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Releases: fabio-t/rlforj-alt


15 Nov 07:12
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It would have been a minor release, were I not for some changes in API. See README for details.


06 Nov 08:48
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  • Renamed ILosBoard to IBoard, since it's not only for LoS obviously, but also for Fov/Los/Pathfinding.

  • ShadowCasting now uses a Circle FOV like PrecisePermissive. This needs to be configurable in the future.

  • The README has finally become a single-page tutorial.


28 Oct 11:39
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  • fixed Javadoc and a few minor issues

  • set up Travis CI with build information in README


26 Oct 06:50
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"Alternative" release of rlforj with my modifications.

  • Added AStar, and improved to support only searching in a radius around the starting point. Also, start and end point can now be obstacles (since creatures are usually obstacles)

  • Differentiate the old "isObstacle" with two additionals functions in the ILosBoard interface contract: blockStep and blockLight. Los/Fov algorithms only use blockLight to decide whether to show or not. AStar uses the full isObstacle (which is true in case either the cell blocks movement, or blocks light, or both)

  • Improved and cleaned up a few tests

  • Supporting Java 8, soon converting to Java 9

  • Simplified Point2I class to not extend awt.Point