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Edwin Young edited this page May 31, 2015 · 1 revision

These instructions are courtesy of JB Langston. I don't own a Mac personally, so new releases are not always tested on the Mac, and I can't really help if there's a problem, but do post your issue to the forum and someone may be able to help you out.

  1. Install XCode.

An installer for XCode is included on the Operating System DVD that ships with every Mac, and the latest version is also available for download from [] I last tested these instructions using XCode 2.4.1.

  1. Install Apple X11.

An installer for X11 is included on the Operating System DVD that ships with every Mac. Run the Installer, select the X11 option, and follow the instructions.

  1. Install MacPorts.

You can download an installer for the latest verison from I last tested these instructions using MacPorts 1.4.0.

  1. Build py-gtk2.

This is the library that gnofract4d uses for its GUI. To build and install py-gtk2 using MacPorts, run the following command from a Terminal:

sudo port install py27-gtk2 (on OS X Lion; older ones should maybe use py-gtk)

Sudo will prompt you for your username and password and you must be an administrator on your computer in order to use sudo. After you enter your password, MacPorts will automatically download and compile py-gtk2 and all its many dependencies. This will take a very long time, so do something else for an hour or so while the software compiles in the background.

  1. Build gnofract4d

Download the latest gnofract4d source file from and extract the file. Open a Terminal and go to the extracted directory. Type the following command to build:

./ build

  1. Make necessary changes

Edit the file gnofract4d file in the root of the extracted gnofract4d directory. Change the first line from:

  1. !/usr/bin/env python


  1. !/opt/local/bin/python2.7 (or try /opt/local/bin/python if that was not found)

This forces gnofract4d to use the version of python that MacPorts installed, which is already configured to work correctly with py-gtk2.

  1. Run and enjoy

Start, and in the xterm that appears, change to the extracted gnofract4d directory. Run gnofract4d using the command:


gnofract4d should come up and you should be able to use it just as you would on Linux.

On Mountain Lion, you may need to edit ~/.gnofract4d and change

name = gcc


name = llvm-gcc-4.2
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