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Simple full-stack web application on HTMX and Go templates.


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Project: Eat Repeat


Eat Repeat is a pet project featuring a full-stack web application. It consists of a backend API written in Go and a frontend using htmx and Go templates. The project revolves around managing recipes, scheduling them for the week, and providing an interface to view the selected recipes for the current week.


Backend (Go)

Docker Setup

The backend includes a Docker setup for containerization. The Dockerfile is divided into build stages for frontend and backend.

  • Frontend Build Stage (Node.js):

    • Uses Node.js to build the frontend assets.
    • Copies necessary files and runs npm install and npm run build.
  • Backend Build Stage (Go):

    • Utilizes Go for the backend.
    • Handles dependencies using Go modules.
    • Incorporates Alpine Linux as the base image.
    • Enables CGO for the Go build.
    • Supports versioning using Git information and Drone CI/CD environment variables.
    • Includes a mechanism to run migrations if the RUN_MIGRATION environment variable is set to true.
    • Supports an .env file for settings like RUN_MIGRATION, PDF_READER_ENDPOINT, and WORKER_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS.
  • Final Stage (Alpine):

    • Creates a lightweight Alpine-based image for production.
    • Exposes port 8080 for communication.
    • Sets environment variables, including RUN_MIGRATION, which controls whether migrations should be run, and other configurable settings.
    • Defines the entry point command for the service.

Frontend (HTML, htmx, Node.js)

  • Two Main Pages:

    • Recipes: Displays a list of recipes.
    • Current Week's Selected Recipes: Shows recipes scheduled for the current week.
  • Scheduling Recipes:

    • Allows users to schedule recipes for a specific week.
  • Docker Container:

    • The frontend build is containerized using Node.js.

CI/CD Pipeline (Drone)

The project has a CI/CD pipeline set up using Drone. The pipeline triggers on pushes to the main branch and feature branches, as well as pull requests. The key steps include:

  • Build and Deploy:
    • Uses Docker plugins to build and deploy the application.
    • Retrieves environment variables such as DRONE, DRONE_TAG, DRONE_COMMIT, DRONE_BRANCH, and configurable settings from secrets.
    • Tags Docker images based on the branch name.
    • Pushes the images to the specified Docker registry.

How to Run

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Navigate to the project root.

  3. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t eat-repeat .
  4. Run the Docker container:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 -e RUN_MIGRATION=true -e PDF_READER_ENDPOINT= -e WORKER_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS=30 eat-repeat
  5. Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:8080.

Feel free to explore and enhance the project as needed. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know!


Simple full-stack web application on HTMX and Go templates.





