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Minimal wiring for TypeScript components made of pure functions.

Also contains lightweight prevention of anti-patterns like state mutation and manually calling declarative actions.


Actions and tasks

The component callback receives an object exposing action, task, rootAction and rootTask functions.

export default component(
  ({ action, task, rootAction, rootTask }) => ({
    // Initial action
    init: action( "ShowMessage", { text: "Hello World!" } ),

Props and state

All action handlers, task callbacks and view functions receive props, state and rootState via a Context input.

view(id, { props, state, rootState }) {
  return div(`#${id}-message`, [
    // Render from props and state

Hello World!

import { component, html, mount, Config, Next, Task, VNode } from "jetix";
import { setDocTitle} from "../services/browser";
const { div } = html;

export type Props = Readonly<{
  placeholder: string;

export type State = Readonly<{
  text: string;
  done: boolean;

export type Actions = Readonly<{
  ShowMessage: { text: string };
  PageReady: { done: boolean };

export type Tasks = Readonly<{
  SetDocTitle: { title: string };

type Component = {
  Props: Props;
  State: State;
  Actions: Actions;
  Tasks: Tasks;

const app = component<Component>(
  ({ action, task }): Config<Component> => ({

    // Initial state
    state: ({ placeholder }): State => ({
      text: placeholder,
      done: false

    // Initial action
    init: action(
      { text: "Hello World!" }

    // Action handlers return new state, and any next actions/tasks
    actions: {
      ShowMessage: ({ text }, { state }): { state: State; next: Next } => {
        return {
          state: { ...state, text },
          next: task("SetDocTitle", { title: text })
      PageReady: ({ done }, { state }): { state: State } => {
        return {
          state: { ...state, done }

    // Task handlers provide callbacks for effects and async operations that may fail
    tasks: {
      SetDocTitle: ({ title }): Task<null, State> => ({
        perform: (): Promise<void> => setDocTitle(title),
        success: (): Next => action("PageReady", { done: true }),
        failure: (): Next => action("PageReady", { done: false })

    // View renders from props & state
    view(id, { state }): VNode {
      return div(`#${id}-message`, [
        div(state.done ? '✅' : '❎')


  (): void => mount({ app, props: { placeholder: "Loading" } })

export default app;

Unit tests

For tests the action and task functions just return data, so component logic can be tested without mocks.

import { testComponent, NextData } from "jetix";
import app, { State } from "./app";

describe("App", () => {

  const { action, task, config, initialState } = testComponent(app, { placeholder: "placeholder" });

  it("should set initial state", () => {
    expect(initialState).toEqual({ text: "placeholder", done: false });

  it("should run initial action", () => {
      name: "ShowMessage",
      data: { text: "Hello World!" }

  describe("'ShowMessage' action", () => {
    const { state, next } = action<State>("ShowMessage", { text: "Hello World!"});

    it("should update state", () => {
        text: "Hello World!"

    it("should return next", () => {
      const { name, data } = next as NextData;
      expect(data).toEqual({ title: "Hello World!" });

  describe("'SetDocTitle' task", () => {
    const { perform, success, failure } = task("SetDocTitle", { title: "test" });

    it("should provide perform", () => {

    it("should handle success", () => {
      const { name, data } = success() as NextData;
      expect(data).toEqual({ done: true });

    it("should handle failure", () => {
      const { name, data } = failure() as NextData;
      expect(data).toEqual({ done: false });
