudqbxuv7bni)
Change num to 300, sigB...
Same num, sigA...
sleeping after agreement is set. call should fail...
Really failed. Cool.

Concerns and Limitations

The kit, and Vessel approach do not fully handle siblings. We should make that a responsibility of Ruleset to resolve siblings. Siblings-resolution relies on anchoring, which should itself be moved fully to the ruleset.

Only JavaScript is supported in Ruleset. It should support WebAssembly. And, this in turns requires some sort of authoring support.

As for security, we use SES by Agoric to isolate potentially unsafe code, so consider it pretty secure. Yet, there are no limits on how many CPU/memory/network resources a ruleset consumes.

As for the authoring, this should include generation of JSON (LD) Schema for the document state.

So, lots of stuff that could be done better.


The suite uses pnpm package manager. You have to install it first.

For package, install dependencies:

pnpm i

then run in dev mode which recompiles TypeScript on file changes.

pnpm run dev

Ports Used

  • Anchoring: 3000

  • Wheel A: 3001

  • Wheel B: 3002

  • Anchoring UI: 8000

  • Wheel A UI: 8001

  • Wheel B UI: 8002

Detailed view at Anchoring