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An extensive Objective C wrapper for the Yelp Developers V2 API.


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This pod is currently in development. As of release 0.9.0 the code is stable and in a usable state to install in applications.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



Installation via CocoaPods

CDYelpKit is available through CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a dependency manager that automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like CDYelpKit in your projects. You can install CocoaPods with the following command:

gem install cocoapods

To integrate CDYelpKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CDYelpKit"

Afterwards, run the following command:

pod install

Installation via Carthage

CDYelpKit is available through Carthage. Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage via Homebrew with the following command:

brew update
brew install carthage

To integrate CDYelpKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "chrisdhaan/CDYelpKit

Afterwards, run the following command:

carthage update

Yelp API V2 Installation

CDYelpKit is partioned into three separate modules, each of which can be installed on its own. This can be beneficial when trying to decrease the size of an application and not all pod functionality is needed.

OAuth is required to interact with the Yelp API. To integrate OAuth into your application, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CDYelpKit/OAuth"

Network requests are needed to retrieve data from the Yelp API. To integrate methods that query the various Yelp API V2 endpoints into your application, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CDYelpKit/Core"

Deep linking allows applications to make queries to the Yelp app. Each query opens either the Yelp app (if it's installed on the device) or the Yelp website to a corresponding screen. To integrate methods that query the various Yelp app endpoints into your application, add the following line to you Podfile:

pod "CDYelpKit/DeepLink"


OAuth Usage


NSURL *yelpAPIV2Endpoint = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
CDYelpOAuthManager *yelpOAuthMananger = [[CDYelpOAuthManager alloc] initWithBaseURL:yelpAPIV2Endpoint

Once you've created a CDYelpOAuthManager object you can then use the following lines of code to attach your OAuth credentials to any AFNetworking requests that make use of the AFHTTPSessionManager class. This way you can write your own AFNetworking methods that query the Yelp API.

AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [AFHTTPSessionManager manager];
manager.requestSerializer = yelpOAuthManager.requestSerializer;

Core Usage


CDYelpKitManager *yelpKitManager = [[CDYelpKitManager alloc] initWithConsumerKey:@"consumerKey"

Once you've created a CDYelpKitManager object you can use it to query the Yelp API using any of the following methods.

  • Parameters with "// Optional" can take nil as a value.
  • Parameters with "// Required" are primitive types and need some sort of boolean (if unsure default to false) or integer (if unsure default to 0) or enum (enum values are described below) value. Passing nil as a value will throw an exception.
- (void)searchYelpBusinessesWithSearchTerm:(NSString * _Nullable)searchTerm                     // Optional
                                 withLimit:(NSInteger)limit                                     // Required
                                withOffset:(NSInteger)offset                                    // Required
                              withSortType:(CDYelpSortType)sortType                             // Required
                            withCategories:(NSArray * _Nullable)categories                      // Optional
                          withRadiusFilter:(NSInteger)radiusFilter                              // Required
                           withDealsFilter:(BOOL)dealsFilter                                    // Required
                       withRequestLocation:(CDYelpRequestLocation * _Nullable)requestLocation   // Optional
                           completionBlock:(void (^ _Nullable)(BOOL successful, 
                                                               NSError * _Nullable error, 
                                                               CDYelpSearchResults * _Nullable results))block;

The Search API has a sort parameter which allows for query results to be filtered based off three types of criteria. The following lines of code show which sort types can be passed into the sortType parameter.


The Search API has a location parameter which allows for queries based on a specific set of coordinates or a bounding box of coordinates. Results will be returned based off of those coordinate values. The following lines of code show how to return results using both location parameter types.

The following lines of code show how to generate a query request location for a specific set of coordinates.

CDYelpRequestLocation *requestLocation = [CDYelpRequestLocation requestLocationFromCurrentCurrentLocation:

The following lines of code show how to generate a query request location for a mapview bounding box.

CDYelpBoundingBox *boundingBox = [CDYelpBoundingBox boundingBoxFromMapView:self.mapView];
CDYelpRequestLocation *requestLocation = [CDYelpRequestLocation requestLocationFromBoundingBox:boundingBox];

The following lines of code show an example query to the Yelp Search API.

// Cancel any API requests previously made
[yelpKitManager cancelAllPendingAPIRequests];
// Query Yelp API for business results
[yelpKitManager searchYelpBusinessesWithSearchTerm:@"food"
                               withRequestLocation:requestLocation   // Example showing options found above
                                   completionBlock:^(BOOL successful, 
                                                     NSError * _Nullable error, 
                                                     CDYelpSearchResults * _Nullable results) 
                                if (successful && 
                                    results.businesses && 
                                    results.businesses.count > 0) {
                                    NSLog(@"%@", results);
- (void)getBusinessDetailsForBusinessId:(NSString * _Nonnull)businessId                         // Required
                           byCoutryCode:(NSString * _Nullable)countryCode                       // Optional
                         byLanguageCode:(NSString * _Nullable)languageCode                      // Optional
                     withLangaugeFilter:(BOOL)languageFilter                                    // Required
                     includeActionLinks:(BOOL)actionLinks                                       // Required
                        completionBlock:(void (^ _Nullable)(BOOL successful, 
                                                            NSError * _Nullable error, 
                                                            CDYelpDetailedBusiness * _Nullable business))block;

The following lines of code show an example query to the Yelp Business API.

[yelpKitManager getBusinessDetailsForBusinessId:@"businessID"
                                completionBlock:^(BOOL successful, 
                                                  NSError * _Nullable error, 
                                                  CDYelpDetailedBusiness * _Nullable business) 
                                        NSLog(@"%@", business);
- (void)searchYelpBusinessesWithPhoneNumber:(NSString * _Nonnull)phoneNumber                    // Required
                              byCountryCode:(NSString * _Nullable)countryCode                   // Optional
                             withCategories:(NSArray * _Nullable)categories                     // Optional
                            completionBlock:(void (^ _Nullable)(BOOL successful, 
                                                                NSError * _Nullable error, 
                                                                CDYelpSearchResults * _Nullable results))block;

The following lines of code show an example query to the Yelp Phone Search API.

[yelpKitManager searchYelpBusinessesWithPhoneNumber:@"5555555555"
                                    completionBlock:^(BOOL successful, 
                                                      NSError * _Nullable error, 
                                                      CDYelpSearchResults * _Nullable results) 
                                            if (successful && 
                                                results.businesses && 
                                                results.businesses.count > 0) {
                                                NSLog(@"%@", results);

DeepLink Usage


CDYelpDeepLinkManager *deepLinkManager = [[CDYelpDeepLinkManager alloc] init];

Check For Yelp App

- (BOOL)isYelpInstalled;

The following lines of code show an example of how to check if the Yelp app is installed on a device.

if ([deepLinkManager isYelpInstalled] == true) {
    NSLog(@"Yelp is installed.");
} else {
    NSLog(@"Yelp is not installed.");

Open Yelp App

- (void)openYelp;

The following lines of code show an example of how open the Yelp app.

if ([deepLinkManager isYelpInstalled] == true) {
    [deepLinkManager openYelp];

Open Yelp App To Search

- (void)openYelpToSearchWithTerms:(NSArray * _Nullable)terms                                    // Optional
                     withCategory:(NSString * _Nullable)category                                // Optional
                     withLocation:(NSString * _Nullable)location;                               // Optional

The following lines of code show an example of how open the Yelp app to specific search results.

if ([deepLinkManager isYelpInstalled] == true) {
    [deepLinkManager openYelpToSearchWithTerms:@"food"

Open Yelp App To Business

- (void)openYelpToBusiness:(NSString * _Nonnull)businessId;                                     // Required

The following lines of code show an example of how open the Yelp app to a specific business page.

if ([deepLinkManager isYelpInstalled] == true) {
    [deepLinkManager openYelpToBusiness:@"businessID"];

Open Yelp App To Check-Ins

- (void)openYelpToCheckins;

The following lines of code show an example of how open the Yelp app to a users check-ins.

if ([deepLinkManager isYelpInstalled] == true) {
    [deepLinkManager openYelpToCheckins];
Sorted By Distance
- (void)openYelpToNearbyCheckins;

The following lines of code show an example of how open the Yelp app to a users check-ins sorted by distance.

if ([deepLinkManager isYelpInstalled] == true) {
    [deepLinkManager openYelpToNearbyCheckins];
Sorted By Rank
- (void)openYelpToRankedCheckins;

The following lines of code show an example of how open the Yelp app to a users check-ins sorted by rank.

if ([deepLinkManager isYelpInstalled] == true) {
    [deepLinkManager openYelpToRankedCheckins];


Christopher de Haan,


Visit the Yelp Developers portal for additional resources regarding the Yelp API.


CDYelpKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.