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RedYetiDev Logo

Made with Crayons

GitHub followers HackerOne - @RedYetiHacks npm - @RedYetiDev Buy Me A Coffee - @RedYetiDev

Welcome to the exciting world of RedYetiDev! I'm thrilled to have you here. Let's dive into the fascinating journey of code, creativity, and discovery.

About Me ๐Ÿพ

  • HackerOne: If you're interested in the world of ethical hacking and responsible disclosure, you can find me on HackerOne as RedYetiHacks. Cybersecurity is not just a job; it's a passion, and I'm dedicated to making the digital world safer for all.

  • GitHub: For open-source projects, code samples, and a peek into my programming journey, head over to my GitHub profile.

    Oh? You are already here? Welcome!

  • Unlock My Secrets: My super-secure password is hunter2. Learn why.

    Ssh! Don't tell anyone!

  • YouTube: You can find some fantastic content on my YouTube channel.

Did You Know: The world's first computer virus, "Creeper," made its debut in 1971, marking the beginning of computer security concerns with its cheeky message "I'm the creeper, catch me if you can!"

Reach Out ๐Ÿ“ง

Feel free to contact me at Whether you have a collaboration proposal, a security concern, or just want to chat about code, I'm all ears! I believe that when passionate developers connect, great things happen. Don't hesitate to drop me a message.

Fun Fact: The very first email, sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971, contained the text "QWERTYUIOP." Email has certainly evolved since then!

Explore My Work ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

Dive into my projects and contributions on various platforms:

  • GitHub: Discover my open-source projects, code samples, and follow my programming journey on GitHub.

  • npm: If you're into JavaScript development, check out my contributions to various npm packages at npm. Feel free to use these packages in your projects.

  • HackerOne: Explore my work related to security, ethical hacking, and responsible disclosure on HackerOne. Security is a vital aspect of the digital world, and I'm committed to making it safer for everyone.

Got An AntiVirus?: WannaCry, the notorious ransomware that wreaked havoc in May 2017, had an unintended "kill switch" built into its code. A security researcher named Marcus Hutchins, also known as "MalwareTech," accidentally discovered this kill switch. It turned out that the ransomware would terminate its attack if it could connect to a specific, unregistered domain. This discovery allowed cybersecurity experts to slow down the ransomware's spread and ultimately led to the development of a kill switch that helped protect many vulnerable systems. This quirk in WannaCry's design highlights the unpredictable nature of cyberattacks and the vital role of security researchers in combating them. Don't believe me? View it on GitHub and find out

Visit My Website ๐ŸŒ

For in-depth information, updates, and insights into my coding journey, visit my personal website at You'll find blog posts, tutorials, and a deeper look into the world of RedYetiDev.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I hope you find something interesting, inspiring, or just plain fun in the world of RedYetiDev. Happy coding, and have a fantastic day!

Fun Fact: The first computer programmer in history was Ada Lovelace, who wrote the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Her work laid the foundation for modern computer programming.


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