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EGTM, M[UMPS] and GT.M technology FAQ

ztmr edited this page Dec 30, 2012 · 1 revision

What is MUMPS? What is GT.M?

What is EGTM?

EGTM stands for Erlang+GT.M, and is an Erlang application aimed to bring GT.M MUMPS and Erlang features together. The cooperation is possible in three ways:

  • Erlang as messaging for MUMPS: get your legacy MUMPS application and connect it to the Erlang/OTP platform so that the mature stuff become web-enabled, open for any kind of messaging and interaction with the rest of the world, while keeping untouched everything what already works for you. In this case, you have most of the code in MUMPS, and a little in Erlang.
  • MUMPS as database for Erlang: since MUMPS is very powerful in field of complex multidimensional data processing, EGTM allows your Erlang applications to have a mature, fast, embedded, optionally distributed, NoSQL/schema-less/multidimensional/object database engine. In this case, you have most of the code in Erlang and you don't have to write even a single line in MUMPS language itself!
  • all together just from application design-time: the best is to combine both of it: write data-processing stuff in pure MUMPS and use Erlang just for data gathering, their presentation to users and optionally to share them with another software systems via many different standardized protocols that usually lacks libraries for MUMPS.

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