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Bench Procfile

Rushabh Mehta edited this page Jul 27, 2015 · 2 revisions

bench start uses honcho to manage multiple processes in developer mode.


The various process that are needed to run frappe are:

  1. bench start - the web server
  2. celery task queue for background workers (scheduled jobs and other async tasks)
  3. celery worker beat to trigger periodic tasks
  4. redis for caching (general)
  5. redis for managing queue for background workers
  6. redis as a message broker for real-time updates / updates from background workers
  7. node to run socketio for real-time messaging.

Optionally if you are developing for frappe you can add:

bench watch to automatically build the desk javascript app.


web: bench --site serve --port 8001
redis_async_broker: redis-server config/redis_async_broker.conf
socketio: node apps/frappe/socketio.js
workerbeat: sh -c 'cd sites && exec ../env/bin/python -m frappe.celery_app beat -s scheduler.schedule'
worker: sh -c 'cd sites && exec ../env/bin/python -m frappe.celery_app worker'
redis_cache: redis-server config/redis_cache.conf
redis: redis-server
- watch: bench watch

Note: updated for version 6