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Restaurant Menu

This is an interactive menu created for a fictional restaurant. This project was made entirely in vanilla JavaScript without the help of any libraries. Browserify and Babel were used to convert the ES6 to ES5 and then bundle all the modules together.

In the Package.json file

 "serve": "npm run build; npm run watch:js -- & > /dev/null 2>&1; npm run watch:scss -- & > /dev/null 2>&1; lite-server"
  • Hey! I hope you're enjoying the project. When I made that, I didn't even think about the Windows users out there. It uses some syntax that available in Unix based systems. So, it doesn't work on Windows. :( We get better as we grow, right? :) is easy to fix. That script is essentially building the files and then running a bunch of watch scripts. This can be fixed using a package I use all the time now called concurrently. Here's how you can fix it.
  • Add a script to the package.json called preserve and make it npm run build. Then use npm to install concurrently with
npm install --dev concurrently

Lastly, we edit the serve script to be

"serve":"concurrently \"npm run watch:js\" \"npm run watch:scss\" \"lite-server\""
  • I still got the errors with the above code in watchify, so i modified to the below code.
  • Perfect code for windows OS in the package.json
"scripts": {
        "dev": "lite-server",
        "preserve": "npm run build",
        "build:js": "browserify src/js/index.js -d -t babelify -o build/bundle.js",
        "watch:js": "watchify src/js/index.js -d -v -t babelify -o build/bundle.js",
        "build:scss": "node-sass src/scss/styles.scss --output build --source-map-embed --source-map-contents",
        "watch:scss": "npm run build:scss -- --watch",
        "build": "npm run build:js && npm run build:scss",
        "serve": "concurrently \"npm run watch:js --& > /dev/null 2>&1\" \"npm run watch:scss --& > /dev/null 2>&1\" \"lite-server\""