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An alternative to JSX that works with Hyperscript view functions

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A tiny (400B), modern and fast utility around hyperscript like view layer


Mostly code readability and DX. h1('Hello world') is easier to understand (for me that is) than h('h1', {}, 'Hello world'). It comes in handy when you have nested childrens.

ul([li('First item'), li('Second item')]);

There was other options but they seemed a little on the heavy side. I wanted something modern and slick.




npm install @amoutonbrady/baracuda
yarn add @amoutonbrady/baracuda


Import the baracuda factory function and wrap it around an hyperscript like function.

According to tests, baracuda should be at least compatible with the following frameworks:

  • Vue 3: import { h } from 'vue'
  • Hyperapp: import { h } from 'hyperapp'
  • Preact: import { h } from 'preact'
  • Inferno: import { h } from 'inferno-hyperscript'
  • Redom: import { el } from 'redom'

You can find more example in the tests directory

The hyperscript like function has to take 3 arguments :

h(tag: string, attributes: Object, childrens: string | Element | Element[])

The return object from baracuda is a Proxy that can be destructed into functions with the following interface:

fn(attributes: Object, childrens: string | Element | Element[]): Element
fn(childrens: string | Element | Element[]): Element


  • fn is the name of the tag (eg: div, h1, etc.)
  • attributes is an object containing dom attributes (eg: classes, event handler, etc.)
  • childrens is either a string or an array of Element

⚠️ If the first argument is not an object, it will be interpreted as the childrens argument and defaulting the attributes to {}


note: the library exports a default function as well as a named function

Quick example

import { h, render } from 'my-dom-library';
import { baracuda } from '@amoutonbrady/baracuda';
// import hh from '@amoutonbrady/baracuda'; <= That also works

const { ul, li } = baracuda(h);

const app = ul([

render(app, document.body);

Live example


This utility is based on an non polyfillable feature: Proxy. This can't be used in a non evergreen browser.

See MDN for the full compatibility list. I only use the handler.get feature.

Mithril is only partially compatible for the moment.


git clone

cd baracuda

yarn install

yarn build

yarn test


  • Typescript support Better Typescript support
  • Add helpers, like classes, id
  • More tests


  • This issue started it all
  • Hyperapp which is the framework I had in mind while prototyping this