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OpenFIDO App Service

Summary: A service for the openfido-client, providing organizational access to workflows.


Architecture Decision Records


This service acts as a frontend to both the openfido-workflow-service and the openfido-auth-service, and cannot be usefully run without those services configured and setup locally as well. To do this:

  • checkout this repository as well as openfido-workflow-service and openfido-auth-service
  • Run all three docker-compose files to bring up the services.
  • Reminder: id_rsa cannot include passphrase when it's generated.

A convenient way to do this is by setting environmental variables telling docker-compose which files to use, and where each project is:


# Configure the auth service admin account
cp ../openfido-auth-service/.env.example .auth-env
vi .auth-env 

# Because these repositories make use of private github repositories, they
# need access to an SSH key that you have configured for github access:
touch .worker-env
touch ../openfido-auth-service/.env
docker-compose build --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)" 

# Initialize all the databases for all the services:
docker-compose run --rm auth-service flask db upgrade
docker-compose run --rm workflow-service flask db upgrade 
docker-compose run --rm app-service flask db upgrade 

# Configure the workflow service access tokens:
docker-compose run --rm workflow-service invoke create-application-key -n "local worker" -p PIPELINES_WORKER | sed 's/^/WORKER_/' > .worker-env
docker-compose run --rm workflow-service invoke create-application-key -n "local client" -p PIPELINES_CLIENT | sed 's/^/WORKFLOW_/' > .env 

# Obtain the React application key.
# COPY this to openfido-client/src/config/index.js to the API_TOKEN_DEVELOPMENT variable:
docker-compose run --rm app-service invoke create-application-key -n "react client" -p REACT_CLIENT 

# Create a super admin user:
docker-compose run --rm auth-service flask shell
from app import models, services
u = services.create_user('', '1234567890', 'admin', 'user')
u.is_system_admin = True

# bring up all the services!
docker-compose up 


See openfido terraform docs.