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Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains.

In this repository, there will be solutions for the puzzles using Kotlin language.

If you're stuck with Kotlin-specific questions or anything related to this template, check out the following resources:

Note: All task input files are excluded from the repository with .gitignore – we should not post them publicly, as Eric Wastl asks for: Tweet.

To run the scripts

  1. Run ./ 01 with the day number appended. The example here is for Day 01
  2. Run ./ to copy the input file from Downloads folder

To test the template, uncomment the command to run part2 and run


  1. Advent of Code – An annual event of Christmas-oriented programming challenges started December 2015. Every year since then, beginning on the first day of December, a programming puzzle is published every day for twenty-five days. You can solve the puzzle and provide an answer using the language of your choice.