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This library can easily apply round corner、stroke、shadow and different state effects to background drawable.

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​ This library can easily apply round corner、stroke、shadow and different state effects to background drawable. it do not update the view code directly, all the attrs are set to create the suitable drawable and applied to view by setbackground.

​ When we're working on large projects with multiple people, it is difficult to manage the drawable files. lot of times we created many duplicate files, maybe the small differences of ui or didn't check the drawable directories. this lib is to improve this situation, you can apply the background attrs by setting layout xml or create drawable by java code. also you can define some global theme style to apply to the different and common views



Step 1

  1. Add repositories in your project build.gradle file.
buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
allprojects {
    repositories {
       maven { url "" }
  1. Add dependency
dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.yangbo001:android-multibackground:1.0.6'

Step 2

set corner

    app:background_corner_radius="4dp" />
   android:background="@mipmap/background"           <!--the default background-->
   app:background_corner_radius_tl="4dp"             <!--top-left-->
   app:background_corner_radius_tr="4dp"             <!--top-right-->
   app:background_corner_radius_bl="4dp"             <!--bottom-left-->
   app:background_corner_radius_br="4dp"/>           <!--bottom-right-->
  Drawable drawable = new BackgroundBuilder()
//              .setCornerRadii(4, 4, 4, 4)

set stroke

     android:background="@mipmap/background"                     <!--the default background-->
     app:background_stroke_color="@color/colorAccent"            <!--stroke color-->
     app:background_stroke_width="2dp"                           <!--stroke width-->
     app:background_stroke_pressed="@color/colorPrimary"         <!--stroke pressed color-->
     app:background_stroke_checked="@color/colorPrimaryDark"     <!--stroke checked color-->
     app:background_stroke_disable="@color/light_gray"/>         <!--stroke disabled color-->
     app:background_stroke_dash_width="4dp"           <!--if dash_width large than zero, the stroke style is dashed-->
     app:background_stroke_dash_gap="4dp"/>           <!--the gap between dashed-->
  Drawable drawable = new BackgroundBuilder()
                .setBackground(getResources().getDrawable(R.mipmap.background))    <!--set background-->
                .setStroke(2, Color.BLUE)                                          <!--stroke: width,color-->
//              .setStroke(2, Color.BLUE, 4, 4)                                    <!--stroke: width,color; dashed:width,gap-->
//              .setStroke(2, Color.BLACK, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE, Color.GRAY)    <!--stroke: width,color; pressed-color,checked-color,disable-color-->
//              .setStroke(2, Color.BLACK, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE, Color.GRAY, 4, 4) <!--stroke: width,color; pressed-color,checked-color,disable-color;dashed:width,gap-->
//              .buildDrawable();

set shadow

     android:background="@mipmap/background"                     <!--the default background-->
     app:background_shadow_color="@color/gray"                   <!--shadow color-->
     app:background_shadow_radius="2dp"                          <!--shadow radius-->
     app:background_shadow_offset_x="2dp"                        <!--shadow offset of x-axs-->
     app:background_shadow_offset_y="-2dp"/>                     <!--shadow offset of y-axs-->
   Drawable drawable = new BackgroundBuilder()
                .setTargetView(targetView)                      // must set the target view to reset the view padding to fit the shadow region
                .setShadow(Color.GRAY, 6, 6, -6)

set background state

explain:the pressed background is mutually exclusive with pressed ripple animation

     android:background="@mipmap/background"                     <!--the default background-->
     app:background_state_pressed="@mipmap/background"           <!--the pressed background-->
     app:background_state_checked="@color/colorPrimary"          <!--the checked background-->
     app:background_state_disable="@mipmap/background_gray"/>    <!--the view disabled background-->
   Drawable drawable = new BackgroundBuilder()
//              .setBackgroundPressed(getResources().getDrawable(R.mipmap.background))
//              .setBackgroundPressedRippleColor(Color.GREEN)
//              .setBackgroundPressed(getResources().getDrawable(R.mipmap.background))
//              .setBackgroundDisable(getResources().getDrawable(R.mipmap.background))

special for text view

explain:if the view is child of TextView, you can set the attr for compound like compound drawable size and drawable align to text; and the text color state

     android:textColor="@color/black"                      <!--the default text color-->
     app:text_pressed_color="@color/green"                 <!--the pressed text color-->
     app:text_checked_color="@color/blue"                  <!--the checked text color-->
     app:text_disable_color="@color/gray"                  <!--the view disabled text color-->
     app:compound_drawable_width="20dp"                    <!--compound drawable width-->
     app:compound_drawable_height="20dp"                   <!--compound drawable height-->
     app:compound_drawable_align_to_text="true"/>          <!--compound drawable align to text-->

theme style

 <style name="ButtonBlue">
        <item name="android:textColor">@android:color/white</item>
        <item name="text_pressed_color">@android:color/black</item>
        <item name="android:background">@android:color/holo_blue_light</item>
        <item name="background_state_pressed_ripple">@android:color/darker_gray</item>
    <style name="ButtonBlue.Round_4dp">
        <item name="background_corner_radius">4dp</item>
    <style name="ButtonBlue.Round_4dp.StrokeDarkBlue">
        <item name="background_stroke_width">1dp</item>
        <item name="background_stroke_color">@android:color/holo_blue_dark</item>
        <item name="background_stroke_pressed">@android:color/darker_gray</item>


the extension views had implement only the android normal views, if you want to use layout xml attr for your custom view, just extend the custom view and add the following lines to the constructor like this:

    public ExtendFrameLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        // the key codes
        setBackground(new BackgroundBuilder().attributeFromView(this, attrs).buildDrawable());


This library can easily apply round corner、stroke、shadow and different state effects to background drawable.







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