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Base elequent repositories with interface for common queries.


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Propay Systems

Base elequent repositories with interfaces for common queries.

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This is the base classes & helper commands for the repository pattern we use. In your own repository classes you have to extend the BaseRepository and implement your custom interface. In your custom interface you have to extend the BaseRepositoryInterface. This will give you a collection of commonly used queries and function that you don't need to duplicate each time.

class AddressRepository extends BaseRepository implements AddressRepositoryInterface
interface AddressRepositoryInterface extends BaseRepositoryInterface


PHP 8.0+
Laravel 8+

Version Compatibility

Laravel BaseRepositories
8.x 0.0.7
9.x 0.0.3
10.x 0.0.8


You can install the package via composer:

composer require propaysystems/laravel-base-repositories

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-base-repositories-config"


We create the service and repositories in the app folder of laravel to make use of laravels auto loading functionality.


The default path for createing services will be in the App\Services folder. If the folder does not exist it will be created.

If you want to overwrite default path for the service you can add a ENV variable and specify your custom path.


The base name that will be appended to the class that is created by default, it will append Service. So if you create a User -s service the file that gets created will be UserService



The default path for createing repositories will be in the App\Repositories folder. If the folder does not exist it will be created.

If you want to overwrite default path for the repository you can add a ENV variable and specify your custom path.


The base name that will be appended to the class that is created by default, it will append Repository. So if you create a User -r service the file that gets created will be UserRepository & UserRepositoryInterface



Creating a Service

The service class is where all the domain logic will be created. This makes it easier to reuse business logic in the controllers, API, commands etc

  1. Creating a service class:
php artisan base:create Users/User --service
php artisan base:create Users/User -s

Running this command will create a new service class in the App\Services\ folders.

The rule is to split every service into its own related folders so the above command will actually create a file in:

  • App\Services\Users\UserService.php

Injecting a Repository

❕ Remember to dependancy inject your repositories you want to use into the __construct method of your service like the example below.

PHP 8.1 & above using constructor promotion
public function __construct(
    protected UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository,


PHP 8.0 & below
protected UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository;

public function __construct(
    UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository,
    $this->userRepository = $userRepository;

Creating a Repository

  1. Creating a repository class:
php artisan base:create Users/User --repository --model=App/Models/Users/User
php artisan base:create Users/User -r --model=App/Models/Users/User

Running this command will create a repository class with its related interface in the App\Repositories & App\Repository\UserRepository\Interfaces folder. Specifying the model with auto link the relevant model to the repository. In this case the User model will be added to the construct methof of the repository.

Same as the service class the rule is to split each repository into its own related folders so the above command will create files in:

  • App\Repositories\Users\UserRepositories.php
  • App\Repositories\Users\Interfaces\UserRepositoriesInterface.php

This will also try create and register the class and interface in laravel.

❕ These command flags can be combined -s -r so that the related service and repository classes be created in one command.

First Repository

After creating your first repository a RepositoryServiceProvider.php file will automatically be created in your App\Providers folder. You will need to add the repository provider file to your config/app.php under the providers section. This will tell laravel that you are adding repositories and linking interfaces to them and they be autoloaded.


 * Package Service Providers...



composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.