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@susodapop susodapop released this 02 Oct 04:34
· 3 commits to release/10.0.x since this release

Docker Tag: redash/redash:10.0.0.b50363

See CHANGELOG for the full release notes.

How to Upgrade

Complete upgrade instructions for those coming from V8 -> V10 appear below.

Note: V10 is the first non-beta Redash release since V8. So we expect most users upgrading to V10 are coming from V8. The upgrade from V8->V10 is like any other, but since RQ replaced Celery in this version there are a couple extra modifications that need to be done in your docker-compose.yml.

If you already run the V9-beta release you already made these changes. You can use the standard upgrade instructions instead.

These steps are performed on the server that runs Docker.

  1. Make sure to backup your data. You only need to backup Redash’s PostgreSQL database (the database Redash stores metadata in, not the ones you might be querying) as the data in Redis is transient. Note: If you just deployed a Redash V8 AMI and have not used it, you can skip this step.
  2. cd /opt/redash
  3. Update opt/redash/docker-compose.yml to reference the docker image you want to upgrade to: redash/redash:10.0.0.b50363


  1. Under services.scheduler.environment omit QUEUES and WORKERS_COUNT and omit environment altogether if it is empty.

5. Under services, add a new service for general RQ jobs:

  <<: *redash-service
  command: worker
    QUEUES: "periodic emails default"


  1. Stop Redash services: docker-compose stop server scheduler scheduled_worker adhoc_worker (you might need to list additional services if you defined them in your docker-compose.yml previously)
  2. Force a recreation of your containers with docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
  3. Run the necessary migrations with docker-compose run --rm server manage db upgrade
  4. Restart the containers docker-compose up -d

Dashboard URL Changes

Dashboard URLs now include the dashboard id and slug.

For example, given a dashboard with the slug account-overview and an id of 251:



The dashboard can also be reached using the new /dashboard (notice this is singular) endpoint. It accepts either an ID or a slug:


Either of these will redirect to the After link above. Dashboard ID's are guaranteed to be unique. But dashboards can share the same slug. If a user visits /dashboard/<some slug> and more than one dashboard exists with that slug, they will be redirected to the earliest created dashboard with that slug.

  • Before doing an upgrade, please make sure you have a backup.
  • If you have any issues, please refer to the troubleshooting section in the upgrade guide.
  • If the upgrade guide doesn't help, you can ask for help on the forum.