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Math for CS


Welcome to "Math for CS" – an open-source mathematics textbook (note?) tailored for Computer Science students. This project serves as a comprehensive resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts crucial in the field of CS. It's also a personal journey, chronicling my learning path as I explore various topics in computer science mathematics.

Project Status

This textbook (or probably note?) is a work in progress and will be updated irregularly. Expect new topics and interesting exercises to be added as my study journey progresses (I'm currently a Y1 student for CS).

About the Book

"Math for CS" aims to cover a wide range of mathematic topics relevant to computer science, including but not limited to:

  • Extention of high school and middle school Knowledge (done, but there may be revision in future)
  • Discrete Math (To be finished by May)
  • Continuous Math (complete Calculus) (To be finished by the end of the year)
  • Probability, combinatorics, and statistics. (Working on the discrete part)
  • Linear Algebra(with advanced contents)
  • Information Theory(basics)
  • Important Pure Math knowledge including abstract algebra, category theory and topology(scattered in important contents, no current plan to make it a independent chapter, but maybe I will write some independent oroject on them). Each topic is accompanied by exercises and examples to reinforce learning and understanding. All suggestions or corrections are welcome.

Using the Book

The book is written in \LaTeX, ensuring high-quality typesetting, especially for mathematical expressions. To use this book: You can:

  • Clone the repository to your local machine and compile to PDF.
  • Download "main.pdf" dirrectly after new commits.

How to Contribute

All contributions are welcome! Whether it's fixing typos, improving explanations, or adding new content, your help is appreciated.


This work is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED license.


For questions and feedback, feel free to post it under issue.