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Hikvision Telegram Camera Bot

Telegram Bot which sends snapshots from your Hikvision cameras.

Version: 1.8. Release details.


  1. Send full/resized pictures on request (NVR is supported).
  2. Auto-send pictures on Motion, Line Crossing and Intrusion (Field) Detection.
  3. Send so-called Telegram video-gifs on request and alert events from the previous paragraph.
  4. YouTube, Telegram, and Icecast direct or re-encoded livestreams.
  5. DVR to local storage with upload to Telegram group.
  6. SRS re-stream server.
  7. Theoretically, Hikvision doorbells also should be supported, but I don't have one.


Support my work

Development supported by JetBrains and Syntevo by providing free licenses




To install Hikvision Telegram Camera Bot, simply clone the repo.

git clone
cd hikvision-camera-bot


Configuration files are stored in JSON format and can be found in the configs directory.

Quick Setup

  1. Create and start Telegram Bot and get its API token

  2. Get your Telegram API key (api_id and api_hash)

  3. Copy 3 default configuration files with predefined templates in the configs directory:

    cd configs
    cp config-template.json config.json
    cp encoding_templates-template.json encoding_templates.json
    cp livestream_templates-template.json livestream_templates.json
  4. Edit config.json:

    1. Put the obtained api_id and api_hash strings to the same keys

    2. Put the obtained bot API token string to the token key

    3. Find your Telegram user id and put it to chat_users, alert_users and startup_message_users lists as integer value. Multiple ids can be used, just separate them with a comma.

    4. Hikvision camera settings are placed inside the camera_list section. The template comes with two cameras

      Camera names should start with the cam_ prefix and end with digit suffix: cam_1, cam_2, cam_<digit> with any description.

    5. Write authentication credentials in user and password keys for every camera

    6. Choose authentication type from basic, digest or digest_cached. Default is digest_cached. Check your camera security settings before choosing/changing one.

    7. Write host, which should include protocol e.g.,

    8. In the alert section you can enable sending pictures on alert (Motion, Line Crossing and Intrusion (Field) Detection). Configure the delay setting in seconds between pushing alert pictures. To send resized picture change fullpic to false

Example config.json with dummy values

  "telegram": {
    "api_id": 11111111,
    "api_hash": "1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a",
    "lang_code": "en",
    "token": "1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b",
    "chat_users": [
    "alert_users": [
    "startup_message_users": [
  "log_level": "INFO",
  "camera_list": {
    "cam_1": {
      "hidden": false,
      "description": "Kitchen",
      "hashtag": "kitchen",
      "group": "Default group",
      "api": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 80,
        "auth": {
          "user": "dummy-user",
          "password": "dummy-password",
          "type": "digest_cached"
        "stream_timeout": 10
      "rtsp_port": 554,
      "nvr": {
        "is_behind": false,
        "channel_name": ""
      "picture": {
        "on_demand": {
          "channel": 101
        "on_alert": {
          "channel": 101
      "video_gif": {
        "on_demand": {
          "channel": 101,
          "record_time": 10,
          "rewind_time": 10,
          "tmp_storage": "/tmp",
          "loglevel": "error",
          "rtsp_transport_type": "tcp"
        "on_alert": {
          "channel": 101,
          "record_time": 10,
          "rewind_time": 10,
          "rewind": true,
          "tmp_storage": "/tmp",
          "loglevel": "error",
          "rtsp_transport_type": "tcp"
      "alert": {
        "delay": 15,
        "motion_detection": {
          "enabled": false,
          "sendpic": true,
          "fullpic": false,
          "send_videogif": true,
          "send_text": true
        "line_crossing_detection": {
          "enabled": false,
          "sendpic": true,
          "fullpic": false,
          "send_videogif": true,
          "send_text": true
        "intrusion_detection": {
          "enabled": false,
          "sendpic": true,
          "fullpic": false,
          "send_videogif": true,
          "send_text": true
      "livestream": {
        "youtube": {
          "enabled": false,
          "livestream_template": "tpl_kitchen",
          "encoding_template": "direct.kitchen_youtube"
        "telegram": {
          "enabled": false,
          "livestream_template": "tpl_kitchen",
          "encoding_template": "direct.kitchen_telegram"
        "srs": {
          "enabled": false,
          "livestream_template": "tpl_kitchen",
          "encoding_template": "direct.kitchen_srs"
        "dvr": {
          "enabled": false,
          "local_storage_path": "/data/dvr",
          "livestream_template": "tpl_kitchen",
          "encoding_template": "direct.kitchen_dvr",
          "upload": {
            "delete_after_upload": true,
            "storage": {
              "telegram": {
                "enabled": false,
                "group_id": -10000000
        "icecast": {
          "enabled": false,
          "livestream_template": "tpl_kitchen",
          "encoding_template": ""
      "command_sections_visibility": {
        "general": true,
        "infrared": true,
        "motion_detection": true,
        "line_detection": true,
        "intrusion_detection": true,
        "alert_service": true,
        "stream_youtube": true,
        "stream_telegram": true,
        "stream_icecast": true


Launch by using Docker and Docker Compose

  1. Set your timezone by editing the .env file (TZ=Europe/Kyiv). Currently, there is a Ukrainian timezone because I live there. Look for your timezone here If you want to use the default UTC time format, set Greenwich Mean Time timezone TZ=GMT

  2. Build an image and run a container in a detached mode

    # Build containers and start
    sudo docker-compose build && sudo docker-compose up -d
    # Tail logs per container or from all at once
    sudo docker-compose logs -f --tail 500 hikvision-camera-bot
    sudo docker-compose logs -f --tail 500 hik-hikvision-srs-server
    sudo docker-compose logs -f --tail 500
    # Stop running containers while you're in the bot directory
    sudo docker-compose stop
    # Check whether any containers are running
    sudo docker ps


Command Description
/start Start the bot (one-time action during the first start) and show help
/help Show help message
/list_cams List all your cameras
/cmds_cam_* List commands for particular camera
/getpic_cam_* Get resized picture from your Hikvision camera
/getfullpic_cam_* Get a full-sized picture from your Hikvision camera
/ir_on_cam_* Turn on Infrared mode
/ir_off_cam_* Turn off Infrared mode
/ir_auto_cam_* Turn on Infrared auto mode
/md_on_cam_* Enable Motion Detection
/md_off_cam_* Disable Motion Detection
/ld_on_cam_* Enable Line Crossing Detection
/ld_off_cam_* Disable Line Crossing Detection
/intr_on_cam_* Enable Intrusion (Field) Detection
/intr_off_cam_* Disable Intrusion (Field) Detection
/alert_on_cam_* Enable Alert (Alarm) mode. It means it will send a respective alert to your account in Telegram
/alert_off_cam_* Disable Alert (Alarm) mode, no alerts will be sent when something is detected
/yt_on_cam_* Enable YouTube stream
/yt_off_cam_* Disable YouTube stream
/icecast_on_cam_* Enable Icecast stream
/icecast_off_cam_* Disable Icecast stream

* - camera digit id e.g., cam_1.

Advanced Configuration


SRS (Simple Realtime Server) is a re-stream server that takes a stream from your camera and re-streams it to any destination without touching the native camera stream multiple times. The SRS release version used in the bot is 4.0.

SRS decreases CPU time and network load on the camera when you enable something like DVR, YouTube Livestream or try to get Video GIF at the same time. Pictures are taken directly from the camera stream, not from the SRS.

How it works - if you have two cameras with enabled SRS for both, there will be two running 24/7 bot tasks taking streams from the cameras to the SRS server. Eventually, when you request Video Gif, or it's triggered by some alert, the video will be taken from the SRS server.

You can also connect to the SRS server with any video player like VLC and watch the stream without any interruptions. URL looks like this: rtmp://, where:

  1. is an IP address or a host of your server.
  2. 101 is the camera's configured stream channel.
  3. cam_2 is the ID of your second configured camera.

SRS runs in a separate docker container. SRS config and Dockerfile are placed in the srs_prod directory. The service name is hikvision-srs-server in docker-compose.yml.

If docker-compose.yml is a list of forwarded and open SRS ports to the world:

# If you don't plan to use anything from this, just comment out the whole section.
  - "1935:1935"   # SRS RTMP port, if you comment this out, you won't be able to connect with the video player
  - "1985:1985"   # SRS API port, can be commented out since not used
  - "8080:8080"   # SRS WebUI port


You can record your videos from the camera to local storage mounted as a volume in volumes section of hikvision-camera-bot service in docker-compose.yml.

DVR configuration is per camera in config.json with livestream template name from livestream_templates.json.

It's very simple:

  1. Use the enabled key to turn on/off this feature.

  2. local_storage_path is a path inside the container to which videos will be recorded. Don't change this default value (/data/dvr) since it's written in the volumes mapping section. If you need to change it for some reason - you must change it both here and in the volumes mapping.

  3. livestream_template has a template name located inside the livestream_templates.json file with DVR stream settings:

    "dvr": {
      "tpl_kitchen": {
        "channel": 101,
        "sub_channel": 102,
        "restart_period": -1,
        "restart_pause": 0,
        "segment_time": 1800,

    a) segment_time is the time in seconds when the DVR record file will be split into a new one.

    b) 1800 seconds mean every file will have 30 minutes of video recording.

    c) File is named cam_1_101_1800_2022-04-15_21-19-32.mp4 with cam ID, channel name, segment time, and record start datetime.

  4. Configuration part from the config.json:

    "dvr": {
      "enabled": true,
      "local_storage_path": "/data/dvr",
      "livestream_template": "tpl_kitchen",
      "encoding_template": "direct.kitchen_dvr",
      "upload": {
        "delete_after_upload": true,
        "storage": {
          "telegram": {
            "enabled": true,
            "group_id": -1001631507769

    Recorded files can be uploaded to the Telegram group. Right now, the upload will work only if delete_after_upload is set to true meaning the uploaded file will be deleted from the local storage. You need to make sure your file size will be up to 2GB since Telegram rejects larger ones. Just experiment with segment time.

  5. Local storage (the real one, not in the container) by default is /data/dvr in volumes mapping (the first path string, not the last). Change it to any location you need e.g., - "D:\Videos:/data/dvr" if you're on Windows.

      - "/data/dvr:/data/dvr"
  6. Watch logs for any errors.

YouTube Livestream

To enable YouTube Live Stream enable it in the youtube key.

Parameter Value Description
"enabled" false set true to start stream during bot start
"livestream_template" "tpl_kitchen" stream template, read below
"encoding_template" "" stream template, read below

Livestream templates

To start a particular livestream, a user needs to set both livestream and encoding templates with stream settings and encoding type/arguments.

Encoding templates

direct means that the video stream will not be re-encoded (transcoded) and will be sent to YouTube/Icecast servers "as is", only audio can be disabled.

x264 or vp9 means that the video stream will be re-encoded on your machine/server where the bot is running using respective encoding codecs.

User can create their templates in a file named livestream_templates.json and encoding_templates.json.

The default dummy template file is named livestream_templates_template.json (not a very funny name but anyway) which should be copied or renamed to livestream_templates.json.

Same for encoding_templates-template.json -> encoding_templates.json

  "youtube": {
    "tpl_kitchen": {
      "channel": 101,
      "restart_period": 39600,
      "restart_pause": 10,
      "url": "rtmp://",
      "key": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
    "tpl_basement": {
      "channel": 101,
      "restart_period": 39600,
      "restart_pause": 10,
      "url": "rtmp://",
      "key": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
  "icecast": {
    "tpl_kitchen": {
      "channel": 101,
      "restart_period": 39600,
      "restart_pause": 10,
      "ice_stream": {
        "ice_genre": "333Default",
        "ice_name": "222Default",
        "ice_description": "111Default",
        "ice_public": 0,
        "url": "icecast://source@",
        "password": "hackme",
        "content_type": "video/webm"
    "tpl_basement": {
      "channel": 101,
      "restart_period": 39600,
      "restart_pause": 10,
      "ice_stream": {
        "ice_genre": "333Default",
        "ice_name": "222Default",
        "ice_description": "111Default",
        "ice_public": 0,
        "url": "icecast://source@",
        "password": "hackme",
        "content_type": "video/webm"


Parameter Value Description
channel 101 camera channel. 101 is the main stream, and 102 is the substream.
restart_period 39600 stream restart period in seconds
restart_pause 10 stream pause before starting on restart
url "rtmp://" YouTube rtmp server
key "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd" YouTube Live Streams key.
ice_genre "Default" Icecast stream genre
ice_name "Default" Icecast stream name
ice_description "Default" Icecast stream description
ice_public 0 Icecast public switch, default 0
url "icecast://source@x.x.x.x:8000/video.webm" Icecast server URL, Port, and media mount point
password "xxxx" Icecast authentication password
content_type "video/webm" FFMPEG content-type for Icecast stream
  "x264": {
    "kitchen": {
      "null_audio": false,
      "loglevel": "error",
      "vcodec": "libx264",
      "acodec": "aac",
      "format": "flv",
      "rtsp_transport_type": "tcp",
      "pix_fmt": "yuv420p",
      "pass_mode": 1,
      "framerate": 25,
      "preset": "superfast",
      "average_bitrate": "1000K",
      "maxrate": "3000k",
      "bufsize": "6000k",
      "tune": "zerolatency",
      "scale": {
        "enabled": true,
        "width": 640,
        "height": -1,
        "format": "yuv420p"
    "basement": {
      "null_audio": false,
      "loglevel": "error",
      "vcodec": "libx264",
      "acodec": "aac",
      "format": "flv",
      "rtsp_transport_type": "tcp",
      "pix_fmt": "yuv420p",
      "pass_mode": 1,
      "framerate": 25,
      "preset": "superfast",
      "average_bitrate": "1000K",
      "maxrate": "3000k",
      "bufsize": "6000k",
      "tune": "zerolatency",
      "scale": {
        "enabled": true,
        "width": 640,
        "height": -1,
        "format": "yuv420p"
  "vp9": {
    "kitchen": {
      "null_audio": false,
      "loglevel": "info",
      "vcodec": "libvpx-vp9",
      "acodec": "libopus",
      "format": "webm",
      "rtsp_transport_type": "tcp",
      "pix_fmt": "yuv420p",
      "pass_mode": 1,
      "framerate": 10,
      "average_bitrate": "1000K",
      "maxrate": "2000k",
      "bufsize": "4000k",
      "deadline": "realtime",
      "speed": 5,
      "scale": {
        "enabled": true,
        "width": 640,
        "height": -1,
        "format": "yuv420p"
    "basement": {
      "null_audio": false,
      "loglevel": "info",
      "vcodec": "libvpx-vp9",
      "acodec": "libopus",
      "format": "webm",
      "rtsp_transport_type": "tcp",
      "pix_fmt": "yuv420p",
      "pass_mode": 1,
      "framerate": 10,
      "average_bitrate": "1000K",
      "maxrate": "2000k",
      "bufsize": "4000k",
      "deadline": "realtime",
      "speed": 5,
      "scale": {
        "enabled": true,
        "width": 640,
        "height": -1,
        "format": "yuv420p"
  "direct": {
    "kitchen": {
      "null_audio": false,
      "loglevel": "error",
      "vcodec": "copy",
      "acodec": "aac",
      "format": "flv",
      "rtsp_transport_type": "tcp"
    "basement": {
      "null_audio": false,
      "loglevel": "error",
      "vcodec": "copy",
      "acodec": "aac",
      "format": "flv",
      "rtsp_transport_type": "tcp"


Parameter Value Description
null_audio false enable fake silent audio (for cameras without mics)
url "rtmp://" YouTube rtmp server
key "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd" YouTube Live Streams key
loglevel "quiet" ffmpeg log levels, default "quiet"
pix_fmt "yuv420p" pixel format, Hikvision streams in yuvj420p
framerate 25 encode framerate, YouTube will re-encode any to 30 anyway
preset "superfast" libx264 predefined presets, more here
maxrate "3000k" max variable bitrate
bufsize "2000k" rate control buffer
tune "zerolatency" tune for zero latency
scale <key> re-scale video size
enabled true false to disable and re-encode with source width and height
width 640 width
height -1 height, -1 means will be automatically determined
format "yuv420p" pixel format

YouTube Live Streams server/key is available at