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Open Framework for Integrated Data Operations (OpenFIDO)

This project is funded by the California Energy Commission under EPIC grant EPC-17-047.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is operated by Stanford University for the US Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.

Quick Start

Use the OpenFIDO CLI to start an OpenFIDO server. You will need to install Docker on your local system to run a local server.


The pipelines for OpenFIDO are located at


Users should consult the online documentation.

Pipeline Developers

Pipeline developers should consult the pipeline developer documents

If you are looking for a specific pipeline, you can also refer to our Quick Links to see if it included in our list of official pipelines confirmed to work on the openfido platform.


Developer can setup the docker environment by consulting the developer setup guide.

Related Repositories

Project Maintainers

Project Maintainer and developer documents are being migrated to the project wiki for easier maintenance and accessibility. This repository serves as the centralized hub, with the Openfido Wiki also containing quick links to micro-service specific pages and pipelines.