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10 Academy

MIT License

End-to-End Web3 dApps:

certificate generation, distribution, and value transfer with Algorand NFTs and smart contracts

Business Need

Web3 technology is inherently about the user controlled internet. It is being achieved by a growing stack of decentralized technologies, such as blockchains, smart contracts, oracles, crypto wallets, storage networks, and more.

In this project, the client is 10 Academy; the client would like to solve the challenge of ensuring that certificates are available to all trainees in a secure way, and (if possible) that certificate holders can benefit from smart contract actions now and in the future. At present, certificates are distributed as simple PDF files, without the ability to verify their authenticity nor can 10 Academy undertake smart actions with the trainees/their contracts.

10 Academy has partnered with Algorand to use the Algorand Blockchain as the foundational element of the NFT, and this must now be implemented. In this project you will build end-to-end Web3 dapps on the Algorand Blockchain that will help 10 Academy generate and distribute Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as certificates that will represent the successful completion of a weekly challenge to trainees, and allow trainees with NFTs to interact with a smart contract to perform pre-defined actions.

Project structure

You will find two implementations of algorand transactions and NFT creation in this project:

  1. Using JS SDK and
  2. Using python SDK

You wil find a designated folders for each implementation. Moreover, a react app is on development for facilitating the buisness requirements.

Folder Structure

You will find the following directories in this project

  1. api - consists scripts for a FastAPI development
  2. images - contains screenshots of the frontend app
  3. NFT_js - Create an asset, transfer an asset, and opt-in implementation using JS SDK
  4. NFT_py - Create an asset, transfer an asset, and opt-in implementation using Python SDK
  5. notebooks - here your will find two files: algo_starter and asset notebooks. These files will try to show the basic implementations of algoSDK.
  6. react - Lastly, you will find the frontend react app in this directory.

Tech Stack

I have used the following techstacks for making this dApp

  • React
  • JS Algo SDK
  • MyAlgoConnect Wallet API
  • Pinata ipfs: The InterPlanetary File System is a protocol, hypermedia and file sharing peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system
  • PurestakAPI : PureStake is Infrastructure-as-a-Service that can be used instead of sandbox
  • MySQL : this should be deprecated for future work

The frontend react app is integrated with MyAlgoWallet which will be used as a login method for trainess.


Home Page home

Login with MyAlgo login

Trainer can see List of Trainees here list

Trainer can see detail before creating an asset for a trainee list

Once Trainee request asset transfer, Trainer will be able to either approve or decline list


Before installing this app, you need to prepare a few things

  • install node.js
  • install mysql server
  • use the trainee.sql file inside api/scripts to create the schema
  • prepare a file in the api folder
  • install the required python packages based on the requirement file

your config file should look like this

# create pinata api account and enter the following
API_KEY = "your api key"
API_SECRET ="your api secret key"
# generate app email password from your gmail
EPASS= "your generated app password"
git clone

cd web3_certificate_generation_verification

# start api
cd api
uvicorn app:app --reload

# start react frontend
# go to the react folder first 
# from the api folder . . . .
cd ../react
npm run start

Or you may run the prepared bash file to start all services at once



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