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CakePHP integration for htmx.

Supported CakePHP Versions >= 4.x.x. 5.x support will be added later.

Installing Using Composer

cd to the root of your app folder (where the composer.json file is) and run the following command:

composer require zunnu/cake-htmx

Then load the plugin by using CakePHP's console:

./bin/cake plugin load CakeHtmx

To install htmx please browse their documentation


Main functionality is currently wrapped inside Htmx component. To load the component you will need to modify your src/Controller/AppController.php and load the Htmx component in the initialize() function



You can use detector to check if the request is Htmx.

$this->getRequest()->is('htmx')  // Always true if the request is performed by Htmx
$this->getRequest()->is('boosted') // Indicates that the request is via an element using hx-boost
$this->getRequest()->is('historyRestoreRequest') // True if the request is for history restoration after a miss in the local history cache

Using the component you can check more specific details about the request.

$this->Htmx->getCurrentUrl();  // The current URL of the browser
$this->Htmx->getPromptResponse(); // The user response to an hx-prompt
$this->Htmx->getTarget(); // The id of the target element if it exists
$this->Htmx->getTriggerName(); // The name of the triggered element if it exists
$this->Htmx->getTriggerId(); // The id of the triggered element if it exists


  • redirect

Htmx can trigger a client side redirect when it receives a response with the HX-Redirect header.

  • clientRefresh

Htmx will trigger a page reload when it receives a response with the HX-Refresh header. clientRefresh is a custom response that allows you to send such a response. It takes no arguments, since Htmx ignores any content.

  • stopPolling

When using a polling trigger, Htmx will stop polling when it encounters a response with the special HTTP status code 286. stopPolling is a custom response with that status code.


See the documentation for all the remaining available headers.

$this->Htmx->location($location) // Allows you to do a client-side redirect that does not do a full page reload
$this->Htmx->pushUrl($url) // pushes a new url into the history stack
$this->Htmx->replaceUrl($url) // replaces the current URL in the location bar
$this->Htmx->reswap($option) // Allows you to specify how the response will be swapped
$this->Htmx->retarget($selector); // A CSS selector that updates the target of the content update to a different element on the page

Additionally, you can trigger client-side events using the addTrigger methods.


If you want to pass details along with the event you can use the second argument to send a body. It supports strings or arrays.

$this->Htmx->addTrigger('myEvent', 'Hello from myEvent')
->addTriggerAfterSettle('showMessage', [
    'level' => 'info',
    'message' => 'Here is a Message'

You can call those methods multiple times if you want to trigger multiple events.

    ->addTrigger('trigger1', 'A Message')
    ->addTrigger('trigger2', 'Another Message')

CSRF token

To add CSRF token to all your request add below code to your layout.

document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', (event) => {
    event.detail.headers['X-CSRF-Token'] = "<?= $this->getRequest()->getAttribute('csrfToken') ?>";


Licensed under The MIT License.