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Android runtime crash controller. defense java crash keep your application safety

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Android Defense Crash



What's this

This’s a Crash Defense library in Android to help you catch the Java exceptions which you don’t expected.


  • Step 1 Find the build.gradle file in your project and add the code into it as follow.
allprojects {
  repositories {
    //other mavens
    maven { url '' }
  • Step 2 Find the build.gradle file in the module that you want to integration
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.xuuhaoo:Android-DefenseCrash:last.version’

Attentions: last.versionis a substitute word, the real version will be found in


  • Initialize should be more earlier in application create, we suggest you put the init code in Application attachBaseContext(base:Context)

    • Sample
    override fun attachBaseContext(base: Context) {
  • Install Defense library after initialize.

    • Sample
    override fun attachBaseContext(base: Context) {
     DefenseCrash.install { thread, throwable, isSafeMode, isCrashInChoreographer ->
       //thread: The crash happened’s thread.
       //throwable: The Exception exactly is.
       //isSafeMode: If application is allready crashed and we saved it that is mean you are in safe mode,
       //that happens most of the time is your Main Looper is compromised by some errors and not going to normal,and we keep it runing that’s called safe mode.
       //isCrashInChoreographer: If crash happend in OnMeasure/OnLayout/OnDraw it will case screen blank or some view not draw successfully
       //If you got this true, we suggest you restart or finish the current Activity for good
       //You can throw some throwables here and if you do that, will case VM got this throwable and shutdown your process.
       //And you should do somting here such as:
         "thread:${} " +
         "exception:${throwable.message} " +
         "isCrashInChoreographer:$isCrashInChoreographer " +
  • Uninstall Defense library if you don’t need this.

    • Sample