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The BETH stack

This repository showcases the power of the BETH stack—an exciting combination of cutting-edge technologies designed to supercharge your TypeScript development workflow. With components like Bun, Elysia, Turso, htmx, typed-html, Tailwindcss, Drizzle ORM, _hyperscript, and Fly, this stack offers a modern, different, and awesome way to build web applications.

Technologies Used


Bun is the heart of the BETH stack. It provides an all-in-one JavaScript runtime and toolkit that includes a bundler, test runner, and Node.js-compatible package manager. With Bun, you can develop, test, run, and bundle JavaScript and TypeScript projects effortlessly, ensuring blazing fast performance.


Elysia is a TypeScript framework supercharged by Bun. It offers End-to-End Type Safety, a unified type system, and an outstanding developer experience. Elysia helps you create robust and maintainable web applications with ease.


Turso is the fastest, easiest, and cheapest database in the world. It provides seamless data storage and retrieval capabilities, making it an ideal choice for your application's data management needs.


htmx simplifies the creation of modern user interfaces by providing access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets, and Server Sent Events directly in HTML. Its attribute-based approach enables you to build powerful and interactive UIs with minimal effort.


Typed-HTML templates using TypeScript eliminate the need to learn a separate template library. This technology enables you to create type-safe and maintainable HTML templates effortlessly.


Tailwindcss is a utility-first CSS framework that empowers you to build stunning designs directly in your markup. It comes with a rich set of utility classes, making it a versatile choice for styling your web application.

Drizzle ORM

Drizzle ORM is a headless TypeScript ORM that offers simplicity and performance. It adapts to your project's needs, ensuring a smooth development experience from day one.


_hyperscript is an easy and approachable language for building modern web front-ends. It simplifies the process of creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces.


Fly provides easy deployment for your project with Fly Launch. You can quickly get your application up and running in minutes, and Fly Machines allow you to take your deployment to the next level.

Why the BETH Stack?

  • Speed: The BETH stack is designed for speed, ensuring that your web applications perform at their best.

  • Type Safety: With TypeScript at its core, the stack offers end-to-end type safety, reducing bugs and enhancing developer productivity.

  • Simplicity: BETH stack technologies prioritize simplicity and ease of use, making them accessible to developers of all skill levels.

  • Modern: The stack leverages modern web development practices and tools, allowing you to stay at the forefront of web development.

  • Reduced Code Size: htmx reduces code base sizes significantly when compared to libraries like React, making your applications leaner and more efficient.

  • Customization: Drizzle ORM and _hyperscript let you build your applications your way, giving you full control over your project's architecture.

  • Effortless Styling: Tailwindcss simplifies styling, allowing you to create beautiful designs directly in your markup.

  • Versatility: Fly's deployment capabilities and Fly Machines offer flexibility and scalability to suit your project's needs.

The BETH stack is a new and exciting way to build web applications, providing you with the tools you need to create modern, efficient, and maintainable projects. We invite you to explore this repository, try out the technologies, and experience the power of the BETH stack for yourself.

Happy coding! 🚀

Run locally

To install dependencies:

bun install

To run:

bun run --watch src/index.tsx

This project was created using bun init in bun v1.0.4. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.

Made this based on Ethan Niser video :D