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Script for bulk stamping stamp image on multi-page PDF file.

NOTE: I don't guarantee anything. Also, DON'T USE it for important documents.


  • Bulk stamping to multi-page PDF file.

  • Apply noise to the output

  • Apply grayscale to the output

  • Angle staggered when stamping each page


1. Create stamp image (stamp.pdf)

  1. Duplicate the PDF file (e.g. source.pdf) you want to stamp, to stamp.pdf.

  2. Open the duplicated file (stamp.pdf) on PDF editing software (e.g. Inkscape).

  3. Paste the stamp image (recommends transparent PNG) to the place you want to stamp.

  4. Delete the objects other than the stamp image.
    Now, the background of the PDF file should be white. Also, there is only the stamp image.

  5. Overwrite save the PDF file. This completes the stamp PDF file.

2. Execute command

Execute on Docker (Recommended)

Requirements: Docker

Print help:

$ sudo docker run -it mugifly/pdf-bulk-stamper

Example command:

$ sudo docker run -it -v $(pwd):/stamper/ mugifly/pdf-bulk-stamper --noise 1 --grayscale --staggered source.pdf stamp.pdf output.pdf

Please execute the above command, in the directory containing the source.pdf and stamp.pdf.

Execute on Standalone

Requirements: Bash, Image Magick (convert command), PDFtk (pdftk command)

Print help:

$ bash

Example command:

$ bash --noise 1 --grayscale --staggered source.pdf stamp.pdf outout.pdf