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SAP Router


The SAP Router is an SAP program that acts as an intermediate station (proxy) in a network connection between SAP Systems, or between SAP Systems and external networks. SAP Router controls the access to your network (application level gateway), and, as such, is a useful enhancement to an existing firewall system (port filter).

The following provides my recommended installation process for LINUX and includes an /etc/init.d script.


Installation Guide

1. Parameters:

The parameter $_SAPINST is a temporary variable for the install identifying the system, it just allows us to install multiple sSAP Routers on the one host and gives the appearance that the install looks like a standard SAP application layout. For this example 'R' for router followed by the SAP port number '99' i.e. 3299, i.e. SAP System ID of 'R99'.

# sudo su - root
# bash
# _SAPINST=R99; export SAPINST
2. User Account:

Create the <sapsid>adm user account and group that the SAP router process will run under, provide the groupid <GID> and userid <UID> as required.

# groupadd -g <GID> sapsys
# useradd -u <UID> -g sapsys -c "SAP Router" ${_SAPINST,,}adm -m -s /bin/csh
# passwd ${_SAPINST,,}adm
3. Software:

Ensure the SAPCAR executable is downloaded and available for use.

# chown root:sapsys /usr/sbin/SAPCAR
# chmod 755 /usr/sbin/SAPCAR
4. Direcorties:

Create the following direcorty structure for the SAP router installation.

# mkdir -p /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/exe
# mkdir /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/tmp
# mkdir /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/sec
# mkdir /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/log
5. Permission Tables:

The following just creates a sample 'saprouttab' file with all connections denied. The SAP router needs this file to start, please amended as per your own requirements Route Permission Table.

# echo "D * * *" > /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/saprouttab
# chmod 600 /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/saprouttab
6. Software:

Extract the SAP software for the SAP router and SAP crypto library to the executable directory.

# SAPCAR -xvf saprouter_<VERSION>.SAR -R /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/exe/
# SAPCAR -xvf SAPCRYPTOLIBP_<VERSION>.SAR -R /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/exe/
# chown root:sapsys /usr/sap/
# chown -R ${_SAPINST,,}adm:sapsys /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/
# chmod -r 755 /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/
7. Start-up Scripts:

Download the init.d script z_sapr99_<os_type>.sh from this repository.

# cd /etc/init.d
# wget
# mv z_sap${_SAPINST,,}
# chown root:sapsys z_sap${_SAPINST,,}
# chmod 750 z_sap${_SAPINST,,}

Adjust the values for $SAPSYSTEMNAME, $SAPUSER, and $SAPPORT as required. If your SAP router is to be SNC enabled, please provide the Common Name within the parameter SAPSNCP i.e. SAPSNCP="CN=<Name>, OU=<Customer Number>, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE". To disable, leave the parameter as is.

# vi  z_sap${_SAPINST,,}
:set fileformat=unix
SAPHOST=`hostname --ip-address`

SNC_LIB=${SAPBASE}/exe/; export SNC_LIB

Add and enable the script to execute on start-up.

# systemctl daemon-reload
# chkconfig -a z_sap${_SAPINST,,}
# chkconfig z_sap${_SAPINST,,} on
8. Access:

Via sudo allow the <sapsid>adm rights to access the init.d script, edit the sudoers.d file as required.

# visudo

Add the following content and save the file , modify if required to reflect the correct SAP System ID.

# SAP Router Commands
r99adm ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl start z_sapr99
r99adm ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl stop z_sapr99
r99adm ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl status z_sapr99
r99adm ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl reload z_sapr99
9. Environment:

Create the follow user environment for the SAP router <sapsid>adm account.

# vi /home/${_SAPINST,,}adm/.cshrc

Copy in the following content and save the file, modify if required to reflect the correct SAP System ID.

# @(#) $Id: //bas/721_REL/src/krn/tpls/ind/SAPSRC.CSH#1 $ SAP
# systename
set prompt="`hostname`:$LOGNAME \!> "
# no autologout
set autologout = 0
# number of commands saved in history list
set history = 50
# path
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/bin/nohup:/usr/sap/${SAPSYSTEMNAME}/saprouter/exe
# sapgenpse
setenv SECUDIR /usr/sap/${SAPSYSTEMNAME}/saprouter/sec
setenv SNC_LIB /usr/sap/${SAPSYSTEMNAME}/saprouter/exe/
# define some nice aliases
alias dir 'ls -l'
alias l 'ls -abxCF'
alias h 'history'
alias cdexe 'cd /usr/sap/$SAPSYSTEMNAME/saprouter/exe'
alias cdsec 'cd /usr/sap/$SAPSYSTEMNAME/saprouter/sec'
alias cdD 'cd /usr/sap/$SAPSYSTEMNAME/saprouter'
alias cdR 'cd /usr/sap/$SAPSYSTEMNAME/saprouter'
alias saprouttab 'vi /usr/sap/$SAPSYSTEMNAME/saprouter/saprouttab'
alias startsap 'sudo /bin/systemctl start z_sapr99'
alias stopsap 'sudo /bin/systemctl stop z_sapr99'
alias statussap 'sudo /bin/systemctl status z_sapr99'
alias reloadsap 'sudo /bin/systemctl reload z_sapr99'
# chown ${_SAPINST,,}adm:sapsys /home/${_SAPINST,,}adm/.cshrc
# chmod 640 /home/${_SAPINST,,}adm/.cshrc
10. Certificate (Optional):

If Secure Network Communications (SNC) is required, generate the required certificate. The common name is your own, if it is a SNC connection to SAP then it is the value issued by SAP. For more information of this visit the SAP support link below for Connectivity Tools SAP Router.

# sudo su - ${_SAPINST,,}adm
host:r99adm 1> setenv _SAPINST=R99
host:r99adm 2> cd /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/sec
host:r99adm 3> setenv SECUDIR /usr/sap/${_SAPINST}/saprouter/sec
host:r99adm 4> sapgenpse get_pse -v -a sha256WithRsaEncryption -s 2048 -r certreq -p ${_SAPINST}SSLS.pse "CN=...,"
host:r99adm 5> sapgenpse seclogin -p ${_SAPINST}SSLS.pse -O ${_SAPINST,,}adm
host:r99adm 6> chmod 600 ${_SAPINST}SSLS.pse cred_v2

The following command imports the 'reponse.crt' file from a Certificate Authority, in this case SAP SE.

host:r99adm 7> sapgenpse import_own_cert -c reponse.crt -p ${_SAPINST}SSLS.pse
host:r99adm 8> sapgenpse get_my_name -p ${_SAPINST}SSLS.pse
11. Commands:

As root, the SAP Router can be stopped via the init.d, systemctl commands i.e.

# sudo su - 
# cd /etc/init.d
# ./z_sapr99 start
redirecting to systemctl start .service
Startup SAPRouter R99:                                                done

# ./z_sapr99 stop
redirecting to systemctl stop .service
Shutdown SAPRouter R99:                                               done

As <sapsid>adm, stopping and starting the SAP router can be done via the predefined alias's. i.e. stopsap. Updates to saprouttab can be activated via the reloadsap command.

# sudo su - r99adm
host:r99adm 1> stopsap
host:r99adm 2> startsap
host:r99adm 3> statussap
z_sapr99.service - LSB: Start the SAProuter
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/z_sapr99)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-06-22 15:00:35 NZST; 2s ago
  Process: 78976 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/z_sapr99 start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/z_sapr99.service
           └─79024 /usr/sap/R99/saprouter/exe/saprouter -r -H <HOST> -I <HOST> .... 
host:r99adm 4>

Reference & Supporting Documentation : Connectivity Tools SAP Router - : SAP Router - : SAProuter Integration SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2 -



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